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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. I do that, but it comes up a broken link like in jen_tr post.
  2. How is everyone else getting their photos posted?
  3. From the album: LordZombie's Painting Efforts

    Models for my May Malifaux Painting Challenge.
  4. From the album: LordZombie's Painting Efforts

    Iron painter 2016. Round 5. Theme "Critters" I call her Mareshroom.
  5. It is pretty impressive the extra credit everyone is doing. I ran out of time with my planned models by still made the minimum by 1 extra soulstone. This month should be much better. I got the painting bug again!
  6. I understand the model part, I don't understand the upgrades. Those are hardest thing to get.
  7. It will be interesting this year. With most all the models finished, who know how much the new book offers and how much will be done. Could be a light year, but then again, maybe the Guilder program will be ready also?
  8. The pony is actually the Time Traveler pony from Impact Miniatures. I felt he would look good in pink.
  9. Well, here we go! Got one Nix (8ss), 3 Malifaux Rats(3 x 2ss=6ss), and The Stolen(2ss). That should equal 16 ss. I would have got more done, but heading out of town before the end of the month. It was really super fun. I forgot how much I love painting. http://i1056.photobucket.com/albums/t374/Witchslayer/Painters%20Challenge%202016/P3250030_zps2dhycikh.jpg[/IMG]
  10. I hear you, buddy! Still doesn't look bad.
  11. I am sure Luther was going to be an alt Teddy and Wyrd finally realize, "We got enough Teddies, right? There are 6 other factions, right?"
  12. If they do, it will not be until a few weeks before Gencon.
  13. Date: April 4th Time: 6pm to 9pm Location: The Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th st Omaha, Ne 68116 (402) 911-8699 Fee: none Drop in on April 4th and try out a demo of Malifaux and meet the community!
  14. Date: April 18th till May 16th (5 week league) Time: 6pm until 9pm Location: The Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th st Omaha, Ne 68116 (402) 991-8699 Fee: None Prizes: Prize Kit up for grabs and chance to win a model during a event mid league Malifaux is full of stories to be told, it is now time for you to tell yours. Declare a fixed faction and play any size soulstone crew you like as you play through the story encounters in the main book. Gain Story Points to buy Marker Upgrades for your crew and use those Story Points to tailor the story encounter! In the end, the player with the most Story Points will take home a Mystery box.
  15. Date: April 11th, 2016 Time: The event starts at 6pm with the encounter starting at 7pm sharp Location: The Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th st Omaha, Ne 68116 (402)991-8699 Fee: None Prizes: Every player will get one free mini, and stat card, as well a Prize Kit up for grabs If you play a Henchmen Hardcore, that is bold! If you play a Henchmen Hardcore four way brawl, that is bolder than bold! If you play a Henchmen Hardcore four way brawl in a Prison Riot encounter, that is bolder than bolder than bold! And you eat a Butterfinger while playing..well you get the idea. Create your hardest Henchmen Hardcore crew you can, as you will have three other players to battle as you try and score as many VP as you can in the time allowed. All the normal rules for creating a Henchmen Hardcore crew will be used. The Encounter will be a modified Prison Riot four way encounter, with special schemes in play. It will be an epic time. Due to time, set up, and nature of the event, space will be limited to 12 players maximum. The first 8 to show up will play and another table set up if at least 3 more players show up.
  16. Yeah, this year's exchange was a little lack luster. I never got anything from my giftee if they got it, if they liked it, nothing. Nothing really posted from too many people. A little dishearted about what was a really fun event in 2015.
  17. I think every faction has a Miss model now. Counting the gremilette.
  18. I added Omaha, Ne to the map. Mondays at the Game Shoppe.
  19. Also remember that scheme markers can be stood on, as they are Ht 0. You can make fancy ones, but not too fancy.
  20. You will need some Scheme markers for sure. Just blank 30mm bases work, or you can use 30mm paper markers. That seems to be all you would need with that crew, outside some 50mm blast markers, at least two.
  21. I got 3 malifaux rats and Nix done. Got to post up pics tonight. Looks like everyone is really going for the gold this time.
  22. Demos this Saturday! If you are in the area and would like to try out the game, stop in!
  23. This Monday will be Rounded Pi day! Join in the fun and have some pie. It is never too late to join in!
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