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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. Justin says it's possible! But how? Is there another thing that can raise Dreamer's Ca?
  2. The Attack Action hasn't resolved until everything that the Attack Action triggered resolves. It's the same as if you'd killed a Witchling Stalker and it exploded - the attack isn't over until the explosion does its damage also.
  3. Hmm. Tara can take a Void Wretch. Otherwise I think that's it, though.
  4. 3. The Mature Nephilim can make as many Charges as he can get Tomes, plus 1. The highest number I could imagine with magical deck-stacking luck is 29: Your first Charge, then fourteen additional charges for Tomes trigger Charge Through, and then you run out of cards and reshuffle, and then another fourteen charges because you just happen to get all Tomes on your flips again. None of them do damage except the last, but still, 29 charges. 4. My minis have the biggest hat.
  5. Really? Huh. I can't find anything that says you can't do it, but I'd believe it.
  6. Yeah, you go center-to-center, straight line toward Montresor or whatever. If you bump into anything blocking, like a model or a wall (even a climbable wall), even if it's just clipping an edge a little, you stop. Lures can move around obstacles. Charges can take oblique angles to get to the target. But Pushes must go directly center-to-center straight line.
  7. Yeah. If they're 1" away (or 3" away or whatever) you can still Lure them closer even though they're engaged. You can even have them scoot around behind you into base contact. If they're already in base contact, no dice: they can't be lured closer.
  8. (I updated the Wiki to include this, because the Wiki article didn't explain it clearly enough before now!)
  9. Maddoctor, yeah! I think you're definitely looking at articles from the previous edition. Right now (M2E), there are two ways to get a Hollow Waif: By hiring them at the beginning. They're free and you get two. Leveticus can summon one as a (0) Action. This also sacrifices Leveticus, so he'll need a Hollow Waif when he comes back. Right now (M2E), here's the overall cycle of Leveticus, Hollow Waifs, and reincarnation: He's killed/sacrificed, either by summoning a Waif or because an enemy killed him (or yourself, but there's no advantage to this). Instead of actually dying, he's healed, de-Conditioned, and buried. At the end of the Turn, you can un-Bury him, but only next to an anchored friendly Hollow Waif. (That is, a Hollow Waif within 6" of a friendly 6+ss model.) If you un-Bury him, sacrifice that Waif. Therefore: At game start you're floating between 2<->3 Waifs. (He has two, but can summon a third, but one of them will die when he comes back.) If he dies without summoning a waif, or if your opponent kills a waif, that goes down to 1<->2 Waifs. If that happens again, it goes down to 0<->1 Waifs. If he dies without summoning a Waif one more time, or if that one Waif gets killed, he's really gone for good.
  10. Yep, this is for when you need to cancel out six negative twists and still flip four cards.
  11. I think you may have been basing some of this on the 1.5 version of Leveticus? In 1.5, the Hollow Waifs get resummoned each turn. In 2.0, they don't. They get summoned once and then you hide them like crazy. The anchor is for when you sacrifice the waif to bring back Leveticus.
  12. I think you can in theory get a lot more than that. If you take Zoraida with Student of Conflict, she can Obey Lilitu to use the ability four times. Then Vasilisa can Obey Lilitu to use it twice more. Then Doppelganger can copy Obey and get Lilitu to use it three more times. Then both Lelu and Lilitu have Whispers in Blood +9 before either of them activate. You know, for that time when they need nine positive twists!
  13. Done with Coppelius! Only one more Neverborn model to do! Plus a half-dozen each of Guild and Resurrectionist. We're almost done! We're almost done! EDIT: CAVEAT: A WIKI IS NEVER ACTUALLY DONE. IT JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER.
  14. Wrote an article on Coppelius too. Editing very welcome -- it's mostly Theoryfaux and reading forum conversations, so I'd love someone with firsthand experience to edit it some more.
  15. That'd be me! TedPro is the name I use in most places. I got pretty enthusiastic. Thanks for doing Shikome!
  16. Added Insidious Madness: This is theoryfaux, plus hearing others talk about it, though. More experienced edits and suggestions very welcome.
  17. Da Git, looks great! I edited for format and grammar a little, and wrote a pretty minimal Tips and Tricks, but you covered everything well! I love how you talked about synergies with different masters, and you generally covered the model and its abilities with that style that's both informative and entertaining.
  18. Woo! Updated the most recent tally. Four of seven factions done! Neverborn three models away from completion! Guild and Resurrectionist neck and neck for who gets finished next after that!
  19. 50ss is a standard game, but for new players 35ss is pretty common - that's usually what you can expect from a starter box, right?
  20. Consider adding a Rusty Alyce to the Wall of Flesh. You're going to need Alyce to anchor your Waifs. The Canine Remains to Hollow Waif trick was a 1.5 trick. It doesn't work in 2.0. These days, you get to start with two Hollow Waifs, and can only make a new one with an action that also sacrifices Levy. For Levy to come back, you need to have a Hollow Waif with a friendly model worth 6ss or more within 6". (The friendly 6ss+ model is often called an "anchor" or "babysitter.") Common Outcast anchors for Waifs: Lazarus (who hangs back and is hard to kill), Rusty Alyce (who moves forward and blasts things and makes more Abominations), Ashes and Dust (who zip around and make more Abominations and are kinda the biggest scariest objective-runners you'll ever meet). Convict Gunslingers are great too.
  21. Oops! Nope. I thought Jaakuna Ubume was Undead, and she isn't. Removed Jaakuna! Good catch KinkiePie! And welcome to the forums.
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