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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. I'll count it! So I think the "7-faction masters" are: all 10-T masters, Collodi, Leveticus, and Marcus.
  2. Oh, hey! It looks like Justin has weighed in and you actually can remove these with Dreamer's Ability. I updated the page to note this explicitly, and linked to Justin's post about it.
  3. As of now, we have 100% coverage! Every model that's released has a page! This is very very exciting! Thanks to everyone. PullMyFinger as a Wiki is far from done, of course. It's a Wiki; it's never done. If you see a page that's missing something, jump in and fix it! If you play a game and learn an important lesson, note it in the appropriate Wiki entry! Many pages still have sections that are light, and every page could always use improvement. All the same, though, I'm very very excited about this. We have a complete Wiki! Congratulations and thanks to everyone who has participated!
  4. Just finished The Scribe. We're now completely done!
  5. Just finished Mindless Zombie, Carrion Effigy, and The Hanged. All Resser minions are now done! Yay!
  6. High-damage Focused attacks go a long way.
  7. I use a Puppet Wars Ronin, painted brightly with VASALISA [sic, oops] painted on the base to be more clear.
  8. Anythingbut, that's a great place to start! If you want to use your Arcanist models, you can take Pariah of Iron and use all the Arcanist constructs you like. Do purchase Lazarus. He's really good with Levy.
  9. Please feel free to fix it! That's what a wiki is for!
  10. PullMyFinger is here: http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/ GIve it a read! Contribute!
  11. Lucidicide, thank you! Your "Lovin' Leveticus Guide" tactica for 1.5 was amazing and was what got me into playing Levy. I've actually had a lot of success with Levy in tournament situations in M2E, as well as a lot of fun.
  12. Hey! Terry Tot and zenrat! Wyrd wants to reach you to offer thanks for Wiki contributions! Please send me a PM!
  13. The Dreamer and Leveticus both remove all their Conditions when they bury. The Conditions Distracted and Cursed Object say that no other Action can remove the Condition, but Dreamer and Levy bury due to Abilities, not Actions. Can Dreamer and Levy remove Distracted and Cursed Object when they bury?
  14. So, I'd say for the Wiki, definitely leave it as Burning and Poison right now. Whether Dreamer/Levy can clear Cursed Object is a really interesting question, but the proper place to settle it is the rules section and the FAQ, not the Wiki. I don't think the Wiki is the right place to establish contentious rules questions. It's a place to give advice to other players on how to play. This could include settled rules questions that might not be obvious, but if there's still a lack of clarity on it, it's best left to the Rules section of the forum, yeah?
  15. Or Burning. Or The Hanged's Glimpse the Inevitable.
  16. That's 1.5 again. Leveticus draws a new hand each turn. The Waifs only die when Leveticus comes back, or when something kills them. I sacrifice kill Leveticus by summoning a Waif, though, because then no one can hurt him during the turn and he comes back with full Wd (for Channel) and where I want him. The Waifs just hide behind terrain generally.
  17. I'd say that the damage you "suffer" is the amount you cross of your Wd. SS prevents that, which means that Dumb Luck and Live For Pain are prevented as well.
  18. Oh wait. Duh. Widow Weaver. I've done that before myself. I'm an idiot.
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