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Everything posted by Viruk

  1. 7 more ss for me this month, more pics here: http://www.whatthefaux.net/2017/12/burt-jebsen.html
  2. Great read! I've played Titania several times since wave 4 and only a few games after wave 5 with mixed results. I typically run her with Pukeworm, Thorn, Rougaou, Freikorps Trapper, Emissary. Changelings can benefit from Trapper's +, even with their low value of 4 this can make a difference. And Thorn's lure, when used near Rougarou and Changeling can be devastating. It allows you to pull off 11 attacks from a (0) action and Tooth's 2 AP. I've also tested Cyclops (love the models) and they're great if there's a lot of big terrain and they can block one path and force your opponent to move around it. On a table that's not dense with terrain they go down too fast, it takes a Gremlin or two to get rid of them. I'd really love to use Bultingun with her but haven't found a suitable proxy yet. These would be great as they fit thematically and look amazing: Unfortunately, they're too big. I also thought about Gnolls from Frostgrave (here's a review that shows how they look like assembled): http://desfigssurunplateau.over-blog.com/2017/05/review-et-exploitation-gnolls-frostgrave.html but these minis are probably a bit too small... My other idea was to convert the Swinecursed and give them heads from Wolfen from Rackham, as this would easily fulfill GG tournament criteria for proxy
  3. I've used him several times. If I deply as second I can cause havoc in enemy's ranks if they're too bunched up on first activation. Be it Gremlins or Arcanists - they usually have some low Df model in the mix, from which you can get blasts. I often give him Thousand Faces and swap it to Retribution's Eye if I'm facing opponents like Ramos or Kaeris. Tuco is a good FFM target then as he has to be dealt with quickly and will go down but if things go well this will take a few activations from the enemy. Also, he can be a bait and your opponent might suspect FFM on him. If you put it on another model then, you will still force opponent to deal with him but that may be even more resource-intensive as they'll try to get rid of him without giving you 2-3 VPs.
  4. Ha, well spotted mate! Thanks for pointing that out, that 7 shouldn't be there
  5. Thank you, glad you like it It's really hard to give the exact recipe as I was adjusting things on the fly. Rakarth Flesh mixed with black and blue wash was used a basecoat in a few thin layers and I kept adding palish shades for the highlights. Later I kept adding various glazes to get a deeper tone.
  6. Finished both versions of Bishop for 20ss, which means I will add more to this month's pledge. Burt is next in line More pictures of Bishops here http://www.whatthefaux.net/2017/12/bishops.html
  7. I'll try for the third time on Master category
  8. I'll start with two Bishops and see what else I manage to add later
  9. I used Reaper Tanned Leather mixed with Vallejo Game Color Dark Fleshtone as base for the wings. This was highlighted with successive highlights of the mix with increasing proportions of Tanned Leather. After that I started mixing Tanned Leather with another Reaper Paint Desert Khaki and then applied moldy skin. I followed it with several glazes of brown and purple, avoiding the darker areas which were then given a wash of brown and black.
  10. Here is my blog entry with pictures that compare all three versions: http://www.whatthefaux.net/2017/11/true-mothers.htm If you're too lazy to look through it here's one of the pictures:
  11. Congrats @Franchute ! I hope your family is healthy and happy and everyone is doing well. I've finished my November pledge, 2 Nekimas, 26 soulstones. As always, more pictures and some thoughts on my blog http://www.whatthefaux.net/2017/11/true-mothers.html
  12. @Franchute - fingers crossed :-) FranchuteI will be in a similar situation about a month from now as my second daughter will be born then :-)
  13. I' currently working on the Old metal and Alternate Nekima. I'll take some pics od them next to the standard plastic one for comparison when I'm done
  14. Lol no,this one is called Bojkot (Boycott) and kot is a Polish Word for cat ;-)
  15. @RustAndTheCity - I really like the way you keep your crew in theme. This McTavish is a perfect example of creativity and skill combined together to a spectacular result. And just to prove I haven't been procrastinating here's a wip shot of two Nekima models I'm currently working on for this month's pledge
  16. The whole crew looks fantastic, you've done an amazing job with painting them in a theme and the Priomordial Magic is simply phenomenal.
  17. I've played her only three times since the release of wave 5 and lost all these games However, I was mainly experimenting with new stuff (I hadn't used the Emissary before) and can't honestly say I played her to the full potential. I also didn't use Taproot in any of these games, which was a mistake. It's probably going to be my auto take with her as it can make her and the crew much more survivable. I definitely underutilized Royal indignation , as 1 point of armor can prove essential in some situations. Cyclops are huge and have low Df of 4 so they draw attention and take damage easily. However, they heal fairly quickly too (with a discarded ram at the start of their activation, and scheme marker from Malifaux provides it's 4 wds back per turn). I've yet to play on a table where their Ice Pillars could form a good choke point but in other circumstances they can be a nuisance too. They work really well with Zoraida too, as Nurse can easily fully heal them and they don't get paralyzed. Emissary was a key model in all three games I played. Being able to reliably summon a solid scheme runner (who can also hit surprisingly well) or two each turn is great. I also found his trigger that discards markers a great option in some cases. His action to buff friendly Fae/place Scheme Marker came in handy too.
  18. I plan to paint two Nekimas, new version and the old metal one. I started working on the plastic one by removing her blade as it looked ridiculous, and put together something new using old WFB bits
  19. The Carver looks great, you've actually managed to add some depth to this model. Tots look great too. I've never thought about painting them green. So far I've used either purple or blue but I really like this shade as it goes well with the "nature" theme of Neverborn. I might actually steal the idea
  20. Finished old metal Zoraida ( http://www.whatthefaux.net/2017/10/mama-z.html ) and as far as I remember masters count for 10ss so that brings me to a total of 16 for October.
  21. Probably the best Malifaux battle report I've ever seen. Really good camera work, excellent narration. I'd probably turn down the music a bit as I personally found it a bit distracting but that may just be me. Other than that everything was great. Keep it up, I look forward to watching more!
  22. I've finished Grootslang (more pictures on my blog here: http://www.whatthefaux.net/2017/10/grootslang.html ). Time for Zoraida now!
  23. ?Very nice painting, I like your gritty style and the special effect on Myranda looks great
  24. Classic Mama Z and Grootslang, this is my plan minimum for October.
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