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Everything posted by Viruk

  1. Blood looks just right - perfect shade of red for this gory effect. I also like the way you painted his shirt - nice element of contrast in this rather dark color scheme.
  2. Wow, you're a fast painter, aren't you? There are still some areas that need improvement on McMourning (base, boots, sleeves) but having seen your previous work I'm sure you'll end up with a great looking mini in the end.
  3. Sure it's a cane, my mistake Mortimer looks excellent too, the clothes and metallics on the spade are superb but what really makes this mini look great is his face - you certainly did justice to this mini.
  4. Your idea of "gaming standard" is probably something that many people strive for. Really like what I can see on Nicodem, nice highlights on the black cloak and a great dark look on the red elements. The sword looks interesting, could you take another picture from a different angle that would show it better?
  5. I didn't know where to post it so forgive me if it's a wrong place. I just wanted to let anyone that might be interested know that I put my IP dioramas on ebay, you can check them out here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/110859882241?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_500wt_1413 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/110859878919?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_500wt_1413
  6. Actually, three shades of black of Black might be useful - I'm a big fan of Andrea paint range and they have a black paint set consisting of six paints (though most of them are rather grayish than black.
  7. Great paintjob, wouldn't change a thing on the zombies. Keep up the great work!
  8. Excellent job on these, I particularly the skin - looks great. Since it's still a WIP, you may consider adding some rust to the blades to go better with the rotten look of the minis.
  9. Now that's an idea I like - I think I may end up painting it on my Teddy once I get round to working on it. The paintjob here is really nice - I like the dark colors you used on the fur and teeth, come together really well.
  10. A very good review of the new range. It saved me some cash as I had originally planned to buy some of the dry and texture paints just to check them out.
  11. Very nice work all around, the Exorcist is my favorite - I really like the way you painted his cloak. Great to see all the Justices together
  12. I did just that - replaced PP with Wyrd. I'm more into painting than gaming and Malifaux minis are just so cool. I haven't played a single game yet but I hope to start this summer.
  13. Good to know there are Malifaux gamers close to my hometown. We definitely need to meet and have a game or two one day. @Vinncent - my choices are based on how cool the minis look to me and those two crews appealed to me the moment I saw them
  14. Excellent work on these, I really like the vivid colors and smooth highlights. And I wouldn't worry too much about chest hair - they look alright. Makes me want to stark working on my own executioner!
  15. Amazing stuff, thanks for putting it all together in a nicely written article. Will definitely have to try it one day!
  16. I really like the dark colors on these. How did you get the clotted blood effect - paint/wash mixed with PVA glue?
  17. That's good to know, thanks. I'm not saying I hate these paints, in fact I use many GW colors on a daily basis. It's just that I don't care much for the type of bucket they use.
  18. If only they used different buckets... The current ones are probably the worst on the marker (maybe only the P# ones are worse). It's impossible to keep the lid opened as they resigned from the element that kept them up. Other than that, it's next to impossible to store them upside down with round design of the lid. Still, I'll probably keep on buying some of the paints from the range that are useful (foundation paints and washes).
  19. Hi everyone, I just wanted to check in I'm new to the game, at this point I have 1 crew (just the contents of the basic box) - Lady Justice but the Dreamer is next in line. I live in Grodzisk Mazowiecki so if there are any gamers from Warsaw or maybe even close than that I'd be more than happy to give Malifaux a go. I also got my younger brother involved in the game and he's currently working on his Marcus crew.
  20. Very nice, I particularly like the pattern on the heart and the way his eyes turned out, as if he hypnotized himself.
  21. It looks amazing, I'd love to read a guide
  22. Great minis, I really like the way you painted them. The highlights on the skin add to the half-living, half-dead feel nicely. My only critique would be connected with the middle one - it looks like there's a tiny gap where the claw is partly dug into the ground. Other than that, it's a fantastic work. Look forward to seeing more Malifaux stuff from you!
  23. Some great looking crews you got there. The Red Chapel has to be my favorite!
  24. Great work all around, I really like the way you paint the armor, looks very realistic and cool
  25. Great work all around but Marcus's crew is my favorite :1_Happy_Puppet2:
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