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Everything posted by Fog

  1. I think people are viewing these events through the wrong lens. In Malifaux, life IS cheap. It's another resource and, whether we agree or not, the various masters don't have the luxury of being squeamish. Yeah, Ramos sacrificed two men to Tina's cannibal cult but it wasn't for laughs. He needed to keep them mollified and ensure allegiances that are essential for the Union. He even goes into how the Union would take care of the families of the two unfortunate souls. Morality is a complicated thing and trying to shoehorn people into our modern blank and white categories is a little silly.
  2. This is all fine and dandy, but the REAL secret behind this information is thus: June 25th pictures of several books were released, including Brotherhood of the Rat. Next to it, in an identical style of book, is The Crossroads Seven. They'll be a similar release.
  3. Hey, Just recently moved and I unfortunately lost my Zombie Chiuhuahua from puppet wars somewhere along the line. I'd be happy to buy one off of someone, or perhaps trade a Miss Ery LE Teddy for one or something. I dunno, shoot me an offer. (US Based)
  4. Interested in Snowstorm, if she's still available. I've got a Miss Ery or three, and can do cash too.
  5. Sent an email. I know it's a little late, but I had a blast running demos last year and didn't find out I'd be attending until yesterday.
  6. Ramos is truly the only leader who could properly lead the people of Malifaux. Don't believe me? Just ask him yourself.
  7. Here in South East Massachusetts, I'm the only dedicated Arcanists player I know of (there are a couple who dabble, but not main). We've got a couple stores within 15 minutes of each other, and if I had to say there was a faction imbalance, I know three who main never born, and several others who dabble. In tournament play, I have run into only a single Arcanists player and we were running different masters. And for the record, I've championed Ramos since 1st edition so I feel zero pity when I win with him.
  8. I think she's vastly underrated. I've played only a handful of games with her, but I find giving a CA 7 charge speed lure (with a repeat trigger) to a model that gains benefits from being attacked, has a ML 7 + disengaging strike, an aura that draws fire and forces movement towards her, gains adrenaline from starting in melee, is immune to conditions, and has significant sources of healing available is an absolutely monstrous form of board control. The rest of your team can spend all day taking care of objectives, Toni will just hang out in the middle of the board and take the enemy team to the face. When I read her card at first I was very underwhelmed. She's just putting this giant target over her head and she needs to take damage for her defense trigger to go off, her damage is lackluster, she doesn't seem to be able to hand out the pain... And she doesn't. Every time I've played her she's been in the middle of a huge scrum just standing there, like a magnet. Anything that comes too close gets yanked into the black hole. That's enough, though. If your master is denying three or four models their activations, that'll win a game. If they're spending other models activations from outside the mess trying to break it up? Even better. Just watch out for deliver a message.
  9. I think you're vastly oversimplifying. I could take a week on one model (and I have), but I don't have the skill to get to the next level. That extra twenty hours of work? It's wasted when there is no big difference. I watch tutorials, I study techniques, and I practice. I'm just so naturally untalented that I'm almost catching up to people who started a month ago. Now, i do say, and stand by, AWP isn't the place to give unsolicited advice. If people want criticism they'll ask for it. If they just want to share their accomplishment, let it be.
  10. See, if you're taking months on a model then brava for you. I'm going to assume you're talking showcase models, because if that's what you consider tabletop I'd be amazed if you ever got a game in. You're arguing from a vastly different position and I'm pretty comfortable assuming you're the outlier. And you can drop the hyperbole. No one is asking for candy coated kisses. I'm simply suggesting that, in a casual place like AWP, you should save criticism for people who are looking for it. But, to return your snark, you'd rather insult people for not taking a year and a half to paint a starter.
  11. I've never posted anything I've painted out of sheer terror. I've spent three years struggling to learn some methods-painting does not come naturally to me. I'm not visual at all and have never been able to do anything in any manner resembling pretty. I force myself to improve, but my brush control is awful, I have no gift with color choice and I'll spend five hours to get a model to table top quality. Am I proud of my work? You bet. Am I am artist? Not by any definition of the word. People brave enough to post their accomplishments should be lauded for their efforts. If you want critique you'll go looking for it. Posting in AWP shouldn't, and isn't, the place for that.
  12. I've never posted anything I've painted out of sheer terror. I've spent three years struggling to learn some methods-painting does not come naturally to me. I'm not visual at all and have never been able to do anything in any manner resembling pretty. I force myself to improve, but my brush control is awful, I have no gift with color choice and I'll spend five hours to get a model to table top quality. Am I proud of my work? You bet. Am I am artist? Not by any definition of the word. People brave enough to post their accomplishments should be lauded for their efforts. If you want critique you'll go looking for it. Posting in AWP shouldn't, and isn't, the place for that.
  13. My girlfriend and I are going to try to make it-it's a long drive from cape, but I've got relatives in the area I've been meaning to visit
  14. Hey, Looking to move some extras I have lying around as well as a couple extras I picked up from the BF sale. I'm near Boston, MA, in the US. Unless otherwise listed, all models are brand new in original packaging. H: Bayou Boss box set (new on sprue, all cards included, no box) LE Bayou Gremlin Translucent Pink Dreamer LE Katanaka Sniper LE Tara (normal), assembled and primed LE Teddy (Miss Ery, several on hand) LE Bette Noir Multipart Miniatures, both male and female W: Plastic Nephilim box Colette (Metal sculpt) Salvage and Logistics box set w/ appropriate extras (plastics preferred) Mechanical Rider Widow Weaver Puppet Pandora Puppet Teddy Resin bases or inserts could work too. Thanks for taking the time to read!
  15. Fog


    Technically, I think the house rule is restricting the elemental effect from being added to any spell. There's absolutely no restrictions in the book about what immuto can be applied to what magia, and while saying effects that modify damage can only be added to spells that deal damage is perfectly reasonable the official rule as written is "Whatever the FM says." I don't disagree with your house rule at all, but I'm not certain that the exclusion was intended. Animate Construct with the Ice immuto is probably how Rasputina made those gamin. It's kind of hard to argue intent, but we might get someone involved in the design process to shed some light on this. I never considered a pile of scrap doohickeys that you cycle through, then repair during downtime, slowly snowballing until your scrap pile is big enough to be amazing. I'm sure that's not the intended course of action (though, again, discussing intent is hard) but it's the only way to make it usable outside of being handed something via fiat... although the character art for tinker explicitly shows a metal arm. Is there a particular reason they *don't* get one? On grimoires: I don't think grimoires are common, but I think the story point is that they want to be found. It's kind of implied that dark forces steer these things into the hands of people who will use them. One of the things I really like about this game is the emphasis on Fate, the Fated, and Destiny. In a game like D&D you're literally rooting through a pile of stuff taken from the bodies of things you've killed, a random collection of brickabrack. In TTB, the whole Fate concept seems to help reduce the 'bad taste' left when you give the player something they're interested in pursuing. You don't even have to pretend that random chance has left something in their path. Chance isn't a thing for these people. I do understand how it might feel like it unbalances the starting gear but honestly, if someone decides to follow Pursuit X day one and then shift straight to a caster class it will typically be one of two situations. Either the player earnestly has a specific concept for the character with specific goals or the player is trying to game the system. Player A will easily win me over and get his grimoire. Player B will wait until I feel like giving it to him and I won't feel bad about the delay. One big message I get from the book is play for the story and the fun. From the very beginning it assumes a level of cooperation and honesty between players and FMs that many established gamers don't necessarily have. It's far too common for a game master and players to have an adversarial relationship, each trying to win out over the other in some way. This game assumes you're all working together for the sake of everyone's enjoyment. The rules aren't written with the precise legalese that other games provide. If players and the FM can get on the same page, I don't think you need it.
  16. Fog


    I'm enjoying your write up, but I have to disagree with your concern about 'how will a player find a grimoire without FM fiat?' The book more or less says that should a player want to pick up magic you should give them a grimoire at the earliest opportunity. Grimoires want to be found and can exist anywhere. Look, I found one under my bed at the inn. The guy who got shot in the alley by the saloon had on in his bag. One is dropped off via courrier without a word. You trip on it as you're walking through the bayou. It doesn't need to make a lot of sense--this is Malifaux. I find a bigger issue being the Darlin Theory being completely unplayable out of the box. You start with 10 scrip and a grimoire. Do you spend your entire starting payload on an item that does nothing? If not, you don't get to cast spells. A generous FM might allow a player to purchase one at 1/4 cost, but at that point you're asking for handouts. I also think it's strange that there's two differing mechanics for the same effect. Maybe force Darlinists to apply the item restriction immuto to all spells without benefit? On the issue of Hedge Magic... I was trying to find a reason I couldn't just add the ice immuto to animate limb. The mechanical effects occur when someone takes damage. The spell doesn't do damage? There's no extra effect. You just built an arm out of ice instead of metal. I want to go into further discussion, but class is about to start. I'll drop back in later
  17. Last I looked into things there was some planning in the works. I'm excited about it too.
  18. We're having a 35 ss single faction tournament at Hidden Hobbies in Wareham, MA at 1pm Sunday, October 30th. We'll be running shared expanded strategies. Hidden Hobbies 3103 Cranberry Hwy, Wareham, MA 02571 (508) 295-5800
  19. Welcome to the forums, finally! Look out, though, Xian and Tony are gonna be gunning for you in the next tournament!
  20. I hope so. Templecon is around the corner from me and I'd love a chance to meet a bunch of new folks.
  21. Thanks for the heads up. I may have to be up in Maine for a friend's wedding that same weekend, actually, so it might be perfect timing.

  22. That would be great! It's quite a long trip, so I don't think I'd be able to make it up every time you guys had an event, but I'm certain I can make at least one of the next couple, every other month or something similar. I can probably bring a friend or two from down here too (we're sitting at roughly ten players locally, but our first real tournament is this Sunday, so we'll see who shows). Looking forward to gaming with you :D

  23. Ugh, same day as our local tourney. I've been looking for an excuse to head up north to visit some friends. I'll keep an eye out for your next one.
  24. Fog

    Kaeris Crews

    Colette doesn't pay extra for mercenary union members, as per "Union Labor"
  25. Some people just don't have the starters. I know federal players who bought Pandora or the viks or mcmourning solo.
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