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Everything posted by Sybarite

  1. I have in a game but missed every time.
  2. I also like it in turf war, close deploy etc where things tend to get very intense
  3. Really cosy! Looks lovely! So well painted!
  4. Victoria: Hehe well she is magnetised and will be used for gaming too That's how I do all my dioramas. Thank you! Demonn: Thanks, heh yeah interesting matchup for sure! Gothic660: Thanks! Viruk: Thanks Glad you like it. A very wyrd matchup! And yeah, we certainly had good ideas waghorn41: Thanks! Well yes, but they are actually both pretty wicked. Widow Weaver is a wicked creature that feeds upon nightmares, but Myranda is actually rather wicked too. At least she has the rule "wicked" in game, hehe
  5. So this is the second weaver. Two weavers in a forest in the same match-up eh? Hehe well I suppose Widow Weavers like to take strolls in the forest in both summer time and autumn, Cool sculpt/conversion and interesting way to sort of frame the miniature in colourful foliage. Purple and blue on the dress works well. Nice work!
  6. Damn that's atmospheric! Spooky in a rather Burton-esque way. Lovely use of colour and light and a great composition. love it!
  7. Something wicked this way comes, creeping through the woods of Malifaux, its inhabitants approaching the newly discovered threat. Although from the Widow Weaver's perspective, perhaps something wicked is trying to disturb her in her peaceful stroll through the woods. Couldn't quite get the lighting I wanted and I would've wanted to try a more neutral grey background too but my printer has seemingly decided I am a bad person unworthy of its work. The Widow Weaver was sooo much fun to paint. I love that miniature, one of my favourite miniatures for sure. I didn't really like the bunny mask Myranda head so i swapped it with a TtB one. Hope you like the diorama. It was not easy to photograph that's for sure. The miniatures are magnetised, like my other Iron Painter projects, so I can easily remove them and play with them too.
  8. Yeah against Pandora, try Howl to pulse in a -2 wp debuff on her and buff your friends at the same time, Then go feral and domesticate and have beasts chew on her. Wp5 resist isnt that cool
  9. Yeah I find she really struggles without Arcane Reservoir, for me at least.
  10. Colette not caring about her upgrades? Well that's just like ... your opinion, man. But yeah she can often have space for that upgrade. Ramos and Colette are the ones I have the easiest time fitting it in on.
  11. Hehe good to hear MasterDisaster!
  12. Cassandra works with anyone I find. She also likes silent ones.
  13. And put frame for murder on Howard, do as much damage as you can with prompts, butcher their models and card hands and then watch when Seamus or Sybele has to kill him. Sorry just noticed you said you don't have Joss. This would be a good crew though I think. I would personally go for practiced over smoke and mirrors but that's playstyle I guess. Acolyte is an awesome prompt target and it works very well with a silent one. Arcanists Crew - 50 - Scrap Colette Du Bois -- 3 Pool +Arcane Reservoir [2] +Cabaret Choreography [2] Cassandra [8] +Smoke and Mirrors [1] December Acolyte [7] Howard Langston [12] +Imbued Energies [1] Performer [5] Performer [5] Silent One [6]
  14. I would be wary of using the Mechanical Rider against Seamus. He can pop up anywhere and shoot it hard before it gets to charge up. Maybe you could try to overwhelm them with something like this? It's very killy Prompting around miss step will cause a lot of damage on those hard to wound models, and so would Joss. Arcanists Crew - 50 - Scrap Colette Du Bois -- 3 Pool +Arcane Reservoir [2] +Cabaret Choreography [2] +Shell Game [1] Cassandra [8] +Smoke and Mirrors [1] Howard Langston [12] +Imbued Energies [1] Joss [10] +Imbued Energies [1] +Warding Runes [1] Performer [5] Performer [5]
  15. Hmm Cassandra never fainted in any of my games XD
  16. When playing Ramos I am usually very content with arachnids as my scheme runners. But otherwise the Mechanical Rider is really good at getting markers in the right place, among other things. ^^
  17. Thanks everyone! Glad you like them and yeah hoarcats are really cute ^^ Yeah pretty happy with how the waldgeists turned out
  18. Hi and thanks Viruk! Yeah I am sure it will be a tough round! You have cerrainly got some skills
  19. When I click webstore in the menu on my phone I get to a store with 10 000 dollar through the breach kickstarter?
  20. How is 12 wds (and armor 1) less than typical wds for a master?
  21. Acolytes rock. That being said maybe silent ones are more effective with Ramos since they can shoot into combat with arachnids without randomising while the arachnids lower the enemies' defense values. But then again acolytes still rock
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