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Everything posted by FoeRender

  1. The female illuminated is done . The big guy is coming along the base is about done , I will be bringing up his shirt to a whiter white . Debating on the suit being lighter . His skin is going to be a tad lighter as well . I love this model so enjoying the journey =) .
  2. I had picked up a huge box of the city terrain from GW it was the equivalent to an army box except just buildings , they released for a limited run when they first reprinted city fight . one Of the the best things I ever picked up from GW .
  3. Had sometime to work on these , I did some minor painting ( not enough to photo ) But I did assemble the Lucas stuff . They went together fine except for some minor things that come with the new way of the plastics but a nice box for sure .
  4. Nice work , this crew looks awesome .
  5. This crew I turning up nicely !
  6. Been working crazy overtime great for holiday spending =) . Bad for working on models =(
  7. Noice ! great job on that . the glow paint was a nice touch .
  8. Agreed on most of above , nice refreshing take on her !
  9. Ten thunders as a whole are a mixed bag a non uniform scheme makes sense with them. Il probably get a deep red somewhere on Mcabe . The wastrels are what iam really looking foward on painting , and Luna !
  10. I received this in the post yesterday ! This is going to be a nice surprise in a tourney I am attending early January .Il start to fabricate the bases tonight as well as finish off the female illuminated .
  11. Thanks all So I worked on assembling my archers . They where a tad annoying to build and the scarves on there hats are just obnoxious to add on so I just green stuffed my own =). I also worked on the most unappreciated the disturbing illuminated the girl with the huge mouth . I made her dress a soft blue to pop out and contrast with her deformity . I gave her a wicked looking blade made from her " growths " . I will probably dirty/weather up the dress a bit though .
  12. nice dark scheme , I like it !
  13. Small update , I finished sculpting the flat cap on graves did minor work on the illuminated chick .
  14. Finished the depleted , I am thinking about making the purple flame aka brilliance a bit brighter and maybe light source it a bit . started to scuplt a hat for graves planing on a flat cap after it dries I have to add the under brim . And started my second illuminated , what a purty mouth lol Happy with what I got done tonight , I ordered the Mcabe stuff for the early birthday release so looking forward to getting a hold of that .
  15. The teddy head swap is awesome !
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