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Mr. Bigglesworth

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Everything posted by Mr. Bigglesworth

  1. I have done well with Judge Franny Nino Stalker or effigy with franny getting wade in.
  2. I'll be at ofcc all week and would love to get a game in Thursday. Or any day that is.
  3. Judge and Fran can be a good combo. I like sarge with all guild guard, and rifleman
  4. Judge and Fran can be a good combo. I like sarge with all guild guard, and rifleman
  5. Dashnel 2 guild rfilemen Lone marshal Top of my head ss might be off. Run 2 flanks and brutal range. If no repeats warden in the stead of a rifleman.
  6. The rules are simple in regards to height compared to 1.5. They are just plain silly simple and lack a 3d effect. Which I'm fine with as previously I had to get my protractor to figure it out. Avatars should be in next book they have said they intended for this book but book 3 should have them. I imagine this next book will be one more story as is and will advance the plot in 4. As we still need to progress new masters into avatar form.
  7. I personally like m2e style, great 3d sculpt pictures, with inspiring concept art. If I would display bare plastic I would suggest a few options a mangnified view, 3d scuplt preview video on display and or prime white wash black pops details perfectly without a need to paint. Grey from a distance makes it hard to see detail. I prefer no studio paint in malifaux line only because outside of guild and Korps there isn't much of a uniform to color schemes.
  8. Linus, the guild hound entry by far favorite only to think that their will be a never born hound next book. A mimic hound. Lucius confirming he was neverborn and in the way that he did was great. Though his minor interaction with the governor was a bit lacking. This does make me love Lucius more and makes me excited as to his next story. Also the fluff strategies way cool. So excited that there was no rules section either.
  9. Monica lewinsky is part of the era of porno and sexual deviancy. I agree with what I read I would not sign off on him being guilty. There is too much lacking. My point is that there are for more details that need to be addressed to answer the questions. I write all these posts while randomly haven't rented from hell Friday to watch today. It can easily be shown whether shawl was contaminated or not. I find it hard to believe that a DNA expert from Finland knows nothing about Jack the Ripper. Also his method of extraction I can find any evidence to say it has been peer reviewed. Searching in phone is not easy.
  10. If semen was applied after blood... That would easily seal deal. This is semen on a shawl not inside her. I don't know about you but I think most people don't ejaculate on a persons head. This is not a porno. They could also comb shawl for other semen . Keep in mind the pattern can show if she used shawl to clean it up or if it was shot into shawl. The pattern and time it was applied can tell a lot.
  11. Semen on a shawl found on a last of the night at her death scene is very likely to be the killer and not some random john. The lady is less likely to wear an expensive shawl during work. With that said the news source is questionable and the fact it said brother had dark hair per sisters ancestry is an error. The hair color was likely dark is what should have been said. It is a domant gene. Once another lab picks this up and does independent testing I will buy it but as of now it's questionable. If an independent lab signs off on it I would say this is nearly irrefutable to me. Not to mention there is foresenic equipment that can determine which was applied first to shawl semen or blood.
  12. Guardian is a great place to play. What part of Portland. I am located in Hillsboro and generally play westside.
  13. My experience is order number hasn't played a large role in order of shipping. Pile if invoices lined up and crew works hard to get through as many as possible.
  14. My Hannah was fine what Ratty said not sure where that rumor came from.
  15. No you are not I think they had the base allotment figured out prior to finalizing the sprues and we are shorted. I'm fine with that since we got so much extra on the sprues.
  16. I haven't heard anyone say they got less than a crew box. More character sheets was not extra just fit more unlit than expected. As for the accident extra mpm, that is a misnomer. they had room and they proactively chose to take advantage of it, they didn't have to but they did. As for the fate deck i can see where people complain but I for one am not I would prefer to get two different than 2 of same. Though I am not sure why they did this. My point is that we don't have to just focus on the negative, they did try to make some amends and I applaud them for some of the effort they put in. I am not saying the complaints and concerns are not due either. Communication bring my biggest concern. Just try to see they are making some effort.
  17. Please keep in mind kickstarter backers make a small portion if their actual customer basis to think that they are prioritizing the majority of customers and future customers at gencon is not and should not be shocking or even a point of frustration. Yeah we paid and all but folks who go to gencon are likely paying way more than many of us paid. I know of many cases where folks walk up and put down 300-500. To omen's point a CEO may be in order, I just wonder if they have the scale to bring one on. Or even a pr/quality person would be good but that could even be wrapped in a studio persons roll. Also a single hq might help. Fmpm scale wasn't that noticeable. Some might have a better eyesight but I had to put the sprues next to other sprues. A 3-4 mm difference in over all scale will barely be percievable from 2' vantage point that most people will be using them from whether Ttb or m2e. If they replace them great if not I will be disappointed but won't feel burnt they work. Come on folks so many complaints look at all the extras we got that were not promised, more character sheets, more mpms than originally planned per sprue, a crew box, I mean come on be fair and give some credit due their is effort from them.
  18. If you are still looking for a game in the Hillsboro area, Rivals on main has there Mailfaux nights on Tuesdays. People usually show up around 6:30pm. we are a smaller group right now trying to expand.

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