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Dumb Luck

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Everything posted by Dumb Luck

  1. Challenging times ahead for Gremlins but time to put our best (non Rooster) foot forwards!
  2. Agreed. He reads good on paper but my Masters either need their totems or can't find the points for him (mainly Wong on the latter).
  3. We be doing a one dayer on Saturday 28 January, at Firestorm Games in Cardiff (http://www.firestormgames.co.uk). Single faction, 50ss games, three games across the day. Only a tenner for a ticket, lunch not included but we have a cafe in the store, a Subway around the corner and the 'great' city of Cardiff on our doorstep for food. Rules pack - HERE Tickets can be bought here - http://www.firestormgames.co.uk/here-be-dragons-malifaux-tournament-2017 I know a few of the Swansea guys have already picked up tickets. I will get a list up sometime this week. PLAYERS 1 - Richard Walters 2 - William Lewis 3 - Keith Robinson 4 - Jay Walters 5 - Michael Asquith 6 - Rob Tozer 7 - Alex Ferron 8 - Jon McCarthy 9 - Alex Williams 10 - Liam Coupland 11 - Neil Harrison 12 - Jamie Armstrong 13 - Adam Yarwood 14 - Dan Warrell 15 - Richard Brandweiner 16 - Richard Bream 17 - Huw Jenkins 18 - Chris Bearman 19 - Martin Anthony 20 - Kevin Davies 21 - Michael Hartman 22 - Tom Thorpe 23 - George Hollingdale 24 - Ben Leslie 25 - Keron Tucker 26 - Matt McConnell
  4. Alex Schmid, I presume? Side note but I think the other reason why you don't get many Gremlin players getting far up in events is that there generally aren't many at events. At least in my experience anyway. I seem to do alright, when I can be bothered to turn up. Maybe they need to take after me?
  5. I still think he's solid in GG2016. If people want to drop him, then they're putting effort into it. I've had similar thoughts with The First Mate. Our other options may do flashier things (Burt, Fran) but he has a place.
  6. Technical quibbles dealt with, here are the final standings (going TP, Diff, VP). Thanks guys! 1 - Luke Cocksedge (Neverborn) 9/18/23 2 - Gavin Holley (Guild) 7/3/14 3 - Martin Wodehouse (Arcanists) 6/9/20 4 - Jon McCarthy (Arcanists) 6/1/16 5 - Alex Williams (Guild) 6/1/14 6 - Michael Hartman (Neverborn) 4/6/18 7 - Joseph Thatcher (Gremlins) 3/-2/15 8 - Neil Harrison (Neverborn) 3/-3/13 9 - Gareth Bowden (Neverborn) 3/-5/6 10 - Michael Asquith (Arcanists) 3/-8/9 11 - Keron Tucker (Ressers) 3/-11/9 12 - Keith Robinson (Neverborn) 0/-10/11
  7. You should be okay. The spaces out front are mainly for use by customers.
  8. Cool! Will get the final list of names from the shop later this week. Thanks for everyone for picking those tickets up!
  9. Dumb Luck


    Never thought about the Young with Ophelia. Not awful, might even be worth considering. I never seem to find the space for Cranky in my lists but 6ss for three activations and an extra layer of protection around Lenny might be worth it. I do prefer the old metals mind. Rats. Shouldn't have ditched mine. Can't believe no one has mentioned Roosters. Buy them.
  10. We need to get the Cardiff/Swansea club cup going man!
  11. Of course there is, now you mention it. I was down there for some recording back in the summer. Pop me on the list proper. Gonna pay now.
  12. Looking into travel/sleeping arrangements for this one but should be good for it. Travel down right after work on the Friday, should make it.
  13. Oh dear. Side note, list of current paid folks is up.
  14. Just for the sake of consistency, I'm going to say no. The pack was written back when it looked like the book wasn't going to drop until later in October. Sorry! Cool! Glad to have you onboard! Will be getting a full list up tomorrow.
  15. Sorry guys! There seemed to be an issue with the pack. All fixed, with the timings in the pack too. Been busy with a house move but now back on track to sort this event!
  16. Som'er Teeth Jones. Makes the Bayou great again.
  17. 4th at Adepticon, mate. Didn't even use Ratjoy.
  18. We be doing a one dayer on Saturday 8th October, at Firestorm Games in Cardiff (http://www.firestormgames.co.uk). Single faction, 50ss games, three games across the day. Only a tenner for a ticket, lunch not included but we have a cafe in the store, a Subway around the corner and the 'great' city of Cardiff on our doorstep for food. Rules pack - HERE Tickets can be bought here - http://www.firestormgames.co.uk/another-round-malifaux-tournament PLAYERS 1 - Gareth Bowden 2 - Joseph Thatcher 3 - Keith Robinson 4 - Jon McCarthy 5 - Alex Williams 6 - Michael Asquith 7 - Neil Harrison 8 - Gavin Holley 9 - Luke Cocksedge 10 - Michael Hartman 11 - Keron Tucker
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