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Guy in Suit

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Everything posted by Guy in Suit

  1. As relevant today as it was a year ago. Justin the geriatric necro guy has got legs!
  2. When I lost to the guy who won it all at Adepticon (congrats Joe!) it had nothing to do with him playing Levi and a lot to do with me fucking up. Levi is an easier master to use in a tournament with as he is forgiving, important for a grueling event when mistakes will be made by the best of players. But being forgiving to small mistakes doesn't make him harder to beat, just easier to not lose with, if that makes sense. (You are less likely to hand the game to your opponent accidentally, but no less likely to lose to a better player.) Trying to use one event as a cudgel to make your point repetitively is doing your argument a disservice. The only change I would like to see is the 'Not within 4" rule applied to all scheme markers, not just Interacts. Just cuz I think Collette and Merris' little scheme marker towers are stupid.
  3. Great post Ted. You really summed up what makes Levi so unique and flavorful. Sometimes I wish his waifs were a little easier to take out, but he is always a dynamic a challenging crew to face!
  4. A couple folks coming in from out of town asked about hotels. NYC hotels are notoriously expensive, but there are two affordable hotels within walking distance: Cheapest is Days Inn: http://www.daysinn.com/hotels/new-york/brooklyn/days-inn-brooklyn/hotel-overview?hotel_id=14759&cid=whg_di_gglsem_br&wid=ps:br_whg&tel=18006821082&002=2189121&004=3244976186&005=522406696&006=18722568266&007=Search&008=&025=c&026= A little nicer but still reasonable is the Comfort Inn: http://www.comfortinn.com/hotel-brooklyn-new_york-NY295
  5. Regular gaining grounds so just fixed faction. A lot of players pre-make their lists though, as the strategy and scheme pool are posted. Basing at a minimum would be some sand or other basing material with some color. It won't win any awards, but just gluing pre-colored flock or static grass to the base is totally acceptable.
  6. The previously announced date had a scheduling conflict with a hobbying event at the venue, and in order to keep the maximum size of 24 players we needed to push the event back. Apologies for any confusion, but with the benefit of additional prep time the owner is going to build a few more tables for us to play on. We are also going to hold a Malifaux terrain building day as well. So with more terrain and more attendees it should be a win win! I'm proud to announce BKFaux II – The Fauxening – a Wyrd-sanctioned nationals qualifier Malifaux event a Nu Brand Gaming - a tabletop gaming club located in Brooklyn, New York. Nu Brand Gaming is a unique venue consisting of private and semi-private and open gaming rooms complete with all the essentials - tables, terrain, extra storage space and of course, cup-holders! Check them out here: https://www.facebook.com/NuBrandGaming The venue is easily accessible via public transit to the 36th Street subway station in Brooklyn - 1 Stop from the LIRR terminal at Atlantic and 5 stops from Penn Station via the D train. For drivers there is street parking, both metered and free, which can be found easily within a block or two. Tickets can be purchased here: https://www.eventbri...ets-16306106002 I added two more early bird tickets for non-members, so get them while they are hot! You must be an active member the day of the event in order to use a Member ticket. If you aren't a member and have been considering it - this is a great chance! Memberships start as low as $30. We will be using the 2015 Gaining Grounds rules packet with one change: Proxies for unreleased models are allowed with TO approval. Please submit your proxy with a picture to me via PM by 5/15/15. Anything not released by March 15th is considered 'unreleased'. (Regulars feel free to show me in person.) Models that only exist in the discontinued metal ranges are also considered 'unreleased'. The event will take place on Saturday, May 23rd with the following schedule: 10:00 Arrive, sign in, collect for lunch order 11:00 Round 1 1:00 Lunch 2:00 Round 2 4:00 Round 3 6:00 Championship Bout – Top 2 Players go mano-a-mano for the NOVA ticket! (Others are welcome to hang around and cheer them on) All rounds will be played at 50 Soulstones Deployments, Strategies and Schemes: Round 1 Close Deployment Headhunter Protect Territory, Vendetta, Plant Explosives, Cursed Object Round 2 Corner Deployment Interference Breakthrough, take prisoner, bodyguard, frame for murder Round 3 Flank Deployment Extraction Distract, Assassinate, Kill Protege, Power Ritual Finals - Top secret!
  7. Also, it's totally kosher to start the markers touching a model, right? Just not 'overlapping'...
  8. Also, if anyone was concerned - the Nu Brand website is down while the guys put together a brand new site. Don't be alarmed, you can still contact the owner and get all the details about the venue via the facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/NuBrandGaming
  9. 16 as of this moment - but the event has only existed for a day so don't sit on your hands if you are intent on coming!
  10. Forgot to mention - the event is capped at 24 players - don't be fooled by the categories on eventbrite - as soon as a total of 24 tickets are sold, early bird, member and non-member alike, the event will be sold out!
  11. Killing this thread and starting a new one due to the date change. Again sorry for the mix up.
  12. Awesome pics keep 'em coming guys! It was so nice having such a spacious hall notably devoid of gamer funk.
  13. Standard including round times? What time do you think we will wrap up?
  14. Well done on the climbable bit.
  15. Connecticut always has soul-crushing traffic on weekends. Hartford would be better - Stanford would be awesome!
  16. I'd be willing to drive out from the city for a tournament if you guys had one - you are within my 2 hour one-dayer radius
  17. Almost close enough to make it up for a one-dayer... but not quite
  18. Guys, we are two months away from the event, and I still don't understand the schedule or see a 'Main Event' for Malifaux. Is anyone running the show or is this just a free for all?
  19. Thanks everyone for coming! I enjoyed Santa's sleigh crashing into a Poltergeist and I hope you did too! 1st: Jarrett Messing - Seamus 2nd: Will Pardington - Pandora 3rd: Dave Iseri - Viktoria
  20. While playing at the Scottish GT last summer I was introduced to a very interesting beverage called 'Irn Bru' - pronounced 'Iron Brew'. I bet it would be ideal for stripping paint from models.
  21. No, the $15 entrance fee paid to the venue is the only charge. (The tournament is free to members) Sure, but you must declare your faction along with your master to your opponent before crews are hired.
  22. After the rousing success of BKFaux, I am holding another tournament at Nu Brand Gaming. Thanks to generous member contributions, Nu Brand has nearly doubled our collection of terrain and we will be building more tables to increase our capacity to 24. Note that to reserve your space, please RSVP through the event's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/653622791420241/ If you have a valid monthly-membership to Nu Brand, you don't need to do anything further. Non-members must pre-pay the $15 usage fee directly to Nu Brand to reserve their spot. Note that if you are paying via paypal, please mention 'JingleFaux' in the subject line. On to the rules: 45SS - 4 Rounds - Modified Gaining Grounds - Fixed Master Fixed Master - your crew will be led by the same master throughout the event. You select your crew prior to the start of each round as normal. Strategies will be modified versions of the Standard Strategies, tweaked by me to add variety and yuletide theme. Schemes will be Standard and pre-selected pools each round, laid out in the tournament packet as normal. Strategies and Schemes will be published a few weeks before the event as normal for you to review, strategize and ask any questions. Painting Rewards: Fully painted Crews will receive ‘Stocking Stuffers’ throughout the event. These are represented by cards that players will draw, each one offering a slight bonus such as an extra Soulstone for their cache (nice!), a free upgrade to attach (nice!), an additional prize (very nice!) or a game-changing event to play as they wish! (Naughty?) Any questions, please post them here. Strats and schemes will be announced next week.
  23. I've been asked by a local player for a Malifaux demo next week, and wanted to throw out an invite writ large to see if anyone else in the NYC area was interested in partaking. We will be playing at Nu Brand Gamin in Brooklyn from 6-10 next Friday, October 10th. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to the facebook site and let me know if you are bringing any minis/books/cards so I can gauge exactly what I should bring. Hopefully we can get a small crowd and everyone can get in their first full game of Malifaux! https://www.facebook.com/events/1481456452116631/
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