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Everything posted by izikial

  1. I'm starting this thread as a source of information on how to beat the unbeatable. We have all faced things and thought either That's no fun to play against How will i ever beat that I will never take that scheme Well ask for help hear, anything you deam as unbeatable or just un fun post it up hear and hopefully get some feed back from the community, hopefuly we can make your play experience more fun
  2. I don't think hungry (I call him hugy CUs of his cuddly physic and lots of arms) isn't, I think in his head he includes him self as a tyrant and thinks he was really powerful but he is just trying to make him self for scary. I think he is overly nostalgic and not above lieing like a little cheater.
  3. izikial


    Ok, I really don't like nurses, I have seen them used devastatingly paralysing killjoys, making coryphrys unable to move, but for me in practice I always end up with the wrong suits in hand and they just don't end up contributing much, also jd tends to have lower damage than most and I don't like spending more on utility. I have had a bias against them even befor playing them, so I know its just me. As a general rule I tend to like modles who want high cards (Hamlin, Lazarus, kade) rather than modles who want suits (nurses, sumoners, misaki) so that also gose against them for me. Just to reiterate though, nurses are amazing, just not my cuppa tea
  4. Yh its a pain, alyce needs to be were the engine is poping out to reactivate it after the first assault, bit of a pain.
  5. The Lazarus reactivate is very Nich I admit, I use it when the enemy has a small elite crew to, on something like reckoning and you can match or beat there activations with summons and a couple of abombs, and you really need that second kill for the point so you accept you're losing him next turn and protect the rest of your stuff so they still only get one. Also good for last turn stuff as Tara has a little more control over when the last turn is. Its not a staple I'm just saying the option is there. The crooligans are something I can spit out almost every turn and can either be flung by Tara into a bored edge for something like recon or used as a temporary reinforcement, as you said my list lacks activations, but it doesn't lack damage so I tend to move my bulk forward and the first crooligan activation they just run in use mist and lower wp, then next turn Tara plops them out wherever to go and do there job, I don't need front line fighters I need activations (so they just stay alive) and objectives, turn 1 and 2 if I summon them then turn 2 and 3 they can run of to do there job. If I was in the thick of it with no objectives like power ritual then I switch to autopsies, its just as I lack runners that's what I make. My meta has a huge fear of big models, especially ones associated with Levi, so by bringing the big boy elite crew my opponent is already thinking "well I'm done, I need to kill them" so they tend to focus on my fast brick and that's when summoned crooligans can run of and do there job unhindered, On a number of occasions I have also duped my opponent into relaxing by taking something like power ritual and just going down the middle, they think I'm going for there corner so build there wall and forsake the flank, then when I summon a crooligan on the flank they move to protect it (out of instinct) next turn Tara resummons it for real on the other flank and it gose to work. We have a very new group hear so were all finding our feat, and I love big guys. So I may be doing it wrong and in time ill get shut down, but for now its what wins me games.
  6. Best on clumpy non blast resist crews Crew comp something like Tara Knowledge Symbiot Karina 0ss upgrade Desolation engine Rusty Laz Then either sue for turf or rekoning without mobile schemes or 2 wretches for more mobility. Karina is take or leav, if you want to use summoned crooligans for objectives and things sure but if you wont get the use out of her then take her out and maybe give alyce the summon upgrade to make more deso engins
  7. Nice article, something in becoming more fond of is a desolation engine as your bomb. He can heal to negate taking 1 damage from Tara to gain fast, if he is a sacrifice to kill 1 or 2 important enemy's early on with the expectation of dieing its ok as you gain 2 abombs (that's more checks for the enemy and more people to gain fast) if you take alyce then you can give it reactive for a huge damage burst Take Lazarus as another reactivate target if its worth it, both love fast so they can go into position and the use there (2) action and both fit the close support role
  8. izikial


    Ok, I love sue so much, he's mechanics and look, but he may not be the best, good catch on ama, I didn't know it would hurt my own guys, I read it as similar to jakuna, ok so I cut sue and put a drowned in, then have a few Ss to play with, sounds good
  9. izikial


    I'm curious, I'm having a hard time getting what I want into a jackdaw crew, I assumed that if I have jakuna and ama that 2 drowned would be auto include, is this the case or are they extra you don't need I wanted sue as I love him Ama as I'm told she is amazing Papa loco to make amas mi atack into a beast 2 guilty for sue and ama Jakuna as she is amazing for 6 pts But I'm getting low on Ss now, so should I make room for a drowned guard for jakuna and ama or ist it not worth it I know you should adapt based on scheme, but I want to learn with a core then swap in and out
  10. My personal preference is brewmaster, I was coming up with a list I titled night on the town using most of the henchman mancha, Sammy, fransisco, the chatty guy, maybe the gremlin lure girl with her present, and a few cheep runners, I know that's alot of stones, but I would pull from that pool, the main idea is mancha and fansisco for damage, brew and chatty guy for control, and the gremlin lure girl and brew do poisoning and paralysing, Sammy would be taken if I want brewmaster to tie up some guys and still want the paralysis upgrade following mancha around Sry no book for names
  11. i think it is just that in beta and pre releas there is alot of discussion on balance and general exitment. then when the book is released there is alot of talk about what people are up to whats new/what people liked now the book has been out a few monthes and people are more settled i think people are just getting on with playing the game, everyone intrested enough to come to a fan forum has the book and is awear of things this removes some of the need for disscusion.
  12. Ok, I prefer the specialist for mass removal, I just thought it would be cool to remove the only downside of lucias, but spending 8ss on widow and 9 on specialist isn't really worth it is it, I could just use one or the others is supose, still not sure if its worth it though
  13. So I had the thought of using widow weaver with lucias so if you fail a horror duel from commanding presence then you can draw a card so its not all bad. I will admit she is niche, but I liked it, the question I pose to you is can I in a lucias nb crew remove paralysis any way?
  14. right, loves this, love it all, but im worried about your mental state
  15. yh i kind of like that, the waif kinda cripples over and her leg breaks and mettle comes out to support it and so on, like a horrific wear-wolf esc transformation
  16. the soul cant go to his old body cus in game he moves to wear the waif is, and in the story in crossroads he rematerializes inside the command room of that other guy, and his old body would be way to full of holes
  17. so i understand the "science" behind levi doing his return to life stuff, tethered souls swamping places and what not. but what is the visual that actually happens. im a very visual player and i play it for the cinematic element. i have a few ideas, but id be interested if anyone actually knows and where they found it. my current thoughts are the waifs skin sloughs of like a snake and levi is what's left the waif just dies and levi appears next to her (not very fancy) levis body gets yanked at huge speeds to the waif and then the waif gets destroyed when it reaches he working on game mechanics it sounds like he pops out of the ground like a when (4 year old spoilers) dean gets resurrected on supernatural, but that is just because they use the buried mechanic name.
  18. Thanks guys, it would be super strong doing it after, I hate burning for a ram and getting it on the flip, but thanks
  19. just a super quick and simple one, just making sure i can read. in an opposed attack duel you need to burn the ss before you flip, both for suite and for +flip
  20. I love zoraider and mctavish, so to me they are awesome, the ➕ flip to attacks out of activation combine with zoraider obay and mctavish semi obay(that provides a ➕ flip as well) make them monsters of the mid range, I like them to come in from the flanks and provide turn 1 obay targets that really hurt also swamp feinds for mvtavish's gun I had some use of them with Wong to as I always use mctavish (he likes to be magic)
  21. Well now, turn up for the books hear, played a game with Jacob wear he felt a little useless, we got into a sort of stale mate were they could out shoot me and I could out melee them, but the middle ground was a bit iffy having zoraider in that same situation would have been soo much stronger, Im Back on the zoraider wagon
  22. ok, so yh im slipping away from zoraider, i kind of like some of what she can do, but im a very cinematographic player, i like to see the story unfold in my head like a film, and to me zoraider just isn't giving me that cool cinimer feeling when i play. i also love swamp fiends (other than the normal slurids, i really don't see there power) and although zoraider is meant to be the swampy girl, she doesn't actually have any supper synergy with swampfeinds
  23. ok, zoraider seems a little week, especially her voodoo doll stuff, it looks very ap intensive for a small effect, im liking what lucias can do a lot more, it seems a lot more synergistic than what zor dose
  24. it has taken me much deliberation with what faction i want to focus on, and i have finally settled on never born, i have been playing lynch for a while (bit sad about his errata) and im going to be picking up zoraider and lucias (as well as still using jackob) as my main powerhouse trio to focus on, can anyone give me a quick run down of 2 or 3 tips and tricks with zoraider and lucias, having not had them on the bored it hard to Imagen what to do with them, a few things that would be helpful a standard use of activations for zoraider and lucias a good staple 3-4 models with them there best damage combo any strong synergy's i have read the pull my finger, but it wasn't to helpful for them, and is also still using the beta rules so its not entirely accurate thanks guys
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