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Everything posted by turtleclub13

  1. I know about those, but I mean there has been some really creepy awesome backgrounds all over in the background. Like an evil easter bunny, carver, the hanging tree, stuff like that. It would be really cool if wyrd poster all of those too.
  2. Does anyone know where to get all those kickbutt picks that gracethe background of our awesome website. They change often, so I have been unable to keep up. Actually, any bundle of malifaux art would be cool. Any ideas anyone?
  3. I agree with Nighthater. Wyrd minis is not stupid. If they decided to do something like Native Americans they would be twisted in some awesome way as to be thier own. Even the sterioyypical characters like Joss, Ironsides, and the 10 thunders are all tweeked to be unique to Malifaux. I trust Wyrd to do something right is they are going to do something at all. I just would like to see the Native American included because they were a central part of the wild west setting.
  4. OOH. I could do a Marcus crew painted up as Native AMericans. The skinshifters, the bison, and Joss. Could be cool.
  5. I don't want another faction, but I like the idea of a down an out under-dog native american team getting a resservation in malifaux and making the best of it. Not criminals, but survivors. Could be some colourful potential there. I like the proxy idea and will check it out First Nation stuff. And yes, oh yes, I am going to add this to my through the breach campaign.
  6. Alright, I have been playing a long time with Mali and am still a noob. I love everything about the game and am a huge fan of fluff. That said I would love to see an outcast faction of like, Native Americans of the high plains. Maybe a chief or something. I feel there is some cool mechanic that could fit a all native american faction. Maybe have a spiritwalker henchman, or a bison themed brute. A tomahawk slinging warchief. Mounted braves. I think there is something there. What do you guys think?
  7. I know they are hard to find, but the one nightmare edition i really want is the Justice is Dead box. If any one has one opened or sealed, painted or unpainted they would like to get rid of (im not looking for a pro paint job that i will just end up painting over). I Can do paypal and have things to trade in on it like Malifaux, MTG, Heroclix, board games. I work at a large gaming store so its possible we have whatever you are looking for.
  8. I wonder if there will be more oni support in the future. I bet there crew boxes will be cool.
  9. Well, Im loving 2ed and cannot wait to get Throught the breach up and running

  10. I have for trade (unpainted and unassembled): Sisters of Slaughter (avatar) w/o card x3 malifaux rats w/o card x3 fire gamin w/card (1st ed) flesh construct w/ card (1st ed) I am looking for (any version w/ or w/o card painter or not): *want more *The Ortaga crew set *Pandora box set *teddy waldergeist x3 piglet war pig *railcrew box set x1 exorsist x3 pisterlero de latigo x3 gaki x1 shikomi x2 dead doxy x1 jaakuna ubume rafkin *willie tuco levectus box set *vanessa *x3 wastrel I have not really traded on here before but I will give it a shot. I don't really expect to get everything I want (obviously hehehe) but maybe you guys will have something from the list and want something from mine.
  11. Ok, so I may sound like a total noob, but how do I build these merc henchmen crews? Can I use anything from these factions? How do I build a thematic team with these guys?
  12. OMG. I love wyrd!!! You guys make me so happy, imma tear up.
  13. So can we buy the Through the Breach stuff online during the con?
  14. thanks for the help. Ill pass it along to any new players in my realm.
  15. Are there any active players still in the southern Maine area that would be interested in playing? I know Crossroad Games in Standish has plenty of space and some awesome terrain for about 30 40k players. The problem is that the group has dried up and moved away. I know there are a few people who have minis and would like to play, I think they just need some incentive, like watching someone play on a regular basis. So, are there any players who would be interested in meting once a week in southern Maine (or every other week, Im flexible)?
  16. That is fantastic. Love it! Great job with the text on the building.
  17. how did you do the blood on the base of the executioner?
  18. I think it would be cool for someone to wright a short story about a card game between Zordia and Lynch. I don't have the skills, nor the time, to wright a short story, but I would love to see this encounter in malifaux come to life.
  19. I think at 15 stones Would run: seamus x2 belles and One punk zombie: The reason is that you have mobility and far reach while you can pull guys from across the map and then have the punk and seamus mow them down like a meat grinder, then in the fallowing turn move across the map. Not to mention how hard seamus is to kill. You might run another model but seamus needs them soulstones. You could also attach the avatar. Mind you this is my oppinion. It you want to summon like a machine, run McM with his attendant and totem and a few remains and just start crapping out golems.
  20. I would like to see some rules for a guild guardsmen mounted figure. I am a sucker for awesome generics.
  21. I am a huge fan of the Man over Machine style archanist list. I like the viva la revolution. My archanist crew are all painted in red and black witht he anarchist symbol as the team. I run lots of workers and play as a hardy gremlins list. With that in mind I love how mei plays with the list, she is more mobile then ramos (and less reliant on machines) and less taxing on the resources of the crew than Kearis. I think she will make a good addition to the team.
  22. what a way to hit an objective. people just keeping forgetting the threat range of Seamus and his belles. then they die, hehehehe
  23. I will admit it does look a little better than I thought it would. I might just have to pick some up myself.
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