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Everything posted by rancor709

  1. Bump up the Jam! Strategies and Deployments Round 1 Turf War Standard Deployment Round 2 Reckoning Corners Round 3 Squatters Rights Standard Deployment Round 4-Provided enough people Reconnoiter Flank Deployment
  2. Yeah this one needs a bit of clarification. I'm tending toward you keep your suit and gain the number from the looped model. But both are accurate readings of the wording so hence Faq moment.
  3. rancor709


    She's a big hitty stick with the ability to use stones cb 7 and nice bucket of wounds on df 5 2 base ap and Melee expert. She's worth every bit of her stones. For me she is strong consideration in a lot of lists and match ups. But I like big hitty threats its a play style thing. I would always reach for her over a mature nephlim. On that front Nekima wins hands down. Teddy it a tougher choice. Overall I think she came out okay but you'll see her in a lot of Reckoning lists, just like you'll see Izamu in a lot of Reckoning lists
  4. rancor709


    And Dgraz won the Thread
  5. Nicodem he is my favorite master, was my favorite in 1.5 and even more so in 2.0. The perfect combination of power, fluff and just sheer win.
  6. The maximum benefit you can get from the Chi is +3 to the cast value. The chi can stack higher but it only boost the Ca stat to a maximum of +3.
  7. Would always rather play than paint, but love painting with Painted armies.
  8. Gencon is the big release party for wyrd every year. As far as gaming, teh best bang for your buck is Adepticon held in the suburbs of chicago has the best Gaming for Wryd minatures as its a gaming focused con. If your looking buy new stuff at early release Gencon is the place, if your looking to game and tourney the entire event Adepticon is my vote.
  9. He is a guild marshal. Rules wise strong shooting platform with good mobility and decent close combat. They should be all plastic. He's a very solid enforcer
  10. I find I prefer Seamus with Schemes focused on Killing a single target, like assassinate or Murder Protege' because he has the ap and dmg potential pick off a high value target but isn't a favorite when killing multiple models is must a turn. agree Postional schemes he is king at, between his ability to just appear places, to trigger off bag of tools to drop scheme markers, Having High mobility in himself and his crew he can do these well. He also is very good at scheme denial again with his Bag o Tools upgrade he can make models insignificant as can his man lady sybelle.
  11. The box set is a most Mortimer provides tremendous crew synergy and boost to Nicodem. Punk zombies kill everything and the vulture is a very handy totem that also drops a corpse when it dies. My next pick up for the Nicodem player will be belles. Belles are one of the best utility pieces in the entire game let alone the faction and pairing them with punk zombies means you can force your opponent close to your punks who can then flurry them to death. Hanged are about the strongest thing Nicodem can summon on his own and as such something to buy as soon as you can. I'd recommend the Mcmourning box set as well, because it gives you nurses, a dog and a flesh construct along with Sebastian all things that can help Nicodem crew. While your growing your collection your work horses are going to be Riger Mortis on Nicodem to either fast your punks, or slow your opponent. Utilizing Fresh Meat a spell found on Mortimer that pushes your punks forward, remember this can be cast on your own models as well. And using Reanimator to replenish your loses. As your collection grows you can vary your starting builds up, and summon other pieces as the game goes on. Nicodem rewards understanding of the minions at ressers disposal as well as good collection size. He works fine out of the box, but you don't start seeing full power till you have access to a few more models.
  12. wow very interesting distrubtion especially almost every single player selecting Frame 4 murder in Round 2
  13. Thanks for the breakdown by faction. You guys achieve some good diversity on the table and in the results
  14. Flat Land Games is proud to present an Adepticon Primer Tournament for Malifaux When Saturday march 29th, 2014 12:30 regestration first game at 1:10 Where: Flat Land Games 28990 S Wixom Rd Wixom, MI 48393 Phone: (248) 773-7854 What-50ss tournament Fixed Faction Rounds Based on Number of Players up to 15-3rounds over 15 4rounds Round time-150minutes of play time 10 minutes of setup total round time 160minutes Painting-Required, I just need effort although there is a player voted best Appearance. Scoring-TP/Differential/Victory Points Strategies and Deployment-Determined by Gaining Grounds 2014 document Scheme pool-Will be listed in tournament packet and made available on the day of the event. Buy in-10 Dollar buy in all going to prize support Preregestration-Although not required if it is done we can make the event huge Prizes-First, 2nd Best Sportsmanship and Best Appearance more potentially based on player base Come out and support us. Get your game on before You head to Adepticon, and if your not able to make adepticon this is a great way to face a lot of the players that are.
  15. I'm in cheatedfatesblogging@wordpress.com Its going to get cold
  16. we now always cut, my locals started after reading mythicfox's explanation and we all agree.
  17. Hoping to attend next year and take your trophies
  18. Wow can't believe the barbaros hate he's been doing fine in my games. Kade i completely agree with he's just 2 fragile and he only see's play when I utilize teddy and even then I'm getting more out of teddy and a beckoner, or teddy and an illuminated than the combo kid and bear. I've not had much luck or use for Santaigo Ortega. Waldergiest are great if your opponent has brought no armor cracking, the sever cover is occasionally a neat bonus but if your bringing them its for the staying power. For the most part I don't bother with them.
  19. Lets look at the reprecusions if this is changed to being legally target-able on models without a ranged attack. Voices becomes the defacto Upgrade choice for Pandora as you have just given for 1ss you know have a 10" paralyzed that works on everyone congratulations. This was not how she was tested and farily sure wasn't how she was intended.
  20. I'm arguing that as they wouldn't allow the successful completion of the action as all variables aren't done it can't be cast on said model with Cg- as it would have no effect. Again I think we have amply demonstrated the requirement for an FAQ on the matter and have no real interest in continuing our repetitive and tedious argument over the definition of non spelled out timings. Again I'll leave it where its at for now but I've appreciated the break from an otherwise tedious work day.
  21. sorry I missed typed its on the sorrows. NO you can't cast dulldrums on a model with immunity paralyzed. ON liliths I am not pushed Form the Faq Q: If a model moves (or is Pushed, Falls, is Placed, etc) 0” (zero inches), does it count as having moved? A: No. Same answer for Pushing, Falling, Placement, etc.
  22. Lilith can't target it immunity means there is no duel call out boxpg.39 "Immunity-A model immune to a game rule cannot be affected by the rule. The model never performs a duel to which it is immune. A model immune to a horror duel, simply does not perform the duel. A model immune to a condition can never receive the condition. If an attack or other source causes damage and applies a condition to a model, the model still suffers the damage, but if it would not gain the condition if it is immune. If a model gains immunity to a condition while it has the condition the condition it immediately removes the condition. No duel if I'm immune reading is fun
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