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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. A long time since part 1 :-) I enjoyed it and look forward to reading more. (Although in my head Billy D is now just Billy)
  2. In terms of pure preference I agree with you, particularly with regard to Kim Jee-Woon but Ki-Duk was the director I thought of whose films, whilst lacking what would be seen by many as a strong plot, still resonate with me. I actually tend to have less of an issue with the artist or director themselves. They have something they want to say, so be it. If I find it meaningless or deliberately obtuse then again, so be it. I view directors and artists who can put together an original strong narrative or evoke an atmosphere that captures me, like a storyteller, whereas the self-indulgent artist is the person on the street corner who thinks they have something to say, shouting obscenities or political manifestos into the ether. They may find people who agree with them, but they would not be the type of people who I would want to be anywhere near. A personal example of my viewpoint here - although not sitting in the argument about narrative/non-narrative - is Quentin Tarantino. I don't really like any of his films particularly, with one exception, but I do like his enthusiasm for film and willingness to admit that he is anything but original and often lifts fairly directly from other films. His fanboys declaring him the saviour of cinema with his pure originality however, drive me demented. (Although this is happening less and less frequently). Essentially, I think we are in complete agreement on your topic. We both enjoy originality whether in idea, or in process, and only so long as it is not to the detriment of the peice of art in question and as a whole. (as such, and as you seem to like art as well as film, look out the works of gerhard richter. For me his work pretty much sits perfectly in that ground of being innovative but not being a messy bed *happy*) Haven't seen it yet, really want to.
  3. Apologies if I am misunderstanding your post but I too prefer films with a strong narrative. I can however - as I think most people can -, still enjoy films without such a structured narrative but it all depends if theatmosphere connects with me: the best examples of which would be the films ok Kim Ki-Duk, particularly 3 iron. My preference for narrative/non-narrative balance is pretty clear when I consider the films of David Lynch. The Elephant Man I consider something of a masterpeice, and The Straight Story, which isn't exactly overflowing with plot, is one of my favourite movies (amongst a very long list). At the same time the likes of Twin Peaks, Lost Highway, Mullholland Boulevard leave me absolutely cold. I know many people consider them great and Lynch a great director but quite simply I don't get what he is trying to say with those. I have plenty more to say on this if it is actually what you were asking for. I will stop here for now though in case it isn't.
  4. As someone who wont be able to attend the gt I'm glad it hadn't stopped this. The more tourneys we can get up here the better.
  5. Looking forward to when this takes off as am starting to experiment with the little green ones too. Will be good to see the thoughts of someone who knows what they are doing and plays regularly.
  6. My initial thoughts would be something along the lines of: 2 foot by 2 foot board,; Up the concentration of terrain so that mobility plays a large part. Not sure on the control hand issue. My initial thought was three cards each but feel like this may still be too much. As for which models I would look to see face of: Lelu v Executioner Ophelia v Perdita (Oh and in case you hadn't guessed, I like the idea)
  7. Like you I'm kind of meh about them and don't see me ever deciding to actually buy one. Not convinced of the entire direction to be honest but suppose I should reserve judgement till I see a few in the flesh and in play.
  8. Welcome aboard. You have certainly found a nice counterpoint to Warhammer etc, good to hear you are enjoying it. Pretty much everyone round these parts is friendly enough so any questions just ask and there will always be someone who knows the answer you are looking for (well except for a few very specific circumstances!!). Enjoy your stay.
  9. Yes, it brings out similar cravings in me. The missus - while still enjoying the show - doesn't get why I find everything on there so appetizing!
  10. It should do. The 'Living Taxidermy' rule no? It is definitely stated in the book.
  11. Just popping in to say I love Man V Food. Kind of picked a honeymoon destination with a view to trying one or two of the challenges. Enjoy your pizza!
  12. Apologies, I appear to have mis-read your original post. A model takes a test when beginning their activation in terrifying range; Ending an action in that range; Entering a terrifying effects range; (in your example I would not have had Papa loco test.) Declaring a charge against a terrifying model.
  13. In the circumstances you describe I am fairly certain you played it correctly. Edit: I have to fight the urge to make a joke every time there is a terrifying question.
  14. I wouldn't have a problem with it from an advantage and measurement point of view although I'm sure plenty would. By about the third time the strings got caught on scenery or my models I would be starting to regret agreeing to play you though. Also what would you do after casting long strings?
  15. Warden is fine as Hoffmans ride. Height 2 or above.
  16. Well I'm in for a Gremlin based year. Somer Teeth now in the post. Looking forward to trying a few of these tricks out.
  17. Just a bump as surely not everyone who wants a gremlinette has one.
  18. There have been a number of threads with home-made master/minion/crew suggestions although I think that they are mostly abstractly named and in any event I don't remember seeing one in a while, There is in any event no problem with you posting your ideas for feedback and obviously there is nothing to stop you from trying them out in friendly play so long as your opponent is happy. Some links below just so you can see the sort of thing that has been done in case it is any help. Silver Chocobo has probably done the most work on home-brew minions, but I can only find one of his efforts at the moment. http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?17285-For-Our-pretty-pink-pincess&highlight= One from the Madhatter http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?25846-Spring-helled-jack-rules&highlight= and lastly one fom me http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?23113-An-attempt-at-character-creation&highlight= Personally I would love it if Wyrd brought out some sort of character/crew creation kit together with rules for chaining games into a campaign in the vein of Necromunda etc. Threads also often pop up along the lines of what would you like to see next and whilst there are always some really good ideas in them I have so far always been very impressed with the creativity of Wyrd's new crews. (Short answer, post something up and people will of course be happy to critique. *grin*)
  19. I may be posting a little early on this but have recently come into possession of a spare Gremlinette. It is painted, not too badly but could be over-painted or stripped fairly easily from the looks of it. Not sure what the going rate is for this item and for reasons that make no sense even to me I would rather trade than sell. Aiming high perhaps but if anyone is willing to swap a starter box that would be ideal, particularly looking for the following: Collodi box Somer Teeth box (unlikely I realise, given what I am looking to swap). Alternatively some random wants listed below: Pretty much any Gremlin related items not including Ophelia and her kin; Peacekeeper; Executioner; Austringers; Guild hounds; Black blood shaman; Killjoy; Desperate Mercenaries; Doppelganger; In truth though I would consider any malifaux stuff outside what I already have so quite willing to listen to offers consisting of items not on the above list. If I don't get back to you tomorrow, then I probably won't be able to return any PM's (assuming I get any) until 5 February. Thanks for looking.
  20. As someone who had Ophelia delivered yesterday this stuff is really nice...
  21. Yes, I agree with thechosenone, he has many really useful abilities and whilst his minion pool is limited at the moment, the effigies from Book 3 will all be available to him when released.
  22. You are quite correct, not sure what the hell I was talking about there, gotten myself confused apologies all.
  23. Deleted to prevent confusion but delete button not working
  24. She is obviously designed to work best with her Nephilim but nothing stopping you trying a few things out and having fun with her. For this post I am also assuming you do not have the twins. Outside of her Neph specific abilities the two that will help the rest of her crew in any event are illusionary forest - useful for Waldgeists - and, Transposition, useful for pretty much everything. Two non neph models I would consider are: Kade He doesn't see much play from me because he is too slow but if he is in a crew with Lilith and some speedy neverborn - such as a pack of sluriids - then they can race on ahead and Lilith can transposition one of them with Kade to get him into the action quickly. This might also lead you to bring a teddy along because of the switching shenanigans he can do with Kade. Stitched Lilith doesn't really do anything for them but she doesn't need too. They are some of the most versatile minions in the game, and with two of them throwing creepy fog around and Lilith putting a forest on the table every turn, it will give your opponent nightmares trying to target you (although it might make the game less fun for him if you are playing on a forest heavy board to begin with). For giggles I would not be afraid to try a list like this: Lilith (5ss cache) Primordial Magic Kade Stitched Stitched Waldgeist Sluriid Sluriid No huge hitters other than Lilith herself but for objective purposes I would say you had a shot at completing most strategies and schemes. This is all before even considering mercenaries such as a convict gunslinger.
  25. Sounds good. Plenty of time for painting too.
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