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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. Awesome news and of course tons of thanks for your effort! Maybe you should consider to include some of the fan made maps too sometime in the future. Here is a post where you can find them all in one place.
  2. I would play in any format that ensures no player will vanish after a (lost) game or two. I had a very bad experience with the big Vassal league just happening where more than half of the groups just got dead because of one or two flippant participants. Maybe the groups should be small (4 players) to minimize the chance of disappearing players.
  3. We are constantly running test evenings on Tuesdays in Cantina club, Budapest starting from 6 pm till late night. Drop me a message if you would like to participate. Csonti
  4. Maybe it is not clear to anyone that the may not be healed condition does NOT prohibit damage prevention by using SS. So Whispers from Beyond is a tough cookie but one successful cast won't send a Master to the dressing room at the next hit he takes.
  5. It is also worth noting that the Copycat can only get the hat through his Little Hatter ability since as an Insignificant model he couldn't make Interact Actions at all.
  6. Yeah. The interpretation is correct. And as I faced a similar case earlier that were noted during wave1 beta I assume this is meant to work this way.
  7. Rules as written the Plant Explosives scheme doesn't care about vertical height, walls, LoS or anything else. The model(s) need to be within 3" from a top down perspective. They can be on the 20th floor and the marker on the ground. It will count.
  8. Here you are. This section didn't change.
  9. Answering to a previous question I flipped through the LoS and cover rules and found a disturbing thing. Here is my beautiful Paint job to illustrate the issue: A targets B with a attack. Does B benefit from soft cover? I played all my games with a firm yes on this but the rules don't seem to agree with me on this so clearly. Page 41: So if LoS lines are blocked by model bases, the red lines drawn as examples are the only possible type of solutions to draw LoS lines. And those are not crossing any soft cover terrain therefore model B should not get the cover benefits. However on page 40 we can read: A highlighted the word another because this is an addition in the print version compared to the last open beta document. And this one word maybe allows soft cover to work the way I thought it should work. As far as i can see, this modification allows the drawing of LoS lines like the blue one below. And this one fulfills the requirements of getting cover with model B. Any thoughts on this? I'm a little uneasy with my interpretation.
  10. I'm a little uncertain about your question. First of all I don't know who is Hank. Secondly the Vent Steam ability for example on Mei Feng acts very differently and it is not a Ht5 stuff. Probably you would like to ask about Howard Langston's Steam Cloud aura. If this is the case, the answers: a) Ht5 aura can give benefits to other models on a higher level. Say Langston is on the ground floor but beside him there is a model on a Ht4 building. If the later is within the aura or within 1" of the aura when he is targeted through it then it will receive the Soft Cover benefits. No, the aura does NOT blocks LoS. Only Dense or Blocking terrain can do that. c) Yes, but only in case of attacks. Models could also use the cover bonus in case they are within 1" of the aura and the attacker must track LoS through it.
  11. When placing you measure everything from a top-down, 2D view. So you can even place Seamus on the top of a 100" tall building. Just don't let him look down.
  12. Out of 10 groups 6 have player(s) with 1 game played and only 3 groups finished round 3 in time. So you guys are the lucky minority. or rather
  13. I think this one lost steam. Most of the groups have players with only 1 game played and we are deep in 4th round period now. (For example I gave a try to shedule my 4th game but my paired opponent with 1 game played so far didn't even bother to answer a "No, thanks!".) I also contacted Jon a few days ago about any plans to reorganize/revitalize the structure but he seemed to became a little disappointed by the inactivity of the people and pretty much gave up the organizing task. A thing I can fully understand.
  14. There is no such general rule in the book. Seamus is placed anywhere in range without LoS requirement.
  15. I experienced wave1 very differently. I was following the Neverborn section closely and actively but I couldn't remember so many playtest reports with Nexus used and heavily abused. As far as I can remember the only post regarding the possible OP status of the upgrade was written by me. So I think wave1 test of the faction in general was not conducted with Nexus' real power in mind. If it would be the case, Wyrd would cuddle it before printing I guess. Most people realized the true potential of NoP during wave2 when they put that on the otherwise also broken first week Nekima. But the problem was valid even in wave1 with for example Lilith&Barbaros.
  16. Csonti

    New Maps

    There you go.
  17. Hmm... interesting. I wouldn't want to derail this thread but I find Lure the single most powerful ability of the game even without multi-Pounce tricks. Huge range board control with Ca8 on a 5 SS model that has 8 Wd and HtW (and just for the fun of it: can chain activate, could force card drops, hand out slow and hit with Ml5 and a decent trigger)? Shut up and take my money! Oh wait... I can even summon them with ease.
  18. As far as I see: 1. Golem is killed 2. Checking abilities that kick in during this event 2a. Acting model's Abilities: Lynch has the Rising Sun Upgrade's Slave to Darkness Ability but Huggy is in play. So nothing happens. 2b. Defending player Abilities: Golem shatters 3. Golem is removed from play. 4. Huggy suffers enough damage to be killed. 5. Huggy is burried instead of be killed because of Eternal Darkness.
  19. on all three interpretations are correct and :+fate on the "don't like" part They need to make an errata if the intent was not to let situation A happen.
  20. They sort of addressed this. So you can't move the target therefore it won't trigger Pounce. But Seamus will heal from the failed Wp duel. Edit: got ninja'd
  21. Yeah, the marker is gone when the model moves (or even gets pushed). So you can walk, Germinate and attack with the bonus range. However you can't Germinate and for example charge into the marker.
  22. I had this come up in a recent game. VS was within 2" but outside of 1" of an Ice Golem and I could kill it with a charge. So I looked through the book and couldn't find anything that prohibits this. The only restriction is that you can't declare the charge when engaged. But since that is lifted with Augmented Jump the charge is as legal as it could be.
  23. I will organize a 1 day M2E event in Budapest. Details are HERE in Hungarian but if any foreigner would like to join us I'm more than glad to help you out with info in English. Drop me a PM in case of interest! Csonti
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