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Everything posted by Omenbringer

  1. Depends on what the material component is, if it required a Bayou Gremlin or Piglet to summon the Swine-Cursed (and only Swine-cursed) it wouldn't need to cost that much. Make it a 0 Action with a suit requirement and it would be even cheaper. Summon them with damage and again it can be reduced. These are the reasons (well aside from the 0 Action part) Som'er's Family Tree Upgrade is so cheap.
  2. You can use the milk jug outside with natural sunlight to good effect. If going this route I would recommend using a sheet of White "poster board" underneath the mlik jug to reflect the light back toward the model. This is a good thing to have anyway. In a pinch you can use a plane sheet of paper or a piece of card board primed white.
  3. While I agree with you in theory Guslado I disagree that it isn't a significant issue. The wording under the value is there to reduce confusion, something that is often mentioned with other Wyrd Fate Decks that use stylized suits or values. Based on history, I would expect Wyrd to reprint the decks and either send purchasers an entirely new corrected one or send them the offending cards.
  4. Poorly Handled Explosives works on either the condition ending (less damage) or the model being killed (higher damage). Ya'll Watch This (Show Off upgrade available to any Gremlin) is a Sacrifice effect so the two can not be stacked. Pere Ravage's Explosive Demise however can be stacked with Poorly Handled Explosives (but not Ya'll Watch This) as his Explosive Demise activates on Killed (not Sacrificed). So potentially 8 damage in an 2 pushed from two sources (so Armor reduction kicks twice). I would expect this to receive an errata sooner rather than later. Neither of these works with Stuffed Pigs.
  5. Those Swine-cursed are going to do an awful lot for our faction. There aren't many Masters that aren't going to get utility out of them. To bad Wong didn't receive an upgrade allowing him to summon them.
  6. Some phone cameras allow decent control over settings and functions. On the Samsung Galaxy you can try a few different things in the "Pro" setting. One of the easiest is to set it to the "Macro" setting, usually represented by a flower icon. This tells the camera that the camera will be really close to the subject, which automatically changes a few things to improve the results. After that you can try working either the ISO setting or the Aperture setting (it will look like an iris). These two settings will effect the "depth of field" (how much of the composition will be in focus) however be careful with these as they can also blur your photos if they make the shutter speed to slow (the lowest reasonable speed for a hand held photo is 1/32 though I would discourage going this low). This is one reason I use so many lights in my setup, more light = faster speeds even when using really small apertures to increase the depth of field. Hopefully some of that helps, let me know if any of it needs better explanation or clarification.
  7. You can find the font you are looking for on Ratty's page. The links will take you to another site but I have downloaded all of them without issue or malware.
  8. There is also World Works Games, which were partners in Wyrd's now defunct Terraclips line. Aside from that you can always make up some of the more natural pieces easily and fairly inexpensively. There have been a lot of really good recommendations and tutorials written on here.
  9. I would add playing games to the above recommendation of "getting the word out." When potential or returning players see games played (preferably with fully painted crews on engaging tables) they are more likely to "buy into" or join a new community. Getting the local game store on board is a huge part of the effort as well. What I mean by that is getting them to carry a good product range, not just a handful of unrelated items and a willingness to special order things. A few methods of doing this, though I would argue the best is to show them the potential of the game by holding a private demo for them. It Also helps to mention that events are low maintenance for the store, i.e. provide space and terrain items only. Mention the prize packs and the promotional opportunities particularly the mail in ones that require brick and mortar receipts. Early on it can be extremely discouraging however if you keep at it, eventually the community will begin to sustain it self. I would recommend 2 demos per month for the first few months and then offer an extremely casual league event (be sure to advertise it as such since you have experienced players). After the league, gauge the response and schedule either another league (be sure to provide a break so players can pursue other interests), and achievement event, or a more competitive tournament. Expect it to take at least 6 months to build a community of dependable regulars.
  10. Well Ophelia, Som'er, and Ulix make a pretty potent trio with Som'er sharing models with both the other Masters. Though I am partial to Som'er myself, Ulix is fairly easy to get into by just adding the Sow and a box of Piglets (needed for her summons). The Warpig is another good consideration as Ulix can summon it as well. After that a Hog Whisperer can be nice but isn't strictly necessary. Som'er likes these models as well, particularly the Piglets which Lenny can summon. Either crew box (Som'er or Ulix) is going to want/need additional purchases to really be filled out. Of the two, Som'er may be the cheaper option since you can always go "elite Som'er" with the Ophelia crew box.
  11. Well we have Bajonista's now so that role is filled. Earl Burns (Zipp's Totem) can hand out a suit. His action is similar to Som'er's Do It Like Dis (which the Skeeters can cast as well) though his trigger ramps it up quite a bit (think Encouragement). To bad we can't use him with Som'er, though I think Zipp might be another Pigapult lover.
  12. Off the top I would suggest trying the following things to improve your pictures: 1) Get an empty gallon milk jug, cut the top off (actually down as far as needed to include the handle). Next cut large U into one side. This will make a good light box when turned over and also provide a good neutral background. 2) Dont use the camera flash. Instead use more external lighting filtered through the above light box. 3) Move the camera as close to the subject as possible to aid in focusing, depth of field, and light metering. These three things can do wonders for your miniatures photography. After that there are others things you can try though they are heavily influenced by what your camera is capable of.
  13. My LGS has a few in stock and is willing to ship (even internationally) if you really want one. PM me for the contact info.
  14. I would add a small addendum to Dogmantra's post, Som'er while a great master is a bit steeper buy in as his crew box is really not enough to play him. You will want at least a box of Piglets to go along with it and also likely another box of Bayou Gremlins. Slop Haulers are also a fairly good initial purchase for whats in the Som'er crew box. Given you like Gremlin's and Pigs I defintiely recommend Som'er as a first purchase, followed by Ophelia or Ulix As funds permit. Som'er shares a lot of cross over with those crews. If you wife likes the Guild then I would recommend either the Ortega crew box or Lady Justices crew box. I would argue that the two boxes are fairly even in terms of melee versus ranged though Lady Justice is the more melee-centric of the two, while Perdita is the more range-centric. Pick up a box of Guild Austringers and she will be on pretty good terms with the Gremlins. Both those crews are relatively easy to learn and able to grow with experience.
  15. No I took it into account and am still not impressed with it honestly. 1 in 4 push effect that occurs after the action has resolved isn't great. Som'er could make it more consistent but he also makes 2 Bayou Gremlin's even more tasty compared to a single Moon Shinobi. Situationally useful is a good way to describe them but again the targets that would make them shine are also targets that a Piglet could tie up for even less cost, or others for the same cost. The Nurse combination is reasonable but again limited to one Master that can Hire them and can often find a better use for the SS cost of a Moon Shinobi. The WP attack is a bit of a boon but again is nothing to really write home especially given the emergence of targeting other stats such as Wk, Cg, and Ht. I really like the look of them as well and would love a reason to play them more often. They really need a way to give themselves flips though. Not being able to benefit from Focus or Defensive Stance hurts them an awful lot, particularly the latter as it is something that they could really excel at given their Defense stat value and trigger.
  16. Aside from not being able to compete with the Rooster rider, Lightning Bugs, or 2 Bayou Gremlin's, the "solid defensive stat" is really all they got going for them. Even that though isn't great as the only method of getting it better is trying to get multiple instances of Swill on them (which only helps until the end of the turn when it expires). That isn't an easy proposition considering only the Brew Master and Apprentice Wesley have access to it. Even their trigger is only a 1 in 4 chance unless you have a method of providing the required suit (something the Brew Master can't do). Multiple instances of Swill (maxed at 4 instances per turn unless you can get reactivate on either the Brew Master or Apprentice Wesley) is the only method of increasing their potential both offensively and Defensively (Focus and Defensive Stance don't work because of Drunken Gremlin Kung Fu). They are not worth the SS cost or the effort required to try and wring usefulness out of them when a Piglet is cheaper, has the same "solid defense stat," has an in built resistance to Sh Attack Actions, and finally can do more damage, all without requiring any real external support (though they get even better with the ample support options available for pigs). Aside from the models that you have listed and the Piglet I listed, they also compete with Merris, Lacroix, Bayou Bushwhackers, the Lucky Effigy, Survivors, and for only a Soul Stone more even Sammy Lacroix and the Mechanized Porkchop. To be worth their cost they really need a way to apply consistently on themselves outside of the Brew Master's Hang Over Action and Apprentice Wesley using Magical Extension to cast the same. As you suggest an upgrade on Fingers that could impart more instances of Swill could help a little and give him a bit versatility. I could be wrong but these have been my experiences with them.
  17. Thanks Fetid Strumpet, that was one I was also considering mentioning but as it is tied to a suit and Malevolence is an ability that doesn't have a duel it seemed like a stretch. Could see a newer player or one who has only seen Kirai second hand making that mistake though.
  18. Strongly disagree with the common misconception that the Gremlin's are "chaos". Som'er in particular has many very good tools for controlling or negating that chaos and keeping the crew "ordered, disciplined, predictable performance." Now if he isn't on the table then yes the Gremlins and Pigs can quickly get out of hand, though with experience even this isn't that bad.
  19. I would argue that the Gremlin's are one of the only factions that can get away with theme lists that are also competitive. Possibly the only real let downs in this regard are the Brew Master (really better suited to Ten Thunders than Gremlins) and perhaps Zoraida (though she isn't really gremlin anyway). All the other Masters run really well with their themed crews.
  20. Perhaps they were thinking of Kirai's Swirling Spirits action on her base card, though this would require the Ikiryo to already have been summoned along with a lot of other hoops to jump thru.
  21. This is the biggest issue with the Ice Golem, there is an awful lot of competition for what he does really well. Many of these other options do more for the crew as a whole than the Ice Golem. This though; Toss is a good option for Rasputina's crew and unlike Snow Storm and the Arcane Emissary (with Rasputina's upgrade) allows you to project your Ice Gamin into good positions for Ice Mirror. Pairing this with Snow Storm can allow you to yo-yo an Ice Gamin into position for Ice Mirror and return it to safety before retaliation.
  22. My issue with the Brew Master is that he really isn't a great Gremlin Master. He shines much brighter with out of faction options. The Moon Shinobi are also quite lack luster compared to our other options. Was hoping to see one of those 0 cost errata's...err I mean upgrades for them that would allow them to keep the Swill condition from turn to turn.
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