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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. "Oh you poor, poor you. So torn apart by life and poverty. Here, have a bullet." *BANG*
  2. But wasn't the structure of "do X, then do Y" not conditional on X? For example, I believe that Sammy can use Putrefy to discard an enemy Scheme Marker even if there is not enough room to Summon the Stuffed Piglet or if the Rare limit on Stuffed Piglets has been reached.
  3. In #1 I would rule that the same thing would happen as when you couldn't place the summoned model due to terrain and other models. My interpretation of that would be that the rats go poof and no Rat King comes around but I'm willing to hear arguments to the contrary.
  4. To be fair, you look forward to playing anyone
  5. Sonnia is usually considered to be slightly easier to kill than Levi. Not to mention that Papa in the Box isn't free so maybe you should consider Levi and the Emissary/Lazarus/whatever when comparing to Sonnia. And if you would rather take VS's attack than Levi's I don't know what to say. I mean, yeah, if you're shooting at Rotten Belles it's probably better but don't shoot Rotten Belles with Levi (unless they die and turn into Abominations) but rather at something more suited to his abilities. Jack Daw is difficult to compare since his Curses are so weird. The devil's advocate: maybe the UK "meta" just didn't know how to play Levi properly
  6. It does, yes. But you need to suffer damage and then another damage from Knock It Off. It's impossible to do without suffering at least two Wds (at least one from blast/pulse damage and one from activating Knock It Off). By far most of the time I find it too steep a price to pay on a squishy model.
  7. Holy crap, dude! Those look amazing! Really like the shades of purple against the Super vibrant skin tones.
  8. That's very neat! Hadn't realized that. It's pretty nice since Zoraida seems like a prime candidate for using Lucky Emissary anyway since her Conflux is pretty rad and she usually isn't as concerned with the Gremlin synergy (which the Emissary lacks).
  9. It's two Wd inflicted on the Lightning Bugs per AP and they aren't very durable nor is their range long enough to hang safely at the back. I think that triggering Knock It Off yourself is a trap most of the time (naturally there are exceptions but they aren't common). YMMV.
  10. Hog Whisperer is also a Mercenary so no need for Enthrall.
  11. I think that Dogmantra is right. Somer's box gives you the most options and Somer's playstyle is fun. And even though he too generates blasts from range, he is quite a different experience from Wong. Gremlin boxes are a bit problematic in that only Wong and Somer have Minions that make other Masters excited. Zoraida's box basically has only Zoraida and her totem that are of any use to a Gremlin player. Ulix has three Wild Boars which are seldom seen outside of Ulix and possibly Zoraida lists. Mah has Bayou Bushwhackers which are rather lackluster. And Brewmaster's Moon Shinobis are similarly somewhat marginal. And finally Ophelia's box doesn't have any Minions at all, though the Enforcers it contains are low-points cost and generally useful.
  12. There's also the possibility of tracking down Somer's old metal Avatar model and using Peaches (Somer's giant Pig) as an Old Major proxy. That's what a friend of a mine is using and it really doesn't look like any other Pig (not armoured enough for Gracie, not three-headed nor pregnant enough for The Sow, and not crazy enough for War Pig). You could even add the ribbon from green stuff if you were so inclined. Official Wyrd tournament-legal proxy.@Omenbringermight be able to help you track down one as he is really good when it comes to the old metal stock.
  13. Unfortunately I couldn't find it again, but did find a couple which might be of help:
  14. My favourite Miss as well. Great job! I just wonder how those wheels will work on the actual mini. Hope all the spokes aren't separate pieces to be glued...
  15. And this is a perfect demonstration of how subjective this "fun" thing is. Some people see it as very climactic and fun when the biggest beaters meet in the center and decide the result of the game. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! It's just a different view point. I love Malifaux the best when the Strat and Schemes are on knife's edge, there isn't all that many casualties and clever maneuvering is at the forefront. And yet I'm sure that some others consider a game where neither side was tabled as a boring affair.
  16. Tara was very difficult to place since I love playing both with and against her as long as the crew isn't centered around a "bomb". All in all I dislike Super expensive glass cannons like Howard Langston, Killjoy, and Nekima as they have a tendency to warp the game to be about them. If they die without much impact, it will be a gigantic setback but OTOH if they succeed and kill half the enemy crew, then that results in a boring game as well. It's not always like that but I find them more disruptive than other expensive and well-regarded models like Izamu or Mech Rider simply because of how swingy they tend to be. Wasn't the starer pretty close to this idea? The models in the starter are all pretty straightforward with beater Henchmen and Minions and then a Supporty Enforcer all without much in the way of weird tricks.
  17. She's great fun! And Slop Haulers are a very good buy alongside her box. Welcome to the Bayou!
  18. I actually commented on that in my post. But on further review, there's a lot of Master who are "wrong" by one tier but not all that many who are wrong by two tiers. Hamelin, McCabe, Molly, Ulix, Somer, Wong, Marcus, Brewmaster, Shen Long, and Lilith are about the ones who are misplaced by two tiers if that were an inverse of power tiers.
  19. You could simply use the total number of wins gotten by your opponents as the first tie-breaker. That isn't very difficult to calculate. And then differential as the second tie-breaker. So two people have two wins and one loss, the guy whose loss is against the guy who got three wins gets better position than the guy whose loss was against a fellow who only won one game.
  20. Aye, I was sorta on the fence about her but then decided to put her into tier 1 due to how her defenses and Summoning mechanic force her to live on the knife's edge a bit which often leads to fun compared to most Summoners.
  21. Haha, that's what I get for writing them as they occur to me and not grouped in any way. But Kaeris usually leads to fun games even when she outperforms the opponent. I'm kinda surprised if I didn't forget anyone...
  22. The objectively correct listing of Masters rated into tiers based on fun is as follows: Tier 1 fun: Von Schill, Mah Tucket, Molly, Kaeris, Lucius, Yan Lo, Guild McMourning, McCabe, Mei Feng, Zoraida, Kaeris, Lady Justice. Tier 2 fun: Ironsides, Lilith, Misaki, Nicodem, Seamus, Shen Long, Marcus, Somer, Ulix, Wong, Resser McMourning Tier 3 fun: Sonnia, Perdita, Hoffman, Levi, Brewmaster, Dreamer, Ramos, Rasputina, Pandora, Collodi, Ophelia, Colette, Kirai, Lynch, Edit: Jack Daw (Thanks, tmod!) Tier 4 "fun": Hamelin, Viks. Of course all of these depend on lists a lot. Colette without Howard or December Acolytes is likely tier 2, for example. I like games that aren't decided (one way or the other) on turn two. I also like for both players to be able to sorta kinda try and do their own thing so super disruptive Masters are less fun. An extremely lop-sided playstyle is also annoying. Note that there are some really powerful Masters on tier 1 and 2 but there is a light inverse dependence on power level that can be observed. Hamelin is very boring and annoying in several ways and Viks are just utterly stupid to play with or against. In fact, Viks, could for Tier 5 on their own.
  23. I use these as Skeeters: http://www.firestormgames.co.uk/stirges-4 I think that the plastic Skeeters, though pretty cool-looking, are way too fragile and big. Also, I had all of the contents of the Somer box in metal except the Skeeters so didn't get the plastic box.
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