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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Good stuff! Some minor notes (opinions, not facts): I don't think that solo Somer is all that hampered by the lack of Trixiebelle and I would build solo Brewie by adding Roosters as, even though Trix is good, I find that Brewie's basic box really lacks in the damage department which can be fixed with Roosters. With Trix the box turns really one-note and has many extremely difficult match-ups. I would also very much recommend Stilts and Binge for Brewmaster (Stilts to add to his durability and to make his Aura better and Binge in order to have something for Wesley to do). Finally, for solo Wong, I would get Sammy LaCroix. Most likely replacing Old Cranky. Sammy is excellent and doubly so with Wong.
  2. You want Hard West. Turn-based mystical wild west RPG. http://store.steampowered.com/app/307670/
  3. That is indeed an annoying combo that easily leads to very unfun games. But very impressive winning against Kirai on facing her for the first time.
  4. I, too, vote for the trickster lady though I'm more interested in getting a consensus going rather than any specific character winning. That said... ...this amuses me greatly
  5. Oh aye, it was mostly the TT version which got the boost with the 3rd wave (IMO surpassing the Arcanist version in the process).
  6. Ah, yeah, agreed. Sorry, feeling a bit slow today (the littlest one has the flu and I didn't sleep much last night)...
  7. Well yeah, but you need to be careful about the killing in a way that makes it IMO play very differently (ranged stuff, for example, becomes a lot less useful). You don't need a super-killy list to do well in it which IMO changes the dynamic a lot and makes it quite different from the usual killy strats.
  8. I agree with the general gist of what you're saying but just to nitpick the example given there's a guy who wins or places in basically all the tournaments he takes part in and he thinks that Mei Feng is actually really good (third wave gave her a huge boost).
  9. The idea would be to move a Construct aggressively forward, Railwalk Mei Feng there and then Vent Steam twice. Move the rest of your force into the protective bubble (preferably have the models in cover as well) or into other advantageous locations. Second turn the protective bubble is still there until Mei Feng activates and once she does, she ties up Sonnia. Or one of her other models ties up Sonnia (Sparks maybe). Then the Protective bubble isn't necessary any more as Sonnia is engaged and can't go crazy. Or she might even be dead if Mei Feng Recalled her Training and went to town. Or Franc might be dead.
  10. This is true though there is also the "Interact with your enemy and don't let them get killed before the end of the turn" which generally favours durable models. But yeah, I would argue that Headhunter is the only really different Strat.
  11. I would think that quite often since focusing on the Scheme & Strat end of things usually requires more specialization and therefore making a fixed list for that is more difficult. Especially in GG2016.
  12. Unfortunately Sonnia's positive is against Wp6+ and Mei Feng and Kang both have Wp 6 (Kang isn't an optimal choice against Sonnia but I could see him being taken against Guild in general). Sparks is Wp 5. But SS users aren't usually the best targets so it comes down to the make-up of the rest of the crew.
  13. Wouldn't Mei Feng be pretty good against Sonnia, btw? She can shield her force rather effectively from ranged threats (and the shield lasts until her next Activation - though you can get around it by using double Focus or SS and Focus) and she herself is pretty good in putting the hurt in (especially on stuff like Austringers). Oh, and she can be really quick on her feet. Sparks could keep Sonnia from being Pushed around so you could lock her in place more easily (just keep Sparks alive so avoid Franc). Oh, and Metal Gamin make short work of the Watcher. But really, the best way to beat that list is to join it! Play two or three games with it and you will have a far better understanding of what makes it tick - what gives it trouble and what its strongpoints are.
  14. So, just as a warning, if the forum is down tomorrow I'm going to merely suppose that you decided to write a long post and the forums exploded. But seriously, great stuff!
  15. It is, in fact, so easy to deal with that it has only won NoVa three years running now. Obviously a weak list easily cracked but it's a shame those in attendance seem to either suck immensely or have a weird blindspot to this list.
  16. I was just riffing on what Myyrä said (and apparently failing to be funny while doing so). I do switch Masters quite a bit but it's mostly because I get excited about so many of the Masters that Malifaux has on offer. I do consider myself one of the better players in my meta but I have lost to everyone else so it's not like I'm king of the hill or anything like that. I didn't mean to threadcrap - my apologies.
  17. I, too, switch Masters constantly. Mostly in order to give Myyrä a chance of getting a win.
  18. I think that 99 out of 100 is going a bit far seeing as how those positives work on defense against any number of models attacking you while the negatives only affect a single enemy. Note that I'm mostly agreeing with what you're saying but just noting that there is a definite use case for giving your dude positives.
  19. Every once in a while someone comes to a Faction-specific forum and posts a list and asks whether it's a good one or not. Within minutes someone comes along to tell them that there are no fixed lists in Malifaux and that you need to tailor your list to the battlefield, opponent and strat and scheme pools. Yet it seems that the US meta is ruled by fixed lists. It seems that most of the major tournaments are being won by lists that don't customize any but rather run the same list come hell or high water and win every game. So I was thinking that maybe we could discuss this. A couple of questions that you may or may not take into account when formulating an opinion: How come? And is this common in the UK scene as well? Is this good for the game? Should we start telling the list-posters that yeah, that's a nice list but consider switching that Baby Kade for an Illuminated? Any other thoughts on the matter?
  20. Mate's Push has the gigantic advantage in that it is in any direction while Trix's is only away. (Of course Trix's Lure has the enormous advantage in that it can be used to Lure Gremlins but just noting).
  21. According to Icemyn he did use Papa-box last year so I'm not sure what you mean.
  22. This is also my main use for Francois' (0)Action...
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