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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Sounds good! Though if you go with Hog Whisperer, consider getting the War Pig instead of Piglets since you get one Piglet with the Whisperer and War Pig is really good stuff with Zoraida. Piglets are a lot of fun and nicely versatile so they are worth getting but I think that you will get more bang for your buck with the big fellow with Zoraida.
  2. It's a good box but if you only have the Zoraida box and buy the Somer box, you will end up with too many Scheme runners as that's what Bayou Gremlins and Silurids essentially are. And since Bad Juju kinda sucks on the Gremlin side (since he can't take Eternal) all you would have for hitting would be Lenny and Voodoo Doll. So I would suggest getting Ophelia's box for killyness or Waldgeists for durability.
  3. This is one of the very best Wyrd boxes to come out ever. I assembled Mah, Lass, and Trixie last weekend and they all went together very smoothly. My only complaint was that Lass's feet are tiny and pinning her is impossible. I haven't tackled the Bushwhackers yet but the leaves look quite fiddly indeed. There's a fresh release schedule to check: http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/topic/111322-upcoming-releases-up/
  4. What is this "protecting others" you speak of? Sounds strange. To be on topic, Molemen also really benefit from having someone put down Scheme Marker for them to jump into. Trapdoors from Angelica or Cassandra can help with this.
  5. McTavish if you can find him and don't mind getting a metal model has the most synergy with Zoraida. Waldgeists are very good models and offer something unique for the Gremlins: endurance. Ophelia's box gives you Francois, Pere, Raphael, and Rami. All are highly destructive models that Zoraida loves to order around. Slop Haulers are great utility even though they can't heal Swamp Fiends so if you go the Waldgeists route, then maybe save these for later. Bayou Gremlins are amazing Scheme runners and general mayhem makers. Piglets and War Pig can Charge as a (1)Action thus allowing Zoraida to obey them to Charge which is very nice. Hog Whisper can keep them under control and give them Reactivate. All of the above are good choices and you can't go wrong with any of them. What's your budget?
  6. That was the one they admitted to (and fixed!) but I really doubt that they told the sculptor to make the girl Young LaCroix the biggest Gremlin aside from Lenny. Or I really hope they didn't
  7. Still not fond of Mancha Roja. His lower half is just standing there legs level and feet facing forward while his upper half if doing all sorts of things. Really weird design. Also not very fond of his cloak. The Bugs' magic effects do look better in plastic than they did in the renders. They do look fragile and will certainly be a challenge to paint. I do like the actual Gremlins quite a bit. Especially the flying one has a great sense of movement to it. And Assistant looks good. Though I hope that the crack between her face and hair is just due to Gmort assembling a ton of these and not indicative of a poor fit between the pieces. Wong is a great sculpt but it not being a new design is definitely a disappointment (though of course well-known by this time). Thank you GMort! Much appreciated as always!
  8. You might be approaching this from a slightly different view point compared to a random beginner I mean, some people start their minis hobby with Malifaux and I honestly think that Bayou Boss is one of the boxes that could most certainly turn people off the hobby entirely.
  9. Not to mention my Mei Feng! (OK, that misreading was maybe actually a cuddle to her but still). Luckily this Merris thing didn't affect the Pandora game much as I "realized" Merris' power against Pandora so late in the game. *sigh*
  10. In case this is in reference to me suggesting Merris, she protects from both (unlike Freikorps Armor). She also lacks a damage track for her attack so can't hurt herself. Then I must be missing something, as the card I have only mentions protection from and with Exhaust Trail. Though it is true that she cannot be attacked by Pandora. Ummm... Wow. I'm apparently utterly blind. This is not the first time this has happened but holy crap! I even checked the card since I have it with me but still read it wrong. Sheesh!
  11. In case this is in reference to me suggesting Merris, she protects from both (unlike Freikorps Armor). She also lacks a damage track for her attack so can't hurt herself.
  12. Pandora, btw, is completely shut down by Merris and Pandora herself can't do anything to her. It's quite funny.
  13. Bayou Boss is the worst of the Gremlin line by a fair margin. The rest are all better and many are very easy. Separate feet are a thing, though.
  14. I'm of a mixed opinion on this one. The pillar is nice enough but I'm not a big fan of those sorts of elements as they might very well clash with the basing style one is going with (luckily personally my Ressers are based in ruins so the pillar won't look out of place). I really like the pose and the general details. I'm not fond of the clothes. I liked these better when they were sorta monstrous bat-things. Now it's a clothed monstrous bat-thing which looks somehow weird. Not a deal-breaker but a bit of a let-down. Finally, that doesn't look Ht 1. I really, really hope that Wyrd will make it small but from the pic it looks like it would end up Ht2-sized. The mug shot does look fun. So yeah, not bad but not completely to my liking, either and I'm a bit surprised by the extremely over-whelmingly positive reactions.
  15. Don't forget that you can use Ophelia's My Threatening Gun to get an extra shot out of Ophelia (that negative twist is nicely negated by her inherent positive). She is also perfect for carrying around Glowy for Wong so he can take Gremlin's Luck. My favourite is Raphael. Crazy Fast, durable and shoots really, really hard. Usually ends up doing Schemes, though, for some weird reason.
  16. I would suggest simply replacing Philipp with Valedictorian (since you own her already). Valedictorian gives staying power and combat power and works nicely with Molly. After that I think that Molly box would be about on par with other boxes and should make for a fine start for a slow grow leagues etc.
  17. As an addendum to number 2, it is covered in the FAQ (and goes against the RAW sorta but is there to keep Dumb Luck fun and fair).
  18. You get it back for the next battle (so it's different from some campaign upgrades that are lost forever after use).
  19. I think that Somer, Wong, Zoraida and, to a bit lesser extent, Ophelia are all very versatile and can do well in any Strategy. Still, I do agree with the OP that, e.g., Somer is very good Reconnoiter and certainly would be my pick over, say, Wong, if going for maximum efficiency (which is naturally the point of these sorts of lists). As for the list, I essentially agree on all accounts. Some minor things like I do think that Ophelia and Somer can be just as good at Squatters as Zoraida but I don't think that counts as disagreeing.
  20. Everyone who has criticized the Guilty here has had a change of heart regarding some other model in the set so that's a bit uncharitable, don't you think? Also, I think that since this is the first time that we see proper, good photographs of the built models (as well as the sprues), it's entirely normal to voice opinions anew. As for them selling well - well, I hear Justin Bieber also sells well
  21. Ophelia really, really loves her Soul Stones when not accompanied by Lenny as she can use them to add Rams to her attacks thus doubling her damage. Francois also likes them for prevent
  22. There are quite a bit of other changes as well. For example elevation and LOS changed a lot and you can (1)Interact to drop a Scheme marker with any unengaged non-Insignificant model and so on.
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