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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I know a song about that! But yeah, a very cool render - I like it a lot! Sing me the song of your people, Math Mathonwy! ~Lil Kalki Well, County Medical Examiners have the catchily named song nh2,(ch2)4nh&c5,h14,n2 (Putrescine & Cadfaverine) whose lyrics go like this: Sing along!
  2. They are pretty boss in melee but not 6SS boss. I kinda think that Slop Haulers are a lot better if you're looking for cheap melee Gremlins. Both are very squishy in melee but Slops have Bayou Two-card, access to three AP and a killer debuff. But the anti synergy comes from throwing away cards, which is something Mah loves to do as do Bushwhackers.
  3. ... of which he hires 3... right? Considered hiring 2, but not sure I like what that does to my efficiency. Three is a good number for Somer. Four works as well. Two is a bit low, I think.
  4. o_O How can you not be impressed with the Doll? It is utterly bonkers! It's insanely killy and has a ridiculous Ca 7 and anything that gets Hemmed is completely doomed. But I don't hire it either, since it's so very slow. It's better to Summon it (preferably on top of something very high so it can jump down for some extra damage when needed). Bayou Gremlins are golden with anyone, but you likely won't need more than two with Zoraida. Somer OTOH likes to have about eight.
  5. I know a song about that! But yeah, a very cool render - I like it a lot!
  6. Well, he has ways around it somewhat. In a game against Lucius and his Rifle squad I used two Piglets to Truffle Fingers and Brewie forwards and then simply ran the pair into the middle of the firing squad. He can also Obey the Shooters to hop down from their sniping perches which can be very useful. She can do anything, really. She is super versatile like Somer and can work with all sorts of crews for all sorts of Strategy/Scheme combos. In Reckoning she can give your heavy hitters more AP and mess up enemy heavies with her Doll. In Squatters she can give more AP for Interacts (and put three Waldgeists onto the middle line). In Turf War she can Obey enemies out of the area. She is extremely squishy against Snipers, though. Maybe even more so than Brewie, in fact. So if those are your only Masters, you should learn to say "let's put some more terrain onto this table" in as many different ways as you can.
  7. Bushwhacker unfortunately has anti-synergy with Mah so if you're aiming for her, maybe leave the Bushwhacker home. Consider replacing with a Lightning Bug or a Slop Hauler for general utility or with two Bayou Gremlins or Merris for Scheme running. The latter two can also be used to provide McTavish Scheme Markers for his Gator to snack on. My campaign list was (from memory) McTavish, Francois+Stilts, two Bayou Gremlins, and two Slop Haulers. But you're going in a very different direction so I'm not suggesting that.
  8. This might seem as a bit of a downer, but Samurai can't get their 0-cost Upgrades so are pretty bad (and Gremlins have lots of excellent ranged options to choose from); Ototo kinda pales in comparison to Mancha Roja; Montressor isn't all that good to begin with and has very limited synergy with Gremlins; The Guilty are nice, mobile pieces but Gremlins aren't exactly lacking in anything The Guilty have on offer. Now, Papa Loco can be fun in some situations and I think that he is, after Nurses, the most likely Zoraida low-Wp hire. Iggy is also sorta-kinda possible as he works very nicely with the Voodoo Doll but at 6SS he is quite expensive.
  9. They should each have their own base and card, yes. Mine had.
  10. Note that getting Sewn Fate Condition onto a Master is extraordinarily difficult since Hem specifies "non-Master". I can't off-hand think of a way, actually.
  11. The good thing is that since the ability hasn't yet been printed onto a card, there would still be time to fix it somehow before the Emissary is released.
  12. A Rotten Belle and Trixiebelle Luring each other is also rather funny. "Oh yoohoo, come here!" "Don't mind if I do! Come here you musky fox, you!" "Aaaaaieeee! An amorous Gremlin! *pant-pant* Oh, yoohoo!" "Playing hard to get are you?"
  13. Umm, wow! That looks so much better than in the render! Sheesh! I still don't think that it is among the better half of Wyrd's minis but it certainly isn't horrible. I really hated the render but this looks completely serviceable. Certainly the biggest change of heart I've had between seeing the render and the actual mini. Thank you for doing these!
  14. Mind sharing? I would be very interested. The open beta was completely public and ran for quite some time. I'm surprised you missed it but it's a shame you did.
  15. Not sure what would make a Nurse specifically Japanese, but this one is certainly a different, less modern take on the Nurse: http://vesper-on.com/product/nurse As for the Drowned, would this work? It's quite Spirit-like at least:
  16. Malifaux games often have some very improbably things happening. This has been a grand tradition since the beginning of the game with, e.g., McMourning butchering his dog for spare parts at the beginning of every game and such. So what are some of the weirdest things that happen on the table top but won't happen in the backstory any time soon. This thread was inspired by the concept of "mecha Zoraida" where Sparks makes Zoraida Fast using his Scrap and Metal Plating... Which would make for a somewhat unconventional story. As a bonus - if your interaction gets featured in a story in the April issue of Chronicles, you officially win the thread
  17. I really like the new model but unfortunately on the table she looks just like a giant hat... Viewed from on high she is quite lackluster (though on closer inspection she is awesome). Anyone else finding this a problem?
  18. I don't think anyone caught on to this during testing. I suppose the correct way to do it would be to allow the Mei Feng player to pick the cards he wants his deck to have and then shuffle those while putting the rest into the discard pile. If he has the BJ in his hand, that is. Because that it what he could do but it would just take a long time and there's really no need to do it "for real" (I don't want to wait that long!). So let him take all the Severes and RJ and make a deck of those. Sure, it makes Mei Feng quite powerful but what the alternative is just silly. Getting a deck like that would take on average about 183 000 years of shuffling. I would just refuse to play anyone stupid enough to try. It would certainly be one seriously long game if you did!
  19. Of course! The best Faction! And really, when playing with girlfriends or wives or similar creatures, it's always a good idea to give them a bit of a mechanical oomph. Aye, certainly sensible.
  20. I don't think anyone caught on to this during testing. I suppose the correct way to do it would be to allow the Mei Feng player to pick the cards he wants his deck to have and then shuffle those while putting the rest into the discard pile. If he has the BJ in his hand, that is. Because that it what he could do but it would just take a long time and there's really no need to do it "for real" (I don't want to wait that long!). So let him take all the Severes and RJ and make a deck of those. Sure, it makes Mei Feng quite powerful but what the alternative is just silly.
  21. First of all, apologies to mods - if this is not kosher, do as you see fit. Now, I wish to stress that I'm not demanding the OTT to be re-opened. I'm not even asking for it, really. And I'm not making any other sorts of demands, either, nor deploying any sorts of ultimatums. I'm not going to stop supporting Wyrd or anything silly like that. This just as a disclaimer. And I don't feel that I'm owed an explanation. This is a private board and Nathan's house, Nathan's rules. He certainly doesn't need to explain his motives to me. I really respect Nathan. He has obviously been very successful and made Malifaux awesome. But he has also retained his presence on the forums and he has a very hands-on style that I certainly respect. I doubt that many big-wigs from other bigger companies (the small-time boutiques are naturally different) stop by to say hello to a random new forum poster or comment on someone's awesome paintjob. I think that that is really great. And finally, the crux of this post. I would very much appreciate, even in incomplete form, the reasons that lead to the closure of the OT thread. In part because it will inform me and others on what sorts of off topic threads are ok to post (there's a somewhat random new Baldur's Gate thread for example) but also in part just because not understanding the reasoning leaves me befuddled. So yeah, selfish reasons and I don't think that I'm owed an explanation. I also won't be bringing this up further ever. And if a reasoning is given, I will not debate it or even comment on it. And I don't expect the thread to be re-opened. OK, with that off my chest, I will now head towards my painting station to put some colour on some Gremlin Piglets. Really like the sculpts.
  22. It's extremely niche ability. Useful against undamaged Riders in the later turns (though how you get a Gator to survive that long, I have no idea) or some other truly unkillable things (fully boosted Yan Lo) but 99% of the time you're better off making three attacks. As a bonus it's Ml5 and requires a suit for the Paralyze.
  23. Ophelia's box is good and versatile and gives you a max force of 45SS. It's also very easy to tune to various points values below that 45SS and should work as well as any other box for any Strategy+Schemes combination. Also, if you want to expand to 50SS just add a box of Slop Haulers and you're good to go.
  24. I use these for my Neverborn as mysterious ruins: http://shop.microartstudio.com/arcane-bases-wround-30mm-5-p-901.html
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