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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. They most certainly were but since they are low-cost, they obviously don't wreck games the way a really high-costed (or Master) overpowered piece would.
  2. Welcome to the Bayou! We have the prettiest Pigs and the loudest guns!
  3. What about Komainu? They even have that tiny bit of Burning synergy. And Toshiro can Summon them from Emberling Scrap. Book three gave Mei two sources of Scrap: The Emissary and the Mechanized Porkchop.
  4. It's not horrible but it's not spectacular, either. You won't lose games because you took it but you won't miss it horribly either. Slop Haulers are very good but Lightning Bugs can sorta kinda substitute a bit. You won't regret getting the Slop Haulers, but I would prioritize some of the other models first.
  5. Wong's box is one of the best starter boxes in the game I think, since Lightning Bugs are so versatile. You can easily use three in a list and not feel like there's too many. And Mancha is a solid Henchman who can challenge any beatstick and come out on top. Though he does eat cards and Stones like candy. As for what to add, Burt is Wong's pal and has good synergy as a Glowy target (as Adran mentions) and with his Crackerjack Timing to bunch enemies up. Gracie is the third one of the Big Trouble triple and she is also very nice able to cart Wong around so he can focus more on blasting and less on walking. Finally, Bayou Gremlins are always good - you are unlikely to need all four, though but two are very nice as Scheme Runners and general annoyances.
  6. Eh, it's perfectly possible for something to have perfect synergy with something else yet not be the optimal choice. Heck, if Gunsmith's cost was 9SS they would still be similarly designed around Kaeris yet hardly be the optimal choice for her then (or 11 Stones or whatever anyone's personal ceiling for them would be). And similarly, if December Acolytes are powerful enough, they might be the optimal choice even if they have zero synergy with Kaeris. Not saying that Gunsmisths are worth it or not, mind you, just noting the logical fallacy of it somehow being impossible.
  7. I wish it checked the ending condition at the end of the turn and not always. It's not like Df 6 is game-breaking on Arcanists.
  8. Zoraida has no Cg stat. Trixie's lust petrifies her/doesn't faze her (take your pick). Edit: But yeah, she is very difficult to move around with Gremlins. Piglets can Bowl her and if she has Dirty Cheater she can heal up afterwards but that's not very practical and requires a suit.
  9. @Justin, this seems like a pretty massive cuddle. I agree, that it was possible for this to get a out of hand (last game I killed 5 models in one go). But I think the pendulum may have swung too far in making the Emissaries much less attractive in a Misaki crew. . This was a pretty powerful anti-summoning tech against Summoning Dreamer, Ulix pig farm, Ramos spider farm, and Somner gremlin spam. Would rather have seen it keep the ability as written but add a restriction "Minion or Peon" or maybe "an enemy model that costs 5 SS or less." If your Master is killing two or more models in a turn, I'd say that you're getting your money's worth and maybe she doesn't need more AP to kill even more models
  10. I do agree that they needed a change and it is good that they were changed. HtK made them such a no-brainer summon for Mech Rider which now opens up nicely. I used to hire them in some number but that might change now. The Protection mechanic is really neat but I've had huge trouble making it work for anyone besides themselves. It is very restrictive at least to my playstyle. So a bit sad that I will be using them a lot less but happy that Mech Rider will summon other things as well (they still make a nice enough summon for her and that's the one time where Protection can be made to work).
  11. I would go with the Slop Hauler. The Df debuff rocks and Voodoo Doll is absolutely golden in Turf War.
  12. I don't understand how you can have a real conversation on Twitter but to each their own. I vastly prefer forums due to the generally longer and more thought-out posts and the ability to access older content in a reasonable way. Facebook and Twitter don't seem to offer anything over the forums other than being easier to use with the phone (well, mostly due to how the expected message is so much different). To clarify, people aren't saying that the thread getting locked diminished forum activity but rather that the posters who posted to OTT also posted a lot into other parts of the site as well and now they have left for the most part.
  13. It certainly is extremely powerful against an unwary opponent but even against an experienced one it really dictates the flow of their turn as they need to position very carefully to make sure that the bomb doesn't wreck them when it hits. So I feel that it is valid even on the higher levels of play though the result might not be as obvious (i.e. a sub-optimally placed crew as opposed to a dead crew). Yeah, they are quite different indeed and failing to kill that Specialist can certainly be seen as an anomaly (though hitting with Weak is really, really weak in that match-up). Oh, and I liked the amount of terrain, btw! Especially the second and the third tables seemed to have a very respectable amount of terrain on them. Also, best of luck for the GT! I'm rooting for you
  14. Dogmantra is good stuff. To add to that, there was a really good thread when Brewie came out a while ago with lots of analysis and experimentation by Tiny and others: Worth checking out for sure!
  15. Lately I've been mostly using them as targets for first turn annihilation by opposing snipers. Be it Trappers or Katanakas or Austringers they are dead by turn 2 (usually on turn 1). -2 Sh But yeah, I actually prefer shooting their own guns for the most part. Focus when next to Lenny and they pack an insane punch (completely ridiculous for a 2SS model). Though I do agree that the custom guns have their place as well.
  16. Once more I find myself in complete agreement with master Vidd. It looks even better in the pictures than the renders. A real shame fielding it doesn't seem very enticing. It's not bad but not needed, really, either.
  17. They look really fine. I, like SEG, wish that the roosters had been more Malifauxed up with some weirdness but since the art didn't show such things I had resigned to them just being normal giant chickens. But the execution is really nice, I think. Lovely renders! Hopefully, since they are all standing on one leg, the feet are sturdy enough to pin. Three is going to make for some pretty interesting lists
  18. 30-0 - pretty good! But seriously, thank you again for the wonderful reports! Killjoy bomb certainly cleans house. For a minute it looked like Seamus might actually give you trouble but you managed to turn it around nicely. In the last game, Killjoy and Nothing Beast. The first one kills Librarian and Strongarm Suit on the first turn, Von Schill on the second and a Trapper on the third while NB battles against a Specialist for four turns and loses. Haha!
  19. It's really a shame. I thought that these forums were one of the best game-specific forums anywhere: vibrant, welcoming, knowledgeable yet whimsical enough. Very friendly to newbies yet offering deep insight as well when needed. Facebook really isn't conductive to deep conversations. Heck, about a third of the answers in this thread are longer than 99% of the posts I see on AWP.
  20. I do like Youngs. They are super cheap activations (50% cheaper than Bayou Gremlins!) and Ophelia can really rock that out-activation thing. They are also really mean little shooters when standing near Lenny. And of course they also load her guns thus granting her some extra durability. If there's killing to be done in the Strat/Schemes, then they can be a liability and Old Cranky is certainly a good option, but I wouldn't write off the little ones. Sammy with My Threatening Gun is very nice (as she can get Ophelia to shoot an extra time and her positive twist negates the negative twist nicely).
  21. Am I imagining things or are the forums really a lot more quiet than usual? During the last month or so it seems that traffic has died down by quite a bit. But since this is a very subjective view (not stats available), I'm asking your guys - do you have the same impression?
  22. Could you post comparison pics? It would be interesting to see.
  23. Depends on the OP but mostly not unless they are conversions done using mostly Wyrd parts. You should ask your local tournament organizer(s) what their stance on the matter is. For alternate Daydreams, how about these: http://shop.zenitminiatures.es/product.php?id_product=46 For Alps: http://shop.zenitminiatures.es/product.php?id_product=164 Or http://newstore.pulp-city.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=59&product_id=173
  24. I very much prefer the metal Colette and Cassie but all the others look better in plastic than metal. Especially the Mannequins look way better and the Doves look really, really good! Too bad Colette and Cassie are so central models.
  25. Why are people suggesting Gracie? She goes down really fast against Pandora's style of death by a thousand cuts. Liquid Bravery only affects Minions of which you have two unless I'm mistaken. It's good for Wong, though, naturally. As for advice - Trixie is solid, Burt is solid, Francois is solid. Also, Zoraida is pretty potent against Pandora due to Z's Wp being 10. McTavish is also golden if you want firepower. With Z you can get two Focused Shots out of him on the first turn easy and that can be very, very painful.
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