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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Got interrupted. To continue - just the mental image is awesome. Imagine, Somer, riding on top of this giant hog, shouting at Nicodem "Who has the biggest hat? I have! Your hat is puny! Let's see you try and raise something from the dead will we! Here's some corpses for you!" *BOOM* *BOOM* With a diminutive Gremlin Voodoo witch cackling in the background. And a confused looking Nico who is out of cards and can't do anything reliably anymore.
  2. Old Major from the Ulix box can utilize the Saddle and Sammy can take Encouragement. Somer can ride in the Saddle, in style, while throwing out Bigger Hat and thus discarding both players' hands. Then he can use Encouragement to get positives to his attack flips and annihilate everyone. Oh, and Old Major gets Reactivate since the opponent has no cards in hand.
  3. Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as rude or anything. It really was meant as highlighting another point of view in the discussion. Nothing wrong with not converting (I rarely convert myself)!
  4. If you take part in official tournaments you might wish to use certain models despite your aesthetic inclinations (general 'you', mind) based on their in-game abilities.
  5. What about Dreamer? Monkeys as Daydreams, then Performers as Lelu and Lilitu, Mannequins as Stitched Togethers, Cooper as Dreamer - all you need is Chompy and I'm sure you can find something suitable. Baritone Lola could be Widow Weaver or Insidious Madness I suppose.
  6. Note that he already had a box of Piglets and Gracie. Also, if playing Pigs with Somer, you don't necessarily need the extra Bayou Gremlins straight away. I would consider a Hog Whisperer. He comes with an extra Piglet, controls and boosts Pigs nicely and can hit like a truck in melee (try Focusing with him near Lenny).
  7. Oh man, didn't notice that the whole mini is mirrored! The buttons are on the wrong side! Urgh.
  8. The model is great but making it three times seems like overkill. I mean, even the hair is identical on all three (on one it's mirrored). The faces of the first two are identical. The clothing is identical with all having their jackets unbuttoned (even the folds on the tie are identical). And the shorts look weirdly angular (that's some strong starch!). Really like the model but this is lazier than normal for Wyrd.
  9. I wouldn't go quite that far For example, Pigs without anything to control them isn't very viable...
  10. Crooked Men are so damn good! Almost impervious to ranged attacks, Paralyze trigger in melee and those Shafts can make even Belles worth taking!
  11. I believe that they outsource terrain and have done so for quite a while. Their terrain sets are different from their minis sets - lower-quality but generally cheaper (in that you get more plastic).
  12. I don't think anything else changed between the final, official card pdf and the printing. Certainly not such a number of things that you could call "many". Also, they had official rules status (Adepticon 2014 was run under the rules where a Mech Rider could summon an Effigy). And the new card download was issued under the moniker or errata IIRC. And I realize that this is way off topic.
  13. Nope. If you look at the official, ready cards that came from the beta, they still contain the Mech Rider card that allows for the summoning of the Arcane Effigy. The errataed card was offered for a while on the old site but it isn't included in the new errata (which is totally understandable!). But the change wasn't done during the beta.
  14. It has, by an objective measure, an absolutely horrible contrast ratio (1.1 when 1 is the worst you can have and suggested level for text this size is 4.5). Phones and tablets indeed make the highlighting through clicking a lot more difficult.
  15. Beating Wong usually means a relatively long back-and-forth action where you really need to be careful of blasts - especially early ones.
  16. In the March newsletter (which can be found here): They are slated for April. Really love the look of the Rooster Riders though I still wish the Roosters were somehow "Wyrder". The only real disappointment is that everyone's legs are in the same position and it looks like they might be rather fragile. The Sow looks beastly and I like her quite a bit. The teats are awesome. Taxidermy - well, I'm not fond of the packaging and three duplicated sculpts of Stuffed Piglets sucks. Especially since they are so unique. The one stumbling is absolutely adorable, though. And I like the look of the Taxidermists though I don't really see myself using two in a serious game. OTOH maybe I can use them in games against noobs with Mah. Having Story Encounters is a fun bonus.
  17. Rooster Riders! The Sow! Yay! (though their pics are mixed up) A silly number of Taxidermists and Stuffed Piglets to a box with repeat sculpts to boot. Boo! Though including Story encounters.
  18. Monday previews have now featured all the Emissaries. Rank them - which one did you like the most, which one the least. Try to leave faction bias away if you can (though often people like the faction they like the most aesthetically - nothing wrong with that, but just try to rank them in the order of true preference). Also, try not take into account things like expected difficulty in building and such. My ranking would be as follows: Mysterious - a bit plain but otherwise very nice. The super-cartoony look of the flowers is a bit of a bummer but the changelings look amazing Lucky - the rider and the hog are awesome, the carrot gremlin could be better and the wheel itself, though nice, seems a bit implausible in how the driver balances on top Shadow - a very competitive eastern dragon design but the shoulder is a shame Carrion - the wings and the head are great, the robes are a real letdown Arcane - very difficult to decide between this and Brutal. Not fond of the scythes Brutal - the sword and the boots and the head beneath the skull dropped this one here Hodgepodge - not the worst from a technical point of view but I don't understand the concept nor do I think it fits So there is it. What's you ranking?
  19. @Myyrä has been using Philip for extreme card cycling during our current slow grow league. He could probably weigh in on this.
  20. Huh? Either you're massively better at playing Lady J than anyone I know, or you let your Waifs be killed way too easy. Because that's an insanely difficult task you're kinda skipping there. Similarly, just don't die with Levi! Problem solved!
  21. Aye, it sucks to realize after winning that you did something critical wrong. But that happens - don't be too harsh on yourself. And it's a bit futile to consider what would've been if you had played ot correct. Just play it right next time and you're golden. I can guarantee you a similar situation will happen again sooner rather than later.
  22. Ah, don't feel bad. These things happen. I played Mei Feng for three or four games until I realized that a Burning opponent results in a positive twist to damage as opposed to the attack flip. And that's her basic attack!
  23. I still like the head, I still like the wings, I still dislike the featureless robes. The wings are really nice, though.
  24. You Dirty Cheater! But seriously, it would be utterly crazy if it worked on Defense flips. It still is amazing.
  25. Note that Dirty Cheater works only on a model's own Activation. It would be hilariously broken otherwise
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