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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. No, both places have a requirement that you list the ingredients in supplements. AFAIK you can claim whatever you want about the effects of the product in the US. Possibly you ought to include a fine-print that this effect hasn't been scientifically proven or else you might get sued, I suppose. But you need to have the ingredients listed. If it is 100% salt, your list of ingredients has to read: "Salt".
  2. Toshiro for Gremlins would be pretty crazy. His Summoning and positive Twists would be amazing for Gremlins, especially since his Summoning utilizes Suits less used in the Gremlin Faction. Sammy's good student could lead to some interesting shenanigans.
  3. I find this extremely unlikely. What is your source on this? This is simply wrong. The law requires that you'd label its ingredients.
  4. Out of the left field, you say... Gremlin Cockriders! ... I can't believe I'm actually posting this! Somebody stop me! ... I blame the chocolate cupcakes my wife and daughters made me! Eating at the moment! Delicious cupcakes!
  5. Depends on the Strategy and Schemes. I would keep at least one Slop Hauler but you could experiment in changing some of the more expensive pieces into two or even three Lightning Bugs. But I would test that list as is as you'd then get a better idea on what works for you and what doesn't. Though rest assured that all of your current models are quite viable in the right circumstances.
  6. That's what I keep telling myself when crying into my pillow.
  7. A drawback worth noting is that being Ht 2 makes Lenny unable to toss him around and also means that Ophelia's non-randomization Aura doesn't function when he's in melee (until he abandons the Stilts, naturally).
  8. Dumb Luck is Ml Attack Action damage (though that Ml Attack Action originates from Francois himself). I mean, it also comes from a Trigger but that Trigger is part of a Ml Attack Action. This has been discussed on the rules forum a few times and the consensus has always been that Stilts can be used to mitigate Dumb Luck damage. With Stilts he often ends up killing two big targets (or even three if there's a good source of healing nearby)
  9. Stilts is crazy good for Francois. It can be used to negate Ml damage and his own Dumb Luck is Ml damage so you always get your money's worth from it. And all in all Francois' biggest problem is his durability and Stilts goes a long way on that front (essentially usually giving him something like 3-6 extra wounds). I think that Stilts is far more important than Dirty Cheater for him (and in fact take DC sorta rarely for Francois but here there was room for it). As for Liquid Bravery, yeah, I wouldn't take it against all Factions but I consider it near mandatory against Ressers and Neverborn and it's handy against Outcasts as well. The Stubborn is the main attraction (though Wong does have Counterspell which sorta often hinders attacks against his Wp). Wong's (0)Actions, though pretty great, are somewhat situational so he can get traction from dealing out the Wp boost as well. Of course this particular list is very low on Minions so switching Liquid Bravery for On Your Tip Toes against non-Resser/Neverborn/Outcasts could be a good idea.
  10. In Malifaux you build your list after you've heard your opponent's Faction (this doesn't usually affect things too much), seen the terrain (this can be important - sparse terrain makes ranged options better, for example), and, most importantly, the Strategy and Scheme pool for the game. This latter part has a huge effect on what sort of list you should build. Reconnoiter favours lots of models while Reckoning calls for a more elite build. That said, here's a 50SS list made from what you have available: Wong + Liquid Bravery, Ooo Glowy (7 Pool) Burt Jebsen + Dirty Cheater Francois LaCroix + Stilts, Dirty Cheater Merri LaCroix Gracie + Saddle Slop Hauler Slop Hauler Very elite but workable. You have Merris to perform Schemes, Slop Haulers to heal and debuff, Burt and Francois to wreck face and Wong can ride around in style in Gracie's Saddle so he doesn't need to expend AP for walking but can Focus on Focusing and blasting stuff. The biggest problem is that you're lacking good cheap Minions - a role which Lightning Bugs fill very nicely. If you want a totem, I would suggest getting Old Cranky as he is a good choice for Wong and Ophelia both.
  11. Which is why I use a simulation - once you get to millions of runs, you get results just as accurate as hard math but a lot easier if you know how to do it.
  12. Interestingly, since Gracie has Armor +2 she is surprisingly durable when falling. Gators don't have much in the way of synergy with anyone. They can help McTavish shoot, McTavish can order them around with an Upgrade and McTavish or Zoraida can carry an Upgrade that lets them deploy From the Shadows but that's about it. Oh, and Mah can give them +1 Ml which they like since they are melee pieces. But that's about it. Some people really like the Gators (Ml Expert on a 5SS Minion is pretty sweet) but I find them too squishy to be of much use. Oh, and Gremlin faction tends to have loads of synergy so models outside of that tend to need to be extra good in order to bring home the bacon.
  13. Currently Gremlins are only 77 votes behind the Guild. We can still pull this off!
  14. For the record, my simulation was that you get a random hand of six and then add twelve cards (which is probably in the very upper part of what you could hope to get to draw in a turn) to it and hold on to all the cards valued seven or less. Then you discard those at the start of the next turn in order to not encounter them. And in ten million simulations this resulted in about the same effect in winning duels as a +1 to a stat would give.
  15. Haha! If you somehow manage to do it, let us know
  16. Just to note that deck shaping is one part where I and Omenbringer disagree. I ran some simulations (ten million simulations, in fact) and you need to prune the deck an insane amount for it to have an appreciable effect. Drawing 12 cards over your normal six (that's the equivalent of six dead Gremlins for Survival of the Fittest) and then using that to shape your deck results in an average +1 to all of your flips until you need to shuffle again. Not worth it, IMO. (Drawing you whole deck and then playing Red Joker would mean that you would flip only Red Jokers for everything - too bad that such card draw is a bit tricky).
  17. It wasn't meant as a "gotcha" or anything like that but as a serious question. And I do appreciate the reply!
  18. The cape is a bit much but other than that it's very solid. Good job! Oh, and go Gremlins! Gremlins for president next week! Vote for the Green party! We have booze and the prettiest girls and scrappiest boys. Also the cutest pigs and the most bacon.
  19. How would you go about exploiting that?
  20. An over-sized (for him) woman's silk kimono.
  21. I would argue that The Sow would be a lot better for that purpose. Not having Access to Eternal Fiend really neuters Bad Juju as he turn from nigh-unkillable to ridiculously squishy. I would argue that Merris gives them a run for their money. And Francois - not as fast but not afraid of anything. And Roosters aren't bad, either. And a pair of Bayou Gremlins is pretty potent as well.
  22. Haha, sorry about that I don't think that Gremlins get much out of Silurids (Gremlins aren't lacking for Scheme runners) and definitely nothing out of Bad Juju. Also, I'm definitely no god - Dumb Luck has way, way more tournament experience than I do. But I am a big fan of Zoraida.
  23. First, Bayou Bushwhackers are really bad with Mah. They aren't very good with anyone but they especially suck with Mah since both love to discard cards for abilities. Second, I do think that Ophelia is more powerful. Third, Gremlins models as a Faction don't have all that much synergy with Mah's melee-centric life-style. (Fourth, it's Ml with an lowercase 'l' like in melee, not a capital i) That said, Mah does have some things going for her. She is a tremendous distraction piece with her potentially 3" Ml reach. She can tie up huge chunks of the enemy and all in all take their attention which is something that Ophelia does more rarely. She can be tanky (I like the Apron - it's very expensive but she really needs all the toughness she can get) and very annoying. And yet while being tanky, she can take off and Charge away when needed. Her Pushes are also more plentiful and more versatile than Ophelia's. I usually use Get Off My Land on her and then use her first turn mostly to Push my models into position (and then they Push stuff in turn be it Trixie's Lure or Piglet's Truffles or whatever). And note that you can Push enemis as well. The Ca is low but it's against Wp so there are some models that are very susceptible to it. And you can Push stuff into severe terrain or off of buildings or whatnot. A useful option to have. The Initiative bonus passives are often focused on ("Look! You can get +1 Ml!!") but I would mostly ignore it. It's a nice minor bonus but don't stress about it. I was really disappointed by Mah's Emissary Upgrade as more card discard is not what will make her shine! But I haven't tested it yet so take that with a grain of salt. Do It Right is similarly situational but quite handy if the Scheme Pool has stuff like Exhaust their Forces or Cursed Object or whatever. You seldom get to use it but the opponent has to take it into account and that is valuable in and of itself. Her Totem isn't very good. Old Cranky is better. I use Lil' Lass mostly as a cruise missile with Lead-lined Apron and if the opponent is unwilling to kill her, I tend to Do It Right her if it looks like Mah will be getting enemy attention.
  24. She is not mandatory by any means. The main thing she brings into the Faction is access to outside help in the form of Waldgeists and Nurses (and Papa for some specific stuff) as well as getting a lot of traction from the (1)Action Charges that Roosters and Pigs have. That said, she is probably my favourite Gremlin Master. She is crazy versatile and the main thing I love about her is that if there is something that I need accomplishing, I can activate her and get the job done. Her potential is basically limitless. I also feel that Gremlins get more out of Obey than other factions. This is because they are really fast and really destructive. Being able to focus AP on a single piece acts as a force multiplier. As for the Doll, well, I never have problems in deleting the model the Doll is Hemmed to. In the best case scenario, the opponent does it himself using up AP due to the Doll Engaging something that doesn't want to be Engaged (I also find that GG2016 Schemes made this more prevalent). Finally, she is squishy yes but there are ways around it. First of all, she has long ranges on most of her stuff so that helps. Second, you can Obey a Nurse to heal her on her last AP and the Paralyze won't have any effect (only ending the Activation that was about to end anyway). And finally, her defenses do work wonderfully against some things and her Wp ensures that she isn't bothered by some things that can really hamper other Masters. Her squishyness is definitely a big weakness and especially against some things. If the enemy has From the Shadows Snipers and you deploy first, shield her well with your models. Oh, and Nurses are completely bonkers. They make Moon Shinobis silly (this is more for fun than for serious stuff, though) and heal Lenny really well, for some Gremlin-specific tricks. And that +2 Wk can be a game-changer on Reckless models, just saying.
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