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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. IME Night Terrors take more AP to dispatch of than Guild Hounds. Night Terrors take almost everytime three AP at absolute minimum unless you're doing absolutely massive damage or significant Ca damage (or Burning or whatever). Not saying that Night Terrors are outright better but I think that saying that better Df makes up for the passives isn't quite true.
  2. Yeah, this isn't very up to date anymore. And even when this one was, I preferred the other stickied terrain thread (why there are two stickies saying essentially the same thing, I'll never know):
  3. It not being on offer at Gencon might mean that it won't be out this year. Might not mean that, of course, but if I were to bet on it, I would bet that way.
  4. I fully agree that they are pretty damn crazy and both of the suggested fixes would be good (maybe a tad heavy-handed on paper but testing would reveal whether or not that's true). But I doubt they will be errataed any time soon as they don't really break things and Wyrd are generally very careful with their errata. Also, were I to errata Ressers, I would start with Nurses.
  5. Great reports once again and congrats on the placing! In the first game, did you really kill Misaki just with Jack and one Guilty? If so, very impressive! It's a bit of a shame that your opponents didn't know how to even begin to deal with the Viks as those turned out to be super-lopsided affairs. But those are the breaks - well done, all in all! And huge thanks once more for taking the time to write these!
  6. This thread is so full of ice cream hate! There's been all of one person expressing it! That's more than zero! AAAARRGHH!! Oh, and one other person didn't like the mini but didn't specify whether it was due to the ice cream or not! Panic! Everyone, to the lifeboats! Wyrd is going down due to all this ice cream hate! Quick, we need more ice cream positive posts (of which there have been only something like thirty in this thread)! Bonus points if it talks about selling kidneys since the ice cream model is so needed!
  7. The Heal is a Pulse so won't Heal the initial target but otherwise, yes, that's the idea. Somer's Do it Like Dis gets you Masks that the Heal Trigger needs and it's incidentally also the Suit that's needed for Somer's Summoning - combo! Note also that Lenny nearby can mitigate the damage to the initial target.
  8. I know I'm quoting myself but I was unclear here - I'm not a fan of Wildboars with Marcus. With Zoraida they can be used to deliver Bad Juju quite nicely. You can deliver him using Waldgeists as well (they can get From the Shadows from an Upgrade) but Wildboars are a good choice for that as well. Wildboars also get extra benefit from being Obeyed so can be valid for Zoraida (though not essential by any means). I just don't see their use for Marcus.
  9. Waldgeists are amazing for both Marcus and Zoraida. I'm not a fan of Wildboars and haven't seen Hounds on the table yet, though on paper they seem fine. McTavish is awesome and his synergy with Swampfiends is pretty incidental and not at all needed for him to shine. He is also so expensive that his Merc tax isn't too bad. But do you play anything else besides Marcus (and Zoraida)? Since if you play Ten Thunders, Illuminated rock with both Zoraida and TT alike. If you play Ressers (or Guild McMourning), Nurses rock. And so on.
  10. I'm not a big fan of the Wolf-things - they might end up being decent minis but the art is uninspiring. Not horrid but not all that great. Also not a fan of the old dude that's attached to the Bandersnatch - these sorts of things don't work on gaming minis, IMO (I also hate the Wendigo's victim, for example). But other than those, I think that the Neverborn are looking great taking the top spot with Gremlins for quality. The blobs are awesome, Titania's box is great and the Spider is cool other than the old dude. Good job!
  11. I like my funny more subtle when it comes to non-Gremlins. Sue, for example, is funny in a good way. But you are naturally free to disagree - not everyone has to like the same things. I can also buy a mini from a different company. Many models out there that would work wonderfully. If I pay premium price I expect a product I like.
  12. That ice cream is maybe the stupidest thing in Malifaux. I dislike it immensely. Ha-ha - very funny. The undead lumberjacks look great, though. The Onryo oozing additional Spirits looks cool in art but will likely suck as a model like the Corpse Candles do. The TT Rider is bizarrely stiff. The Kirin's legs don't bend and the rider is holding the swords really weirdly. Looks silly. The terracotta warriors look cool enough and the serpent staff fellow looks really brilliant.
  13. Somer works extremely well with the Roosters as well.
  14. I think that both Noxious Smoke and Shards of Kythera are a lot better designed through the fact that they at least go away at the end of the turn rather than the beginning of the model's next activation which gives you a lot more chance to try and stop them from being there blocking a given path for the whole game and forces the opponent to activate early if you want to block effectively.
  15. The usual with Ophelia is to first Toss her with Lenny and then Ooh a Girl Lenny after her. Helps him keep up. But I suppose you knew that and meant that once the match really start going Lenny is often in the wrong position and messes up activation order or has been Pushed wherever by the enemy or whatever and on that I agree.
  16. Oh, you mean tricks. Well, the Rooster Rampage is utterly insane if you can get it off in a controlled fashion. Encouragement from Somer, their own Dumb Luck on their rifle and simply shooting them with a Bayou Gremlin are all ways of causing damage to them. This is of course highly risky but that's Gremlins for you. They also make excellent Obey targets due to their 1 AP Charge. With Brewie you could first give something negative flips and then sic the Rooster at them. Guaranteed to wreck their day. And with Binge you can even get the Rooster to Charge again!
  17. Yeah, but you're really hard pressed to use Pushes effectively if you bunch up like that. I just don't see how it would work in practice without sucking up a ton of AP but as noted, I have never tried it so maybe I should. One thing I could see helping in that quite a bit is Saddle, though. Since it's a Place effect, you could pretty easily get Wong into position and you would have the big pig so would need only two extra models.
  18. What were you hoping for? You can use them for Scheming since they have a massive Wk stat and access to three AP but that's about it. As Loki notes, they are not very subtle. Note also that they are not very good team players. Their Ram trigger means that they need to charge the closest target they are not engaged with and since you're never engaged with friendlies you need to really take care in positioning if you wish to use them in tandem with your own dudes. Bayou Two-card can help a bit, of course.
  19. I often merely rely on SS or high Rams to get Thinkin' Luck with Ophelia as I find Lenny to be really limiting positioning-wise and also a bit of a liability. You can also shoot Ophelia's other guns and they do similar damage as Mah tends to do.
  20. I think that both Flame Walls and Ice Pillars are entirely silly - especially when you can double up on them. Just absurdly powerful and force you to consider them when building any table basically lest it become completely lop-sided if one players decides on an obstacle Master.
  21. How well does that work? I've never tried it so an honest question but doesn't that make Wong immovable? Or am I missing something here (very likely!)?
  22. Ophelia does better single damage but Somer supports his crew better and his Bigger Hat and Blasts are both phenomenal against Kirai and Summoners in general. His lower Sh isn't as big a drawback since Resser Df values tend to be lower.
  23. Aye, switched editions in one paragraph a bit randomly there.
  24. Elite Somer list is really good against Summoners as wrecking their hand really ruins their day forcing them to play really cagey with their Master. So Trixie, Sammy with Encouragement, Francois, Merris, Roosters, Lightning Bugs, Slop Haulers, maybe Old Major with Saddle to cart Somer around in style (Gracie dies to Kirai, Nico, Seamus, and McM way too hard to risk taking her IMO) - something like that depending on Schemes and terrain and such of course.
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