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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. OTOH all data that we could ever get is affected by terrain adding a ton of variance to the results. I mean, some of the tables shown from Adepticon were very sparse and some were quite extreme in other ways. I always remember facing Kirai in M1e on a super dense terraclips city table (so accessible houses with multiple rooms each) in a tournament once
  2. But if you go to that level, you cannot actually have to pieces touching one another, either, right? So 0" melee will never reach anything as there's always a miniscule gap. And two 30mm bases touching cannot block LOS to a 40mm base since there's always a gap as nothing can truly touch?
  3. I must say that I'm having a hard time understanding how this would be better than an evasive Zipp list? I mean, it looks like the playstyle would be the same but with more hoops to jump through and even less killing power? And everything dies super easy? Maybe I'm missing something. I do like the inventiveness, though, for sure! And this certainly looks like the best Somer2 list I've seen so far.
  4. I don't think it would OP but I do think that the current version is quite a bit more elegant and I would like Somer's strength to lie somewhere else than Blasts from his cannon (Wong is the blaster, Somer is the summoner, after all). My ideal solution to Somer would be to bring back his emphasis on "combined arms" approach with Pigs and Gremlins (and Skeeters) working together to make a "1+1=3" style of synergy. But it would mean a big overhaul, so unlikely to happen. His title was a giant missed opportunity, unfortunately.
  5. The original M2e plastic Viks box was comically oversized and they did another printing with normal proportions. I think that's the only time they've done such a thing.
  6. The Upcoming page was updated: https://www.wyrd-games.net/upcoming-releases Out of the new Masters quite a few got effects Wong has a giant, lumpy effect that isn't very pretty at all. Otherwise I rather like Wong's design. Sandeep has a giant effect throne but it does really fit the mini and the design of the effect is probably my favourite of the bunch. Shenlong OTOH has a pretty ugly effect but at least is looks like it would be easy to cut off. I hate the look of title Lynch from a design perspective but the effect is rather fine. There's something happening there other than just playdoughy lumps, you know. Levi's horse has some kinda flames on his legs, I think? Enh. Maxine is nice enough a mini but the absolutely enormous effect looks rather lazy. It's in a style similar to original Zipp but just blown up. Youko, if my eyes don't deceive me, has the saddest little effect ever next to her foot. Is it a cartoon dust cloud? Brewie has super lazy and weird splashes. Really not feeling them at all. I mean, just look at the one growing from the bottle behind his shoulder! Urgh. (Shojo is amazing, though) Lady Justice has Wyrd flames. Not a huge fan but they're not actively bad. Tara I've no idea about until I see a painted version. The carnivorous attack hair looks weird, though. Jedza is an absolutely amazing mini but the effect is kinda lazy again. Looks like the whole spirit guy is separate, though, so that's nice. Zoraida is superb as well with a ton of movement and cartoony witch face. This box is the definite highlight of the bunch. Some didn't get effects Von Schtook is really cool. He has some texture on his frock coat and the zombie is cool. Parker's coat is flapping in a massive gust of wind but nothing else on him is affected. That much wind should show elsewhere as well, I feel. Not a fan. Basse OTOH is a very cool and menacing mini. Zipp is just super ugly. His look and proportions are not at all to my liking and the rope concept just doesn't work for me at all. A real shame. (As an aside, Fishbocker is probably my favourite of all of these. He is absolutely amazing in every way from concept to execution and from the pose to the details!) Somer looks positively grotesque. I rather like him. Seamus is cool except what happened to his face? It looks like an old lecher from an 80s soap opera that has had a bit too much facial surgery! His pose is also off compared to his art which really conveyed the sinister. So yeah. There's my quick review of the new titles minis. A pretty fine bunch in general but still not a fan of the effects. Though it might just be that so many of them don't look very good as effects. Some are very cool (Sandeep) but most are just kinda lumpy and uninspired or otherwise very ho-hum. And then a couple are really let down by them like Brewie. The best individual mini is Fishbocker and the best box is Jedza-Zoraida. P.S. can anyone explain what's going on with the White Rabbit Co. stand? Did the sculptor just stop half-way?
  7. For a right angle corner, the distance would be π/4 times the base size. Not expecting anyone to use that in a real game, mind. If you cut through the corner along the center line of a base (as people usually tend to measure it), you gain something like a tenth of an inch of extra movement with a 30mm base so it's kinda unlikely to have an appreciable effect on the precision of your movement measures. It does get more pronounced the bigger the base, however.
  8. I can't believe people are making comparisons to LoL and Starcraft with a straight face here. LoL has a 100 million players a month. That matters. Expecting the same level of balance from a game like this just goes to show that the person making the comparison has no clue what they're talking about. Sheesh.
  9. "Black Soulstone Stat reduced from 7 to 6 and TN reduced from 13 to 12. Additionally, English Ivan ignores the effects of this Action." What's the significance of the stat and TN change? I don't get it - is it just to get all the stats to 6? Seems like a weird change. Unless I'm missing something.
  10. So the errata landed. They touched the models that were complained about pretty heavily, boosted Wong and Swinecursed but left the weak Minions weak. Francois took a big hit in killyness and durability but got some utility to make up for it a bit. He might be a bit more interesting now? Definitely a lot weaker, though but I suppose that was to be expected. Rami just got nerfed quite a bit. Again, pretty expected. Not ignoring Concealing anymore is a pretty big thing, I think. Bokors lost Obey and their card draw got toned down. They did get a bit of a mini-Obey for Minions as compensation. I'm not sure they'll see much play outside of Wong anymore. Zoraida doesn't really have Minions that would benefit from Bokors all that much and "freeing" up points from support roles in her list is usually a good thing. Wong has Swines for the Bokor and an insatiable need for heals. This change probably affects the power level of the Faction quite a bit but fewer "auto-includes" is better, I suppose. Wong got a big buff but weirdly enough his shooting got a sideways change. The extra Glowy is huge. But even with that, I'm not exactly convinced that his title doesn't still steal all the glory from him. I suppose time will tell. Swine-boost is definitely the odd one out. They were already generally seen as being one of the few good parts of the keyword. I feel that Taxidermists or Lightning Bugs really could've used the love a lot more. And speaking of Lightning Bugs, also Wrastlers and Moon Shinobi and so on were left alone. Well, at least it wasn't like the murder of Somer last errata so I suppose we got off lightly this time.
  11. All of those are absolutely capable of winning tournaments and are very powerful. Ophelia is quite likely to get nerfed, the others probably less so. You have four TT Masters and three Explorers Masters in there so I would go with one of those factions but, as said, every one of those is a fine choice. As for complexity, none are crazy complex and you should be able to pick up any of those pretty quickly.
  12. There is of course a scale here - if the less-skilled player isn't playing for Victory Points efficiently they won't win no matter their crew. But if we are considering at least moderately competent players the crew differences do absolutely play a part and there are crews that I wouldn't start with. I remember someone on these forums asking for guidance in a situation where his first crew was Wong and his opponent chose Tara - that's a very unfortunate pairing that gives a big advantage to one player and can really sour the starting experience. And on a more competitive level, If I can freely choose a crew and the opponent is forced to use Somer2 I would be very comfortable facing anyone in the world. That said, out of the, what, ~100(?) Masters/titles in the game, most are in the middle and are fine choices to start with.
  13. When you pay in euros, Wayland includes the VAT into their prices automatically so their "conversion rate" is "bad" in a sense but that means that there's no extra hassle from the customers' point of view (and the end result for the amount of money paid is naturally the same). But it only works realistically for individual customers and doesn't solve the problems of distribution.
  14. "Hah, Taelor! We all know that she's no contender - better take care of the actually durable and dangerous ones instead!"
  15. I would be extremely careful when porting this sort of wisdom from another game to Malifaux. For example, in my experience, new Master in Malifaux have an inflated win rate rather than a deflated one since normal Faux players get way, way fewer games in than normal LoL players and getting experienced playing against all Masters is way more difficult. When meeting a new Master you are at a big disadvantage and since there's such a crazy number of Masters in the game (even if you discount Titles, which you really shouldn't) a tiny tiny percentage of players gets to play against them all in a year's time. The dynamic is so different to LoL that I wouldn't draw any comparisons without thoroughly examining them.
  16. That's a fun concept and sculpt! Love the look of the demon lizard! Though I kinda do prefer the art's curved horns and the more flowy fabrics. But the mini does offer a lot of possibilities for creativity with the paintjob. While I have the mic, @Kyle any chance of a juicy (rough is fine as well) ETA for GG3 and Malifaux errata?
  17. This observation was made by@SEVover in the Bayou errata thread but it is quite strangely often the most iconic Minions that are the most in need of a buff. And that's probably because the most iconic Minions are usually the combat oriented ones. Lightning Bugs, Moon Shinobi, Bandidos, Witchling Stalkers, Oxfordian Mages, etc etc. This also ties into what@Azahulwas saying above: the schemer and support Minions that are viable still don't see multiple copies taken because of their roles but a Parker list with three Bandidos could be a fair goal to strive for. Naturally not as an autotake but as a consideration. Contrasting to, e.g., Winged Plagues which shouldn't necessarily aim for viability of taking three. I do kinda wish that this conversation would be in its own thread (as@Maniacal_cacklenoted) since this might get a bit buried here in the Outcast section. Is a thread surgery possible, @Adranor would it be too messy?
  18. I wouldn't call him a one-trick pony - his kit isn't all that complex but there's quite a few decision points and he has quite a few options in building his crew.
  19. I've used Francois as a beater for Zoraida a couple of times and haven't felt that he is above the curve compared to other choices like a Whiskey Golem or the opposition. That said, the Kin have been doing really well in the Vassal tournament series so I could see them getting hit a bit and in that case I agree that Rami and Francois seem like the prime candidates (along with the Bokors).
  20. To me Marcus feels a bit like Pandora in that he is generally very powerful but has some very rough match-ups and some of his keyword are quite lackluster. So care must be taken in buffing those so as not to make the Master accidentally too dominant. (Though in the post-Titles world and with errata likely not touching the Titles I guess that is not a relevant worry anymore...)
  21. To be fair, there are a lot of mages in Malifaux that are Minions or Enforcers. Some are even very powerful ones. That said, I wouldn't mind Vanessa becoming a Henchman.
  22. You really love stating stuff in absolutes, don't you? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winning_percentage
  23. Karmic Debt is certainly the box I would go for next. There's a handy-dandy "building on a budget" thread for each faction buried somewhere that has suggestions on buying order for each Keyword. They were made before titles but should otherwise be valid - here's the TT one:
  24. I think that it is mostly that most Summoners need some sort of hoops to jump through (most often the creation and then expenditure of Scrap or Corpse Markers) while English Ivan Summons while doing damage to the opposing models, which isn't really a cost but kinda the opposite. Now, there are other Summoners who Summon without much of a cost but those are usually the ones that people complain about. Add to that Ivan's extremely powerful Totem and how amazing the whole Shadow Marker thing is (which means that he is actually quite a competent damage dealer in addition to being a summoner that offers good support and has a super totem) and his kit does appear quite over-tuned compared to most.
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