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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Thank you for considering it - that's all I really ask!
  2. Seriously, you often have good things to say now that I've finally began to try and read your posts but the pink really doesn't work on the white background. Nothing against individuality and I know that you paint your models pink and all that, but on the written word it really makes it hard on the eyes.
  3. I believe that an old photo look would be very evocative. Something like this: http://www.redbubble.com/people/tmphotos/art/5262115-toys
  4. Ah, fantastic news (though in a horrid colour - my eyes!)! I like the models and agree with Q's analysis - they make a nice addition to ressers crews
  5. Spray them thoroughly grey. Then, spray them from the top with white, a bit further away than usual. Then, apply Badab Black or something similar. Voila! Very cool-looking monochrome Puppets that take about two minutes per puppet. Alternatively, spray them ochre, then bone from the top and use a dip and you'll get sepia Puppets just as fast (drying time is longer, though).
  6. Eden? Alkemy? Freebooter's Fate? Mercs? Nemesis? Sphere Wars? Anima Tactics? Urban War? Pulp City? AE WWII? Nuclear Renaissance? And these just a small sample of the mainstream ones with their own minis lines. So yeah, if you really have played just about all of them, my hat's off to you.
  7. They weren't all that bad IMO (at least my group picked up on them no problem) but the new rulebook is clearer and better worded. Both can be played competitively but I agree that I'd rather hold Malifaux tournies than Infinity ones. I do feel that Infinity is easier to pick in that ten games and you have a pretty good handle of how things go. In Malifaux you need to play against each Master a couple of times to really get the hang of things. You might win against a Master you haven't faced before but only if you familiarize yourself thoroughly with his/her rules and even then you are a very clear underdog. This problem/feature doesn't exist in Infinity IME. But yeah, the bottom line is that they are extremely, extremely different games and though there certainly are people who enjoy both very much (like me!), I can see them drawing different sorts of gamers. Doesn't excuse bad mouthing Malifaux for no reason, naturally.
  8. (My eyes bleed from reading that colour - dear god WHY??) I suggest using powerful magnets and a sturdy metal container to secure the base in a such a way that the model won't move. No padding needed!
  9. Looks great! Really like the leopard theme and blood makes it zombie! I took the liberty of brightening up the image a bit as it was a tad dark: http://i53.tinypic.com/29xsrya.jpg
  10. Ah. I can see the logic - thank you for pointing it out! It seemed that most of thread was of the opinion that getting more than one model caught in the Oopsie means that Pere's opponent is a hopeless failure. Getting him to make two Oopsies seems rather beyond the pale Aye, just played against him and he is rather annoying to say the least. Just the sheer "you can't do anything to me" factor is rather horrid and he is an extremely powerful piece with a crazy amount of potential (so much so that preparing for what he does is almost impossible as he can do so many things).
  11. Holy crap I cheated a lot last night o_O (mostly on taking it on enemy shooting attacks, I only used it on my own attacks once *sigh*)... This game is too complicated (aka I should read the abilities each game and not just go on memory). Against Silveri I've been playing it correctly, though (hooray for non-shooty enemies).
  12. Probably old news to most, but I just realized how slingshot Pere a lot further. The crews are usually about 36" apart at the start. Ophelia walks, Ooo it's a girl on Pere and like herding squirrels. Pere has now moved 6" plus Ophelia's base so approx 7". 29" to go. Ophelia shoots Pere twice. With her paired this shouldn't hurt Pere and with :masks from the aura he Squeels away. Now he has moved 15". Now, if you have the cards (highish masks for defense), you could make Rami walk and then shoot Pere twice more, so it'd be 23". Then Pere walks twice and goes boom. 39" threat range. 31" without needing anything special in your hand.
  13. The sheer stocking effect is lovely! Very subtle but still discernible - extremely nice. I also like the colour scheme a lot. I'm in the same boat but this one actually looks pretty promising The proportions are all weird (look at those arms!)
  14. My guess is that their main role will be as debuffers dealing out slow.
  15. Well, they did print it in French, translate it and then come to the conclusion that printing it in English wasn't profitable. Me and my extended gaming group play Helldorado, Malifaux, Alkemy, Uncharted Seas, Blood Bowl and so on and so forth - none of these have rulebooks in the local gameshop. So I come from a bit of a different perspective But that's beside the point, really. I didn't take this thread's starting post as a serious possibility so I decided to add to the conversation by providing another different take on things. I did not mean it as a serious suggestion for you in your particular situation. Should've probably been clearer about that, my apologies. Also, I'm 100% sure that you are way more knowledgeable about these things than I and surely correct about what is good for you guys. I have complete respect for you. I'm wasn't actually trying to suggest that a living PDF would be the right path to take for you and when you say that it isn't the right path, I certainly believe you. Just that some had tried it and it sounded like the right decision for them in their particular situation and it was very nice from my POV. Who knows, maybe the time is right someday when eReaders are utterly ubiquitous and more advanced. But right now I naturally wish Wyrd to succeed as well as possible and I trust your opinion on the matter a helluva lot more than mine Eh, that sounds kinda disingenuous. Kinda "it surely wasn't the PDF that brought them down but you know *nudge nudge wink wink*". Now, maybe you honestly didn't mean it that way but that's how it reads. Seriously, it was a different situation than what Wyrd is in and in that situation I believe it was the right choice and it was an interesting precedent. I'm pretty convinced that they would've gone belly-up faster had they printed it.
  16. Ah no, that's the wrong way around. They chose the PDF rulebook because it was more profitable to them. At first they were going to release it in print but came to the conclusion that the overhead for rulebooks is too much for a small minis company. Seeing how much non-gaming full colour books tend to cost, I doubt that gaming companies make much money out of the rule books.
  17. Alkemy has an online living rulebook. A PDF that is updated when clarifications, errata or new rules are needed which is a pretty neat solution. Or at least that's how it works in theory as Kraken went belly-up and the new owner of Alkemy (Studio 38) is still busy releasing minis for the existing units so they haven't touched the rulebook yet.
  18. OMG! Those Terror Tots as trolls - genius! Good stuff all around, the bases add a lot to these. Great job getting them painted!
  19. Decided to bring Ophelia and gang to Ropecon (the biggest independent con in Northern Europe) at the end of July where I'm hosting a Malifaux tournament with Silveri. So yeah, need to get these guys painted. I bought some rather awesome bases from Microart for them - really happy with the look. Ancient Malifauxian ruins in the bayou. Especially happy with how the base worked in the cases of the Slop Hauler in action and Pere Ravage. All are still WIP but I'm working on them randomly as the mood takes me ("ooh, I wanna paint some red now!") as befits the little buggers. Expect updates (it's nice working on a deadline - gets things done). And since they are WIP, I might be able to implement advice given to me. The scheme is red and khaki (Commando Khaki is a horrid, horrid paint - very poor coverage even over white and very chalky - would've definitely chosen something else had I known but so it goes) with Kin getting dark grey/black hats (or a scarf in the case of Rafael and a vest in the case of Pere). Ophelia will be getting black boots and belts as well. If I get the time, I hope to shade the skin with a bit of purple (you can see this with the big hatted gremlin with the eyes painted - or you could, if that pic wasn't the worst of the bunch *sigh*) and highlight it using elf flesh to tone the green. We shall see. Anyway, pics now, and all comments are super welcome!
  20. Very nicely done for such a quick job! I really like the hair and the corset and I'm sure that the striking eyes work on table top very nicely. The pants could maybe use a blue glaze to blend the highlights a bit. The shoulder could also use a very subtle wash - now it's a bit harsh. The base is super lovely, kudos on that.
  21. So - do the differently named effects of a given spell stack or merely replace?
  22. Why would Pere be withing 10" of Marcus?? His threat range is over twice that! *eyes... bleeding... from the pink on white... whyyyyyyyy*
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