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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I don't see people being dismissive of them. I expressed my preference for Slop Haulers over them in general (though using both is certainly very viable) but that's like saying that I prefer Nurses over Belles - maybe, but I really like them both.
  2. Hehey, brilliant! Hoist the Euro flag and show them how this side of the pond plays - I'll be cheering you! Who else is going from the UK?
  3. Lightning Bugs are Gremlin wizards, so I kinda doubt it Be sure to paint them blue and glowy, if you do.
  4. Yeah. Wong likes to Focus so riding around like a boss fits his style very well. You can outactivate with Bayou Gremlins and kill just absolutely everything using Wong and Gracie and Burt. Francois makes for a pretty mean Scheme runner and Slop Haulers are IMO better than Bugs for five points.
  5. Silurids are absolutely amazing Scheme runners. But then so is Merris and a pair of Bayou Gremlins... My suggestion of course is to play Neverborn sometimes - since you will be getting Waldgeists (and Nurses) you can make a nice Neverborn list utilizing all the stuff that you wouldn't as Gremlins
  6. I don't think that she's a must-have but she does allow access to Waldgeists which provide something unique to the Gremlins (extreme staying power and insane Ml reach).
  7. Fantastic reports once again! When looking at the lists, I thought that the first game would be really tough and it was! But you out-attritioned Tara wonderfully. I do agree that Taelor's limited role was a huge deal in this game. The second one looked like a steep hill to climb for your opponent from looking at the lists (and knowing your caliber) and it ended the way I thought it would - though Coppelius snatching up Sonnia was a nice bit of payback, I thought. Seeing Sidir in your list was nice, I thought. Thought maybe The Judge would've been better in the role he ended up playing The third one I think highlighted the problems Victorias have at high levels - if the opponent can play smart enough and isolate them, they die really, really quick and it's a tough roe to hoe for them. You masterfully executed the isolation and mop-up. As for the mandatory terrain comment, I thought that the first table was really sparse but the other two were OK. Big congrats on three wins and the second place. You certainly have found your stride with the Guild. Now just get those Hunters painted As an aside, we'll be having a tournament here on Sunday so I'll see if I can cobble up a report of it. At least you'd get to judge our table layouts then
  8. "Basement dwellers" - wow. Way to show your superiority! So clever!
  9. They look more like Wild West Exodus style high-tech, which is indeed a shame. The standing one looks OK, I think but the leaping one is pretty silly/clumsy. Would've preferred way more antique look to the tech.
  10. I didn't find Nectoric Machine all that troublesome. I mostly glued stuff with a bit of forethought so I could have them touch multiple points in other limbs and therefore gluing from several places. LSPA is quite a bit more annoying IMO.
  11. They have pretty nice combat stats, Bayou Two-card and easy access to three AP. Oh, and one of the best debuffs in the game (that works if you hit, not "after damaging" as many other nasty effects) as well as an insane Cg stat. They are really, really nice. Though do remember healing since in Hardcore you don't want to lose your Leader and Francois is really easy to lose (though he will be taking someone (maybe the whole enemy crew) along on his trip to Valhalla), so the healing is also a really nice option.
  12. Long story short, Misaki had Entourage, got hit by Sybelle while her hand was empty and turned into a Peon. Can she still do Entourage? I'm thinking she can since the Master requirement is in effect only when you choose the model for the Scheme.
  13. I used a very similar list to yours but I had two Slop Haulers instead of Gracie and indeed Stilts for Francois instead of Gremlin-See. I also used Raphael instead of Burt but that's mostly because I don't own Burt - he is probably the better choice for this format.
  14. The official rules of Hardcore stipulate that you need exactly four models. Also, Francois without Stilts is a sad Francois (the Stilts can be used to negate his own Dumb Luck damage).
  15. Of course. I'm not denying it. I just don't think that you can rely on that really without considering the implications. Because seriously, activating a Bayou just so it can miss is often a luxury that you can't take on the crucial turn. At least not willy-nilly. I'm not saying that it won't happen - of course it will happen sometimes. It's a good ability. But I don't think that it should be her focus. To my mind her main focus is disrupting enemy positioning and helping her own crew with theirs. Her damage dealing abilities are secondary, though certainly respectable and very nice. But you are free to disagree. If you see her mainly as buffing her crew with their melee and hitting things, that's quite all right. The beauty of this game is that you can play this in many ways. I doubt that I would be more successful using her like that than using Ophelia but maybe I'm just not as good with melee Masters. That's what I'm trying to communicate here but apparently failing miserably. If you manage that feat with Mah, I'll tip my hat to you I'm probably missing something really obvious, but how does she make 5 attacks? Or rather, all the ways I can think of wouldn't limit to five...
  16. Note that there are three other chores, too Also, saccing a Gremlin who misses in melee is actually a really high cost, too. Not the least because you need to activate the Gremlin to-be-sacced and use it to miss in Melee while you probably have better things to activate. And of course you also lose the Gremlin and how many Bayou Gremlins are you going to be taking with Mah? And will they survive to get into Melee? And how many times will you sac something more expensive? Lass is naturally a special case. So yeah, again, like Ml 8 Mah, Ml 7 +:fate Rooster Riders are awesome, sure, but the opportunity cost is huge. If you can afford it and the option presents itself, go for it, but don't get fixated upon it and don't rely on it. Rely on Mah's Pushes The same goes for Mancha Roja, btw. He seems like a perfect Henchman for Mah being that he is the premier melee Gremlin (well, ok, Francois gives him a run for his money, for sure) but One Thousand Masks is again "Discard a card to" effect. Not a deal breaker, for sure, but something to bear in mind. Also note Bayou Bushwhackers like to discard cards - Mah's Starter will be quite sucky due to this... It's rather funny that her own special troops have an anti-synergy with her.
  17. Solid points from both Ferossa and TheBarbalag. Brewie is certainly a very different experience. And Merris is one of the very best Scheme runners in the whole game. Gracie is also awesome. With the Saddle Upgrade Somer, for example, can just ride her like a boss while shooting everything dead with his insane gun. Focus is your friend here. She can also haul Lenny around, which is nice since it lets Lenny use his AP on tossing around, e.g., Ophelia, while Gracie hauls him around to lend his Aura wherever needed. Gracie is also a complete monster herself (as long as you don't run into anything that ignores Armor - avoid Joss!).
  18. She is extremely resource intensive if you wish to load her up on all her awesome, though. Cheating Initiative with Trixie to win with a high Rams is very expensive, she discards cards for her (0)Actions, sacrifices her own Gremlins for the bonus flip and needs various suits for controlled use of her abilities. In an ideal situation she is indeed a force to be reckoned with but that comes at a very high price. As for Lenny and the comparison to Ophelia - well, I view Lenny as really squishy support model. When supporting shooters he can stay at least somewhat safe while if he's supporting Mah he will be in the thick of it. Also, Ophelia needs minimal resources to support her. Her damage is extremely reliable. So yeah, I stand by my opinion that loading up on Rams for a massive critical strike while sporting Ml8 though tempting on paper, is not the optimal way to play her. I maintain that focusing on her Pushes is the way to go. But that's naturally just my take on things.
  19. As for the ruling, fair enough. I think it sets a bit of a weird precedent (essentially adding the word "other" into an ability in a FAQ as opposed to actually doing it in the rrata) but it isn't a big deal. Were I given the option to change exactly one thing in Malifaux this wouldn't make the top ten list But I wish to comment on two things in Justin's post (neither of these are in any way an argument against the ruling). I think that people pay far more heed to the Errata than to the FAQ, personally. No one asked whether it could be done on the rules forum, you mean.
  20. The Pushes. That's her main thing, IMO. Her damage really isn't all that stellar (Ophelia is of course ridiculously better) but she is just full of Pushes. If you use her a melee beatstick and expect stuff to die like to Lady Justice or even Misaki, I think that you will be sorely disappointed. She is more like Von Schill in that she is capable but not spectacular in melee. But her Pushes are where it's at. With the potential for 3" Ml and a bazillion Pushes she can bunch up the enemies and then get into position to cause maximal distraction. She is difficult to ignore, she will go down but hopefully by that point the rest of your crew has done enough to win the game. I think that Adran would love her She is the Master I'm most waiting for though from a competitive standpoint I think that she is firmly low tier and the weakest Gremlin Master by a somewhat large margin.
  21. As for what I've really been listening to (well, aside from R.A. the Rugged Man) - Ufomammut released a new album, Ecate, and, well, what can I say. Ufomammut is just utterly amazing. Seriously. It does take a bit to truly sink into but holy crap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM_hzPUeq9U
  22. Did someone say Bags? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNCFrLe65fY
  23. It has been talked about a lot but wasn't in the previous FAQ, unfortunatelyhttp://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/106491-brew-and-yu/
  24. If it is errataed, I certainly won't shed a tear (of things that Mah needs, an Action that allows her a Push at the expense of discarding a card is at the very bottom of the heap - since she already has that ability! (as well as about a bazillion other ways to Push and get out of an Engagement)) but if it is not errataed, I really hope that it is ruled to work as that is consistent with how other abilities in this game work and will lead to far less confusion than the opposite ruling.
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