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Everything posted by Illustrange

  1. so 2011 gave me a rough time.. lots of loss, and having trekked around living in different place, just as I tought things had greatly turned around, after unboxing and organising all my stuff in my new apartment, I seem to miss one of my miniature boxes.. so organising everything I actually realise that it is not just any of my miniature boxes it was one of my 3 favorite boxes (3 boxes that contained miniatures I really liked, miniatures I concepted, LE miniatures and my full 2 favorite ranges : Malifaux and Pulp city.) .. only stuff that wasnt in the box was those that were assembled and partially painted, and those that I had gotten more recently. for anyone who want to share in the exact magnitude of my pain, the huge list : O_O (yes, its only half of it, see my joining date... this box had been filled regularily over a loooong time >_< ) dead marshalls, judge, sonnia, peacekeeper, ramos and all his arachnids, injun joss, sabretooth cerberus, 2 molemen, 2 silurids, zoraida, bad juju, all book 1 gremlins, bishop, the cowboyhat ronin, 3 canine remains, my second seamus (I had 2), all (book 1) nephilim, necropunks, a couple of totems and bits from minis I hadnt fully assembled yet (rasputina arms, all lose ortega bits, all bases accesoires sets among others.) and 260 euros worth of freebooter miniatures (most importantly.. the copies of the non-goblin ones I concepted : clockwork fairies, timewitch, doc taranto and dixie dynamite ) and some random steampunk miniatures from various ranges.. most I cant even remember what I had anymore, but among them some LE stuff and OOP stuff (my big collection of reserve midnor puppets to pimp bases with :\ sigh... just wanted to vent
  2. or even better... several collettes NOT on a single base (who says all avatars convey a single base after all.) that being the power.. duplication instead of transportation maybe with *warpy* elements on all of them.. as if they are only part real/physical/materialized
  3. riding one of those mechanical horses she so adores maybe ?.. but it would be less *fluffy* that way. what about a base with several colettes on it.. all in different showbiz poses ? (the prestige style magicians duplication .. fluffwise not a far fetch at all actually.)
  4. regarding McTavish... all associated name leads lead to historical fur trade (during the appropiate time.) so I expect something in that direction (trappers/those weird fur hat hunters/taxidermists etc.) perhaps a character with *pets* hence the 18$ mark (or.. its a furry bigger creature ..just naming the association, like with collodi)
  5. only thing I feel with that is, that as a miniature it will feel insignificant compared to the other epical avatars... same thing could have been done, but instead she riding a horse made of ashes, scrap from the building and ghostly materials... even making a reference to the headless horseman not complaining, merely suprised actually
  6. Im a bit of a pocketist (just invented the word.) when it comes for thematics, as such I hope oriental remains a res theme and native americans etc remain an arc theme (not just because of bishop, but miranda, wendigo, mal raptors etc. all support the vibe) I always hear how werewolfs are born to death but...miniwise sure, rulewise not really... tough it then should be an arc thing..not necessarily wolves, just the inner beast part... travelling troupe, yes please, but not as a master, but rather a henchman and special forces.. mostly arc to supplement that theme there (using constructs but also marcus' doing... biological experiments.) tough also interesting is spreading the special forces troupe around (undead bendy twins that also can count as belles and have the arachnid ability, pyromancing athlete(s) that are also showgirls, knife throwing ortega family member in guild, big neverbornish freakish brute and then the henchman and some *commoners* that are in the outcast list and can recruit the others !) always agreeing on the classic goth themes, tough most rather as individual characters than masters : - dr Jekyll/mr Hyde (dunno...maybe marcus goes that route ? the small part in book 2 I got visions as him all Hyded up with his inner beast running with the beasts.) - more island of dr.moreau.. mcmourning and marcus wants that - Invisible man... all cowboyed up ...rules and miniwise tough cookie tough - Sweeney todd, yes yes! res please (like the workingclass theme there) - a Butcher , res please oh and : one of my favorite japanese videogame character designs. anyone with clocks will do..I like clocks...
  7. drumrolls and suprise... one I stitched and fluffed myself (in a similar fashion to the puppet arts when I was very little. It was a guinea pig(ish) and both the fur he is made from and the buttons for eyes came from a jacket my mother hardly ever wore, so didnt ask permission (nevermind it was summer and hardly ever is counted for weeks at that age ) still have it, and it still freaks people out ...need to take a picture.
  8. oh hang on... This being a thread about him-who-stitches... or would that be me-who-stitches ? so first things first after nagging eric about wanting to be the one to preview my own fave :
  9. puppet puppet puppety puppet and stitching puppets fluff stitch!!!
  10. 1)Steampunk abominations 2)Hollow waifs 3)Electrical creation :p XD
  11. strange, my work is always puppet heavy.. hmmmm...
  12. want to add a bit, with only having read briefly trought the subsequent ideas. but (like I think I said on the rpg thread as well.) a more free game like this works better when take slightly outside the canon but still within the mythos.. as has been done with necromunda, mordheim and gorkamorka. like put the setting in a politically uninteresting part of malifaux (the city.) or adventurers diving trough the ruins or pioneers of the outskirts of malifaux (world, not the city.). also leaving the existing factions slightly out of tthis system. as the feel of them doesnt necessarily translate well, or have ties but not the same form. thats a bit I think was missing from dogs of war (confrontation.) they should have taken that system into a cadwallon setting.
  13. the fancy puppets are just the "mascotte" puppets so to speak and have no relation to actual models. I actually dont know who does those O_O all the more cartoony puppets (wich I do) are always based on characters and minions. not a solid rule, but its how its been so far, and I think it kinda sticks
  14. Im from arnhem, but, not really a gamer, I might be interested some time tough but time is sparce
  15. ah thats really nice liking the color choices etc. joker inspired mcmourning.. toying with that as well tough mine is semi painted allready. and I before never really liked the convict gunslinger, he felt not fitting the setting, but this one really does the job for me nice! I myself am planning on using miss pack as a belle in mcmournings list, she's a more convincing mcmourning themed belle as a standard nurse to me
  16. what is TF ? and... what is OC for that matters ? O_O and I tought I knew about most internet abbriviations by now. thanks everyone, and on the story, apologies if not everything is proper english or wrong use of words. I like writing, but its the very reason I dont do nor post it alot, while here in the netherlands english comes quite natural and the not-native language excuse wouldnt be very true, its a whole different thing when talking about creative writing
  17. Obviously inspired by the book 2 thing its all a bit unfinished and rough, but non commission pieces often remain so, and then a month later I add some more and some more etc. rarely considering them finished (hence I dont do prints, as have been asked at times.) initially didnt really plan on the fiction, but had no clue were to post this, so decided to do a small write up, and include in it some ideas I had with her. Taffy is next to her by the way.. as a profile type I call Jelly Beans. the Man is turned into a self devouring thing (wich in small form is a range weapon for candy.) I call Jawbreakers. (last edition pink horrors.. always wanted to find some use for those and I dont play WH/WH40k) She (candy) has a knack (in my imagination.) of twisting humans to woes, not like undead, more like addicts, addicts to Candy the buzzing are obviously buglike nightmares drawn to sweet tastes (turning blood into syrup is no problem for Candy tough ) all in all just some fan-things
  18. He ran as fast as he could, the beating of his running feet hardly competing with the beating of his terrifyed heart. Hope subtly moved in his eyes as he was approaching the door, the door that could be nothing else but the exit from this, this urban hell, for lack of a better name. Hope can grant a person the strength to make that last stand, that last leap.. it focuses one's attention to the goal. But that inevitably is also its strongest flaw. As he tripped only footsteps away from the door he didnt even notice breaking his leg, he didnt scream out all the curses one would ever hear in malifaux to get some insignificant relief from the penetrating pain as he hit the floor, apart from his slow but angsty breathing he was completely silent. Listening, carefullly listening. It was quiet, almost too queit. he looked around, he could make out every detail in the room, there was a light source, somewhere... but, this specific light source resembled total darkness in so many ways, the man was not really concerned with the light source, or lack thereof. It was just moments ago it was he dishing out the scares, he liked it that way, in any other situation he could remember his deeds vividly, enjoy them all over again, but not now. He tried to stand up but was held back by a sting in his leg, as he looked down it was not his broken leg causing the terror to spread all over his face. It was what made him trip, a small piece of liquorice, a small shiny red ball... and in its semi transparent material he could swear eyes watching him, the eyes of all his victims.. realization, guild, self loathing... all things he had lacked troughout his life backfired at him. And there it was, in the distance, the buzzing, the wings, tiny claws and teeth symphonically moving, forming letters and words, whispering his name, not like a voice, not like a voice at all. Yet sounding exactly like her. He pulled himself up with all strength left in his body.. dragging himself to the door, he pushed and pulled but the further he moved, the longer the distance to the door became... he tried to scream for help but his mouth couldnt open, the swarm closed in on him and the tiny terrors didnt hesitate in their attack, stinging, biting and scratching. the man still struggled to free himself, and remembered taking the little fire stick the first girl, his victim, tried to defend herself with. He grabbed it out of his pocket, and slit it past the ground engulfing the entire place in a bright light from its flare. As soon as the light hit the walls, the wisps were gone. The man looked around him, wildly swinging the fire stick (itself a fine piece of pyromancer craftmanship) there was no trace of anything or anyone else besides him self, no buzzing, no bugs... his eyes fell upon a mirror in this hallway room, he looked upon his face, no sting marks, not the swollen blisters filling his hands and body when he was fighting the swarm, all damage he had was deep scratching from his own nails, he had torn of more skin than he left. A desperate laughter escaped him, glad to have survived, yet still mentally torn in two by the pain and the madness. He struggled to the door and opened it. His pupils widened and he mumbled "oh no, no, have mercy" as he felt to his knees --------------------------------------- Taffy was way too late, her mother allowed her to go to the pyromancers fair all by herself, but she had to be home before the streets grew empty as the unwritten curfew in malifaux was closing in and the shadows grow large and dangerous, while this area rarely had any conflicts between malifaux rivaling factions, nor had much presence from the demons and beasts hailing from the outlands, there were much more dangerous things for a girl like her. While she rushed home she didnt notice being followed by a man, she didnt notice him closing in but she did notice him grabbing her, closing his hand on her mouth while whispering "tonight you are mine" the man dragged her to an abandoned building. All that she feared would happen however never came to be, as when the man stood over her, preparing his evil plan, from the corner another young lady came out of the shadows dragging behind her, what seemed to be a gigantic lollipop... Taffy noticed that a trace of blood smeared behind it, even tough the object itself remained clean and shiny. At first the man didnt notice the other girl but when he did a smile came upon him. "well, well this must be your lucky day girl, or rather, my lucky day." the Girl gazed straight into his eyes, her lips moved but Taffy couldnt recognise or hear words. It was clear that the man did as he looked as if he had seen a thousand horrors. Without hesitation the man ran out of the door. Taffy wanted to sit up and thank the girl but the girl paid no attention to her or her words, she stared at the door as it swung open. There the man was again, torn, broken, exhausted... taffy wondered what could have happened in these mere seconds he was away. The man mumbled something and fell to his knees, calmly but clearly amused the girl asked "trick....or treat ?" At that moment the lollipop started twitching and shaping into an axe, the girl raised it and let it fall beheading the man. But he was not death, as if happening in a nightmare his blood twisted and boiled, and started to form something remotely resembling an arm, and then another, they grabbed the head and pulled it inside the body as the lips of the man tried to scream, then the arms pulled his skin inside, his flesh, his organs, the body of the man was devouring itself, untill what remained was a tiny small red ball. "and you" said the girl clearly speaking to taffy "victim" she said mockingly As the girl turned around to Taffy, Taffy looked at her not sure wether she should be afraid or thankfull, the girl smiled.. a wicked smile. As Taffy realised what she was it was too late, she tried to scream but her mouth couldnt open, her body parts started sticking together between her torn clothes as her skin turned into a liquid jelly like form. "Now you're mine"
  19. her gun is seperate, wich makes her more versatile. she is slightly smaller and less skinny than most malifaux models.. but thats not uncommon in humans anyway (the variety) Ive used her as the basis for a Pandora (altough I have the original pandora.) holding a magical children stories book.
  20. out of curiosity, why isnt a nurse a good combo with bad err super juju ? its never written as being so, so I accept it isnt, just curious why not (not heavily familliar with all rules.)
  21. well if my speculation turns out right, who knows (and if there is a way you could do that, the question is would you want to lol ) it was just something I noticed with the book 1 ronin rules tough, not some inside knowledge on the matter.
  22. Marcus and denzel washington have as much in common as lady justice and roseanne .... he is a good actor from time to time, but wouldnt fit the role even if marcus looked anything like him. (wich he really doesnt) what about Djimon Hounsou for marcus based on what roles Ive seen him play he can convincingly portray the *vibe* as well, and he fits a bit of a stranger vibe casting as opposed to samuel l jackson, denzel washington or lawrence fishburn blockbuster type casting. (not to mention I cant see any of them in a not-modern or futuristic era.) its too bad bob peck is no more, tough his jurassic park role isnt too great, his facial profile is perfect for nicodem, and I can imagine him pulling off the personality as well.... Id say vincent cassel, but Id always jump to the chance to cast him in a movie anyway
  23. at first I tought, so is he, in a worse way, but didnt follow the link and tought it was that wrastler one, I see what you mean and that actually is a nice croc hmm... fossil of ancient monstrous swamp crocodiles, the fresh blood and death in the swamp turning them alive again, sometimes substituting swamp matter for flesh (like the bad juju ).. neverborn model, but also undead and beast = lots of happy players
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