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Nathan Caroland

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Everything posted by Nathan Caroland

  1. Yup. Too tired to look for them, but look under announcements.
  2. Heh, someone finally noticed. Said chihuahua happens to be running around the offices today.
  3. Ya'll keep asking after an Alt Ototo - probably have to make that happen.
  4. Thanks. Put a bit of work into that cover, binding and ribbons - most folks wouldn't give it much of a second thought, but it was more work than you would think.
  5. We'll be looking for several positions over the year - so feel free.
  6. We only flew in a few cases for that show as they literally were done a day before it opened. I expect once it hits the wider population later this month that it'll get a bit of attention. Quite proud of the book I must say, it's a beautiful hardbound stuffed full of lore, goodies and other little hidden treats. Certainly not a 'must have' for folks that don't want to jump up from their first edition books, but we made certain that there was plenty more in there other than just updated rules. Mason weaves a rather interesting tale when set loose.
  7. It's free, and you don't have to enter in any CC information at the site, so unless it's blocked to you or you just choose not to frequent the site, it should be openly available.
  8. Nah, we like to keep it subtle, and like I said before, better when y'all get to fill in the blanks and make them your own.
  9. Well, y'all have already seen Luna in the game (our Neapolitan Mastiff) who is a slobber hound of great proportions and lots of love. Then there is Mio Pane, said anklebiter Chihuahua which weighs in at a fat 5lbs and tries to rule the roost. Then there are the cats, which also recently made it into artwork and miniature form.
  10. It did not - that story has been written for a bit before y'alls thread now. Again, it's around, we just don't feel the need to slap people in the face with it. Hell, I'm still surprised y'all haven't pointed out the bits in the last book.
  11. Y'all will get a better look at them, as well as their renders later today via the Wyrd Chronicles. Princess is a large, well kept, and grumpy, cat. Also takes place of the Rat King. There will be additional cats in the box, as well as two beleaguered cat-herders. The Cats, there are actually eight of them, but seven of them can be done up individually if you chose to go that route (we're including four bases, so you can double some up for visuals, but if you wanted to, you can take them out to seven total). And yes, there is a rather nervous Chihuahua in a cat outfit included (also based off my own little chi-wee-wee).
  12. Yes there will be a Cat-herders box, with Princess and some additional cats ... just they will show up by Black Friday to round out the crew proper. Otherwise it's just a 'bit' too much to toss into one box all at once.
  13. And now, you see why we don't take these subjects and hit everyone over the head with them. Everyone has an opinion, some are going to be quiet others are going to scream and slap folks about the head with it, and then there is the whole wide area in between - and frankly, I don't want it, nor need it, in a game which is supposed to bring enjoyment to folks, not cause everyone to scramble off to hard lines and fight the good fight, whatever that may be. I'm not going to lock the thread, but please treat each other with respect and don't resort to name calling or causing hard feelings - it's not worth it. At the end of the day, enjoy the game, have fun. If not, try something else out that brings you enjoyment.
  14. Only so much space in a given book. RPG's are also a different beast and the info provided therein is of a different nature.
  15. Oh, it's hinted at here and there, you just have to look to find it. Like religion, that's one of those that I don't feel needs to be used to whack folks upside the head with. For me, personally I'm a very opinionated, even bombastic individual at times, but most people don't see that of me, or my thoughts/direction that I take on things until you've come to know me for some time or catch me in the right moment. I'm very much of the opinion, personally, that there are things that just don't need to be pushed into people's faces and while you can have an opinion (for, against, or completely ambivalent), for me, personally, I'm not one of those to push a direction or agenda. For me, writing, and the characters that are presented therein, are better off if they can make a connection with the reader on some level, or capture their attention so that they can start to fill in the blanks themselves. I've always liked to have options, and for me at least, nothing sucks more than to have every line, attribute and minute decision about a person/character decided and outlined for all to see. Leave a bit of mystery, give yourself some leeway, have a bit of fun. Besides, it allows us so many other options as a company to decide what we're doing with XYZ down the road, instead of painting ourselves into a hard-edged corner.
  16. Start up that company and give it a shot!
  17. If you see something off, send it to customer service, it'll end up with the proper folks eventually.
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