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Mmm silence is a bit worrying :(


Anyway first part of the interview is up at http://www.malifools.com/daily


Im also surprised no comments here, I guess quite a few people don't fall into the target audience. Personally I lost interest once I saw the word digital in the description ;)


But still I'm sure its going to tick the right box with some people especially those who like video games. 

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Im also surprised no comments here, I guess quite a few people don't fall into the target audience. Personally I lost interest once I saw the word digital in the description ;)


But still I'm sure its going to tick the right box with some people especially those who like video games. 


There's apparently also a physical card game though, which I didn't know until I listened to another podcast about it. Im not sure where the initial infodump was that people know anything about it from, since the kickstarter isn't up yet. 

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Part of the no questions could also just be that people didn't even knew enough to ask questions. I was basically at the, "Err, explain?" step. Having no real idea what it was about at all.


But it will definitely be interesting to see how this develops. I doubt I'll back it myself though, the art isn't really doing it for me. And by far the most interesting 'faction' is the Glitch, but it doesn't sound like you can play them at all so that's a bit of a shame.

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I want those minis, but 90 bucks for 3 (plastic? resin?) minis is a bit steep, plus no one has seen hide nor hair of the minis from the LAST Wyrd kickstarter. 


The setting and the physical/digital interaction is neat, but from what I can see in those videos the digital version looks to be literally just Pokemon. 

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Well, and now they're gone... there were 3 left but they must've changed something over on Kickstarter and by the time I retrieved my password for Amazon Payments, they were all gone.


I send an e-mail to the creators asking if they can add more Just the Minis pledges. Otherwise, there's always Add-On option.


btw. I'm really looking forward for this 8" tall Collette!

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Yeah, pay up front for a "Free" to play game a year+ out? 30 bucks each for a 32mm mini.... blech. 


Well, to be fair to them, kickstarter isnt meant to be a pre-order store. You're donating to see a project get off the ground that otherwise wouldn't have the funding, and in return they reward you with some stuff, usually a copy of the game or some other perks. But it does start to fall apart when you look at it as a transaction. Is it worth 90 dollars to get 3 minis? No. But if it is worth 90 dollars to you to do your part in making the game happen at all, then the 3 minis are a nice gift.


Now, the video game looks dumb to me and we haven't really seen anything about the card game to see if it will be any good, so the project isn't at the point for me where I care to chip in.

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Yeah, its mainly that the game is aimed to be a neverending cash suck in the "free" to play model. If it was a one off transaction like most other games I've seen funded on kickstarter, where you get your copy and can enjoy it without the endless cycle of cash shops I'd probably feel differently. I've backed 37 projects now on Kickstarter, but this just leaves me feeling hollow. The card game might be fun though, and it looks like that's the only real involvement Wyrd has. Our group tends to enjoy co-op games more (Arkham Horror, Pandemic, Zombicide, etc).


I notice it says Lucius has a special stat card. Anyone know if he actually has different rules, or is it just a gold bordered (or whatever) version of his regular card? 

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They do specifically say they hate the current F2P business model and intend to avoid having stuff be gated by real money, etc. Of course, every F2P game says that, but we'll see I guess.


The card will just be his normal stat card with this new art on it. Just like Miss Step comes with a stat card for her that is identical to Howard Langston, but with her art and the name change. 

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