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when facing ressers


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I generally prefer to make my opponent have to use their actions/cards on making their own corpses rather than rewarding them by having my own models die. But it really doesn't make that big of a difference in a game, just a slight advantage since they don't rely on corpses, mostly a bonus.

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Rail workers are pretty good against ressers :) You can choose to drop scrap markers instead and they can get around hard to wound with implacable assault. Also Mei Feng can remove corpse markers with Thunderous Smash but i don't know if you play Mei Feng or not.

i also like to use beaters with a high weak damage, like Rail Golem and Miss Step/Howard. So yeah constructs are good for several reasons.

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The markers do not matter if you affect there way of using them. So it depends on the faction. Neverborn can effect will power, so use that to affect those summoned and keeping the summoner on the defensive, also the Weaver moves corpse markers so move them away from the caster and use them for yourself.  Arcanists have a lot of heavy hitters, Guild has lady Justice who takes away markers, and death marshals to bury leaders or the creatures that create markers.  There are a lot of tricks to remove markers so don't think you have to just take constructs.

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Rail workers are pretty good against ressers :) You can choose to drop scrap markers instead and they can get around hard to wound with implacable assault. Also Mei Feng can remove corpse markers with Thunderous Smash but i don't know if you play Mei Feng or not.

i also like to use beaters with a high weak damage, like Rail Golem and Miss Step/Howard. So yeah constructs are good for several reasons.

You can choose to drop scrap markers instead of corpse? How?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a friend who plays ressers exclusively. The Hard to Wound is extremely irritating but I've gotten used to it.


I usually focus more on trying to complete my strategy and schemes than trying to kill his models since frankly it can take a long time. Especially those flesh constructs. If something absolutely needs to go away then Focus is a viable option.

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I agree that Hard to Wound can be a bit irritating, but do not forget that there are several Arcanist options to get past Hard to Wound or get on plus flips to cancel it out. As already mentioned, the rail workers have implacable, Joss has his axes that ignore it (and 3 wounds on weak is great) the Electrical Creation does 1 damage if electrocuting, three on detonation, all without even using the damage flip, the December Acolyte has a 1 action that can strip Hard to Wound for him, and the models that follow, the Duet gets plus flips, the Gunsmiths have the time trigger, or the Hard Way zero for double plus on burning, ( or both). Burning is also good on Hard to wound models due to more "guaranteed" damage by avoiding damage flips, despite having to wait end of turn, and there are plenty of Arcanists that can hand out, and further exploit burning.

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I'm gonna be trying the Captain out against Seamus and his girls tomorrow. Theory is that any pounce damage that affects him, he can vapor trail away, the airburst can help mitigate the luring effects for your crew, wind wall blocks LOS, and some upgrades can give him counterspell (the ultimate shutdown of luring) and Casting Expert. All in all, he seems pretty solid. Now, let's see him play tomorrow.


He'll be with two waldgeists (again, blocking LOS) and Marcus leading. We know the strats/schemes going in, so I have a couple of lists depending on the terrain setup. I'll post the results after the match if someone reminds me :)

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Place two 50mm Wind Wall Markers touching each other within 12" and at least 1" from any other Marker or model. These Wind Wall Markers are Ht 5 with the severe and soft cover traits. At the start of this model's next Activation, or when this model is removed from play, remove these Wind Wall Markers.


Nope. They just hand out cover.

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Nope. They just hand out cover.


Yep, you're right, oops... Well, I still think he'll be a good belle-counter. Counterspell, pushing, and blocking Seamus' gun are still worth it.


EDIT: Actually, just thought of something else. The wind walls give severe as well, which slows the enemy and benefits the Waldgeists' Ml Rg... very cool :)

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Against Ressers I tend to look at high min damage or consistant damge spread models or those that ignore HTW. Having good Wp is also a consideration.


I have always found when I have played as a Resser Raspy can generally be quite difficult to face and she brings a lot of good tools (primarily Frozen Heart) to any Resser matchup

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I'm gonna be trying the Captain out against Seamus and his girls tomorrow. Theory is that any pounce damage that affects him, he can vapor trail away, the airburst can help mitigate the luring effects for your crew, wind wall blocks LOS, and some upgrades can give him counterspell (the ultimate shutdown of luring) and Casting Expert. All in all, he seems pretty solid. Now, let's see him play tomorrow.


He'll be with two waldgeists (again, blocking LOS) and Marcus leading. We know the strats/schemes going in, so I have a couple of lists depending on the terrain setup. I'll post the results after the match if someone reminds me :)


I imagine that you are referring to the Waldgeist action "Germinate". It does not block LOS

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