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Yan Lo - +3 Ca?


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Hi All,

I picked up Yan Lo about a month ago (just liked the looks), and now that the Wave 2 cards are out (in pdf), I'm thinking of trying him out. Question on some of the wording on his card...
There are several abilities and actions that boost Yan's CA stat, but they all say, "...to a maximum of 3 additional Ca."
But I'm not sure if that is a total, or if that's PER ability?

I use "Harvest Chi" to gain +3 Ca.

I then also use "Focus Chi" to gain another +3 Ca - for a total of +6 Ca?


Sounds too good to stack, but wanted to double check here. 

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Hi All,

I picked up Yan Lo about a month ago (just liked the looks), and now that the Wave 2 cards are out (in pdf), I'm thinking of trying him out. Question on some of the wording on his card...

There are several abilities and actions that boost Yan's CA stat, but they all say, "...to a maximum of 3 additional Ca."

But I'm not sure if that is a total, or if that's PER ability?


I use "Harvest Chi" to gain +3 Ca.

I then also use "Focus Chi" to gain another +3 Ca - for a total of +6 Ca?


Sounds too good to stack, but wanted to double check here. 



You'll note that all of those abilities, actions, and effects are all applying the same Chi condition, so each source of Chi stacks with one another BUT Yan Lo can only have one Chi condition on him.  And that condition specifies you can only get +3 Ca maximum.


So let's say Yan Lo already has Chi +3 from his Harvest Chi ability.  He then uses Focus Chi to gain another Chi +1.  This will stack to give him a grand total of Chi +4, but Chi specifies that you can still only get +3 Ca from it still.  So he could have Chi +18 from three or four different sources of gaining Chi, but it's still restricted to only a +3 Ca maximum.


The reason that Chi can stack so high without giving a greater buff to Ca is because it's a resource he can spend on things like Transendance and Ascendance, in addition to the bonus Ca value it grants.

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  • 11 months later...

They all give you chi counters, which have as their text "This model adds +1 to it's Ca, to a maximum of 3 additional Ca." As they all give the same condition (Chi +1) they don't stack with each other.


I thought like-named conditions stacked into a single condition with one number?


Does this mean then that I could use Chiaki to heal Yan Lo (with trigger) and only remove one Chi +1 condition vs. all of his Chi in one go?

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That's what I thought, I got a little hopeful when he was saying they don't stack, but I guess he meant just the Chi +CA (past three). Oh well, there's a reason I'm going to get a nurse for Yan Lo.


Nurses are awesome in any Resser crew, but I'm curious to why you thought to include one with Yan Lo specifically? Is there a special combo-of-badassedness I've failed to spot? Or did you just mean he's so old he aught to have a Nurse?

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Nurses are awesome in any Resser crew, but I'm curious to why you thought to include one with Yan Lo specifically? Is there a special combo-of-badassedness I've failed to spot? Or did you just mean he's so old he aught to have a Nurse?

My guess is he is planning on using the trigger on the Soul Porter's attack to give Chi to the nurse to pump up her Take Your Meds casting action to a potential Ca 9, which is absolutely filthy.





I approve.

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