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dgraz's new painting thread


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  • 2 weeks later...

Bah, missed this one. But wow, that really was worth it! Now the shadows are rich and complex and the sausageneyness has gone completely. I also really like how you did the chains. That's a seriously solid trio!

Sidir is also looking splendid. The cherry wood tone on his base is just amazingly spot on. The only (very minor) weakness I feel is the scabbard. That brown works in small details but the scabbard is kinda big and somehow unbalances the colour scheme a bit. I think if it was a bit richer and darker it wouldn't look so out of place. But here I have to say that I'm also affected by the sculpt as I feel that the scabbard is a bit weird and dominating strangely.

Really love the shadows on his robe, though. Very well done! And the turban rocks.

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Well done on the source lighting too: it's a very painterly effect, but doesn't come off feeling strange to me. I'm now curious to see more in the same line!

Thanks. I didn't mean for it to be quite as painterly.....it didn't look that strong to me, but the picture really showed it. Now that I've seen it in the picture I'll probably go back and touch it up some more.

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The hat is crazy! I also seriously love the tetsubo and the green parts and the white (haha, so basically all of it!).

The only thing I'm not sure about is that OSL - I've always had huge trouble with OSL on white since the light shouldn't darken the surface it hits and white is often so bright that putting any colour on it will darken it. Not really sure how it should go, though...

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Thanks. That's my limited experience with OSL coming through. I think it looks pretty good everywhere except his flesh and the white.....I'm gonna have to work at it some more. The little that I did on his mask isn't too bad....I went very sparingly there because it was farther away....I should have done it more like that everywhere.


Not sure how to fix it other than just starting over....which now that I put him together I'd rather not do (I painted his body separate from his arms/tetsubo).....I'm thinking to fade the blue out a little more along the edges, and maybe hit the blue with a white glaze a few times to bring it back towards white.

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I very much appreciate the honest criticism.....I've gotten some good things here lately and it's helping me to get better. The Wastrels are definitely better now than when I first posted them. 


Keep it coming, thanks a lot.

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Hmm, I think something that might work on the white to imply the OSL more smoothly would be to imagine shining light on white surfaces (if you want to change him) - it essentially changes the quality of the white. Perhaps subtly wash/glaze most of his shirt with a kind of cream to imply sunlight or lamplight, and then go brighter blue-white on the nearer edges?


Or, as I look at it, fade the white into the blue, and lighten the blue overall... Dangit DGraz, now I want to experiment with this a bunch too!

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  • 4 weeks later...

All haggard and foreboding in the front and then pretty pretty princess on the back? :D :D

But seriously, I really like the interplay of the different elements here and the white is again wonderfully executed. I'm also super fond of your colour scheme and it works just excellently here. Thank you for posting, once again!

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  • 1 month later...

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