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2014 - The Year of the Pledge


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Like most gamers, I buy faster than I can paint. Much faster. I mean, minis before food! As such, I have decided that 2014 will be the Year of the Pledge for me. Simply put, I'll keep track of both purchases and painting here to manage the ratio and endeavour to get stuff out of the leadpile and on to the table.

If anyone wants to join, reply below and I'll maintain the original post as a group record. You should be honest! Secret buying is just another form of denial of your problem!

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I'm in, but I'll be including all my Black Friday purchases into the mix and keep the painted track here as I go over the year.

Left to paint:

Rasputina box

Seamus box

Sonnia box

Pandora box

Tara box

Viks box

2 nephilim boxes


58 assorted puppets!

Lynch box

Depleted box

Mei feng box

Rail golem

Metal gamin box

...I really need stop buying models...

Edited by Joel
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I'll keep a track of all my models here, because I'm not allowed to buy more till I've painted all but one (personal rule).


McCabe Relic Hunters box. - 7

Justice unleashed. - 6

Pathfinder. - 5

Guild riflemen. - 3

Metal raspy crew. - 5

Metal Ramos crew. - 5

2 metal molemen - 2

Miss step - 1

3 Witchling Stalkers - 3


1 metal moleman. - 1

1 metal silent one. - 1

Latigo posse - 6

Ltd ed perdita - 1

Santana - 1

Miss terious - 1

Nightmare Tara - 6

Sam - 1

Sonnia+flame - 2

total p:u - 37:20

Edited by Zac
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I'm trying to get a better handle on things myself, so I have the following tracking sheet I've been working on maintaining.

Green means fully painted

Orange means it is at least playable

Red means unassembled

Purple means I know I have it, I just can't find it :facepalm:

As you can see I have a long way to go, but I'm hoping to start making better progress in 2014.


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I like assembling miniatures as much as I like painting and playing with them, so don't have any particular worry about owning more than I'm making use of on the table. I am a little sick of lugging around all this Warhammer stuff though, so my pledge for the first months of 2014 is to expunge without mercy anything from GW that isn't painted or part of a mostly-painted unit. If I really want to play Fantasy again, I can always buy new stuff.

Painting-wise, I pledge to finish the models I want to take to Adepticon. I have very little Malifaux painted so it'll be a bit of a scramble. Fortunately the new plastics are so pretty that my hobby in January will be a pleasure. I'll start a painting blog soon to create that tiny bit of accountability.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I like assembling miniatures as much as I like painting and playing with them, so don't have any particular worry about owning more than I'm making use of on the table...

Painting-wise, I pledge to finish the models I want to take to Adepticon. I have very little Malifaux painted so it'll be a bit of a scramble. Fortunately the new plastics are so pretty that my hobby in January will be a pleasure. I'll start a painting blog soon to create that tiny bit of accountability.

I look forward to seeing it. I should start my own, if only as a way of documenting some progress. Then again, that was my goal last year. My resolution was to have all of my Wyrd models painted by Gencon...Which I completely gave up on, despite a decent start on it.

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Ill add this to my club's tale of many gamers that we run each year. Keeping this one strictly to malifaux my list for the year so far includes:

Body of evidence box

Claw and fang box

Ten thunders box

Sim 29

Rail golem

Carver x2

Mechanical rider

Miss step

I'll post pictures here as I complete models and as I purchase more.

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I have a crap ton of stuff to paint. I currently have painted:

Old McMourning crew (McMourning, Sebastian, Flesh Construct, nurse x2)

two canine remains

Old Marcus Crew

Misaki Ten Thunders crew (Misaki, Ottoto, shang, torakage x3)

Ten Thunders archers x 3

Ten Thunders brothers x 3

Lucas McCabe crew (Lucas mounted and dismounted, Sidir, Luna, and Wastrel x3)

Rogue Necromancy

Needs paint:

Old ronin x3

Orian x 2

Necropunks x3 (almost done, need wash and details)

Night Terrors x 2

Waldgeist x2

Silithid x3

old Jackalope x1

New Marcus crew

New McMourning crew

New Pandora crew (started)

New Sonnia Crew

New Perdita crew

Alt Perdita

Alt Santana

Miss Step

Tara box set (tara and Katrina need paint, the rest are almost done)

limited edition goblin with baby pig (not sure of the name off hand)

New Guild box (Lady Justice)

New Seamus box

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Wow...I feel a lot better seeing how long everyone elses' lists are.

I've currently got:

Pandora Box (finishing up next couple of days)

Marcus Box

Viks Box

Nephilim Box

10 puppets

Seamus Avatar

Somer Avatar


Colette Box

3 Doves

2 Nurses (original and Miss pack)

10T Archers

2 10T brothers


3 Ashigaru

Steam Trunk

Corpse Marker


Bushido Crew

Hell Dorado Charon

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