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Hamelin in 2nd Ed

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I have purchased the Hamelin crew and discover it and other models for it have erattas.

Now with the new edition on the shelves I grab my new copy and the Outcast Arsenal stat cards.

no Hamlin




how is a new person to this game who buys this crew supposed to play this game?

Where are my stat cards?

I feel I just threw money away

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Umm beta?

This is ridiculous. What company rolls out new rule book but hasn't bothered to complete the rules for it's models.

Very disappointing Wyrd

I'm turning over a new leaf, so I won't say whawas was going to.

How about you download the cards and contribute to shaping Hamelin onto the Master you'd like him to be?

It has been mentioned often and frequently, and not just here that M2E was undergoing change. The very fact that the Arsenal deck you bought said Wave one may have alerted you to the fact there was more than one wave.

You have the models, download the cards and help us build him.

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It actually seems to be a fairly common thing to have public betas for games these days (at least, I've hear about several that have done it from the 'big' games). It's a way of making sure that they get a lot more testing than the company could possibly do internally, people get to have a say in the feel and style of their favourite crews, and generally everyone gets to see how the whole thing is shaping up and things seem to end up more balanced.

There's no good time for an edition change, there will always be some confusion and issues. The two waves are there to help balance things in sensibly sized groups to make for a better game as players and designers can focus more than if they unloaded everything at once. The release of M2E has been stated as a staggered event for a while, with the initial rules and models being completed by gencon, and the second wave beginning yesterday and going on until early 2014 (estimated, could move either way).

As Ausplosions very politely said, you get the chance to help shape hamelin's crew over the coming months, as you have the rulebook all you need is to get hold of his cards for free on here, and keep playing and posting up your thoughts or suggestions.

If getting involved with the testing isn't your thing, then you can get the finalised rules when the wave 2 arsenal packs are released sometime in the early ish part of next year. But I recommend giving it a try, see how you take to it. It's good fun to actually see things you suggest making it onto models.

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I have purchased the Hamelin crew and discover it and other models for it have erattas.

Now with the new edition on the shelves I grab my new copy and the Outcast Arsenal stat cards.

no Hamlin



how is a new person to this game who buys this crew supposed to play this game?

Where are my stat cards?

I feel I just threw money away

Hamelin now has access to almost all of the Outcast models. I hope you find use for those cards in the Wave 1 Arsenal Deck, there are a lot of good models in it. At the very least, you have purchased the generic Upgrades for the Outcast Faction.

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Hamelin now has access to almost all of the Outcast models. I hope you find use for those cards in the Wave 1 Arsenal Deck, there are a lot of good models in it. At the very least, you have purchased the generic Upgrades for the Outcast Faction.

The problem is I don't find them useful because I do not play with these models. Hamelin's crew doesn't use any of these cards.

"Hamelin can only hire models that are Height 1, Insignificant, and/or Soulless. He cannot hire Constructs, Gremlins, or Henchmen of any kind. This can limit his options of a crew, but he is not without some choices. The list of whom Hamelin can take are as listed:"


Will the Wave 2 include the generic upgrade cards or will I be forced to purchase all of the Arsenal Boxes to play a single crew?

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The problem is I don't find them useful because I do not play with these models. Hamelin's crew doesn't use any of these cards.

"Hamelin can only hire models that are Height 1, Insignificant, and/or Soulless. He cannot hire Constructs, Gremlins, or Henchmen of any kind. This can limit his options of a crew, but he is not without some choices. The list of whom Hamelin can take are as listed:"


Will the Wave 2 include the generic upgrade cards or will I be forced to purchase all of the Arsenal Boxes to play a single crew?

None of that information is valid any longer for Hamelin. He no longer has those hiring restrictions.

His old cards are now useless unless you are playing the old version.

The wave 2 Arsenal decks will not include the generic upgrades from the wave 1 decks. But as you have the wave 1 deck it's not a problem..

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As stated 2.0 has done away with a ton of hiring restrictions. What this means for Outcasts is that, their Mercenaries are available to a lot more crews. So if you have the wave 1 bos, you have a huge merc library to pull from if you decide to get into more crews, or have the models and want to try different builds with Hamelin.

With that said, open Beta of Hamelin is going on and the piper needs a lot of work/feedback, grab the files and try him out a few ways, post in the forums your thoughts on him and help make him feel more Hamelin-ish.

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Every model from 1st edition is changing alot to fit the new 2nd edition rules. Instead of making us wait another 2 years for everything to be done internally, or simply releasing things peacemeal without even a warning to whats coming out month to month (ahem: GW), they decided to do two public betas to give the players a chance to have a say in the direction of the game.

Heck, given the size of wave 2, and the overall complexity of its masters compared to wave 1 (plus increased model interaction due to everything being in play now), I would have done 3 waves if I were calling the shots (I am sure Wyrd knows what they are doing, that is just what I would do).

There was only 10 days between the Wave 1 street date and the launch of Wave 2 beta. Wave 2 does not officially go into effect (for official events and such) until Wave 2 hits its street date.

You have 2 options:

1: Play 1st edition Malifaux until early next year when that street date hits.


2: Use the beta rules and help shape your master for his official release.

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And lost access to many non-Outcast models. Anyone need a couple of Night Terrors?

Some of his original crew are now Rare 3. So don't buy any spare "The Stolen", Ben Jammin.

We have yet to see if that "Rare 3" will stick. Hell, I own 9 Stolen at the moment, so I hope they tweak it! Due to the current beta rules I can understand why there are hiring restrictions on Stolen (1 Stolen= 2 Malifaux Rats!), but it has become more difficult for Hamelin to Summon Malifaux Citizen and it's not just an auto-cast now. I can see them limiting the amount you can initially hire but perhaps they may include some rule that lets you get more than 3 due to summoning throughout the game.

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