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Poltergeist Question

Domime Nox

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The base size is not optional since in Malifaux the bases are the actual play pieces. The models themselves can be varying in height due to pose, basing, etc. You don't have to have the actual height of the model inches equal the height number.

Edited by Fenton Crack
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So the high height value of the Poltergeist is just how it happens to be, and not a reflection of it being much larger than the man sized figure that it is?

And I knew the base size wasn't optional, I just was wondering if the Ht3 on the card meant it was to be bigger than the one I had was, so was seeing if I needed a rebase to make it legal.

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You are fine with it as is. There is no requirement that if its Height 3 it actually be 3" tall, as no measurements are taken from anywhere but the base. Even vantage point situations are measured from the models respective bases and then a measurement up from the base by the number of inches equal to the declared height, so you are good to go.

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Height only has to do with range & line of sight with regards to models and terrain. It has nothing to do with base size or the physical size of the model. This allows for model with dynamic posing or players to model whatever they want without worrying about modeling for advantage.

For example, you could have a height 2 model on a 30mm, 40mm or 50mm base. Also there are models that are Ht 1 but the physical model is larger then some ht 2 models (e.g. effigies).

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Ht 3 is a relative term. Doesn't have to actually correspond to the physical height of the model. So the old model is fine from that perspective. They are doing a new plastic resculpt of it down the line if you feel like waiting.

The big change from the original to the new is that the original model was on a 30mm base and the new model is on a 50mm. That is Malifaux specific basing that needs to be followed, if you're playing M2E the Polty needs to be on a 50mm base.

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