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Thinking about making this my home......


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Honestly, if the bases not matching will bother you in a game, try having bits of bamboo on the water ones, and bits of water on the bamboo/sand ones. Like they're all in a tea garden/zen garden, but in different areas of it.

If it won't bother you in game, go with theme bases for theme crews if you want to - they look great and give you a lot of variety.

I think it would I can be kinda OCD and the Kiri ones and the Yan Lo ones will be fine but it is the others that would be hard to fit into the theme.

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I like to consider this my home too. I just love the theme of the ressers, the character that they all have, gritty, dark, get their scheming done at all costs "Oh Mortimer, don't these two gentlemen look like the missing guards?" *Smashes face in*. No one else is really that insidious or backstabbing. I know how you feel about committing to one faction though... I just grabbed one or more of everything, although not until recently did I get Arcanists, simply for demoing purposes.

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I like to consider this my home too. I just love the theme of the ressers, the character that they all have, gritty, dark, get their scheming done at all costs "Oh Mortimer, don't these two gentlemen look like the missing guards?" *Smashes face in*. No one else is really that insidious or backstabbing. I know how you feel about committing to one faction though... I just grabbed one or more of everything, although not until recently did I get Arcanists, simply for demoing purposes.

I did the smash and grab just getting what I wanted but then I never had enough of anything or was missing key models for lists, I am a collector a heart I blame it on my pokemon roots. Trying to collect every model in the game just did not work when Malifaux wasn't the only game I am into so I need a home faction so I can collect everything in the faction. I really liked Guild for awhile but just didn't like the direction they went after the Henchman came in. And every other faction has just that one master I don't like, the biggest competition Rezzers have are Neverborn I really like them not a huge fan of Lynch though really don't like him though his story is pretty decent. So yeah it is deciding between Neverborn and Rezzers that is hard for me.

p.s sorry about the book.

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This is more or less my home as well, as I consider Kirai my "main" master. I'm planning on picking up McMourning before too long here (my Miss Steps are just begging to be Flesh Constructs), and Yan Lo is appealing, though I want to see how his 2E rules look before I commit to him. Tara is definitely proving to be fun and unique in her own right.

That being said, I'm also a big fan of Lynch, and his crew treats me well, and new Pandora looks pretty neat as well.

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So yeah it is deciding between Neverborn and Rezzers that is hard for me.

In my humble opinion, this is no question! ;)

If your opponent kill one of your models, only Rezzer (and Levi) have the Power to frustrate your opponent by popping out a brand new Model right out of a CC.

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I did the smash and grab just getting what I wanted but then I never had enough of anything or was missing key models for lists, I am a collector a heart I blame it on my pokemon roots. Trying to collect every model in the game just did not work when Malifaux wasn't the only game I am into so I need a home faction so I can collect everything in the faction. I really liked Guild for awhile but just didn't like the direction they went after the Henchman came in. And every other faction has just that one master I don't like, the biggest competition Rezzers have are Neverborn I really like them not a huge fan of Lynch though really don't like him though his story is pretty decent. So yeah it is deciding between Neverborn and Rezzers that is hard for me.

p.s sorry about the book.

I had a similar dilemma. I solved it by getting both. Mainly, I have Rezzers (Seamus, Nicodem, Tara, and Molly) and a couple of Neverborn (Lynch and Collodi). I've found them to both be fun though I have only used Lynch since Collodi is complex enough I figure I best wait until Beta and learn him once (I've used every Rezzer as a Master even Molly). Dual Masters make it easier since you can play one of your Masters as "one of X" instead of the one you bought for with a minimum expense in models. So, you can McMourning and still play a few games as Guild.

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Welcome. Seamus, and soon to be Molly are my main masters, but I have all of them except Nicodem. If you'd like any tips on Seamus, at least in the way I play him, let me know. I'm very eager to get Molly on the table once the open begins again.

I am loking forward to Seamus and the new Molly. My group is mostly all new players so we will be fumbling together but I will keep you in mind if I need any advice. Nico is the one who made me question if I really want to be a Rezzer so I am sure I will play him the least.

Yes, welcome to the Resurrectionist side! Kirai was the master that made me fall for the Resurrectionist, even thought she was the last master I got. The faction over all is very fun to play.

I was the same way Kirai is the master that made me first take a look at Rezzers she was the first Master I got but looks like I have to wait until wave2 to get her new sculpt. I plan on making a Lost Love for her from the Multipart plastic kit so my Kirai can have a Lady love.

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