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Mako's giant basing project


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Not a very inspiring title I know, but the plan (as mentioned on my WiP thread) is to have every model based for its theme, but also matching up at least partly with anyone else it can be taken with.

The basic plan is to give each faction a theme, then each crew sub themes within those, and combine sub themes for models that can wander across factions so they match both to a degree. That way, whatever crew I make I still have coherent basing, but I don't have to resort to totally generic bases to do it. Also, I'm not bothering to consider the Mercenary characteristic, as it would get silly since everyone can take them and I don't typically bother with taking mercs.

So the initial step is to come up with a plan for each faction (which I haven't fully figured out yet):

[TABLE=class: outer_border, width: 500, align: left]




[TD]City Streets[/TD]




[TD]Dilapidated areas, alleyways, gardens etc[/TD]




















[TD]Ten Thunders[/TD]




Then I need to give each crew a sub theme (still figuring those out too):

[TABLE=width: 500, align: left]



[TD]Quarantine zone





[TD]Tenements, Worker housing[/TD]




[TD]Latigo walls/city walls/gates[/TD]



Which then moves me on to working out which minions and masters need to cover multiple factions, and which themes and sub themes I need to combine (which might result in a bit of swapping sub themes about to get them to fit with each other).

[TABLE=width: 591]












[TD]Madame Sybelle[/TD]






























[TD]Bete Noire[/TD]










[TD]Canine Remains[/TD]










[TD]Crooked Man[/TD]










[TD]Flesh Construct[/TD]










[TD]Mindless Zombie[/TD]






























[TD]Punk Zombie[/TD]










[TD]Rotten Belle[/TD]










[TD]The Hanged[/TD]










[TABLE=width: 591]


Currently, Misaki is on a water base (and from the unreleased wave 2 stuff, Graves is on a wooden and marble casino floor, Yan Lo is on an old graveyard. Kirai's crew is all in an old tea garden, but they're metal so may yet be replaced...). Other than that I have free rein to play with any ideas.

So, the current big task is producing a list of all the minions and which masters they can serve in which factions. Anyone fancy helping out? Once that's done, I can start figuring out how the heck I'm going to make this plan work...

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Have fun.

I started to do something like this about a month before GenCon, and I'm having a good time with it. Although I'm only doing Ressers, and Perdita's crew. Your ideas for multiple faction basing sounds frustrating, but I'll be interested to see how it comes out.

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Well, so far I just have Seamus, Justice, Tara, Raspy and the Viks to do from the new plastics, with Jakob and Misaki left from last year's plastics. But I figure if I plan it out properly, the other masters will fit into it without too much swearing...

No doubt it will be a bigger hassle than I expect, though! Should be a laugh to see it go awry *grin*

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When I started with my Ten Thunders I put all of those crews on similar bases... a run down city style so if Yan Lo had some Wastrels with him it did look right when they were on the table...

With the new crews coming out I'm also planning something similar with different styles of flagstones and depending on where in the city there will be ruined ones or maintained ones...

I'm still not sure about Gremlins or Neverborn tho since I don't feel they should be on a simalar base.

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I'm going to have quite disparate bases across the factions, so they'll all be in their most fluffy environment. Gremlins and neverborn will be tricky, as you say they don't match up with a lot of the other crews. I'll have to do that carefully, but I think the brewmaster and zoraida are the only crossover between them. It's the beckoners I'm worried about!

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Just put everything on clear plastic bases, then they match whatever terrain you are playing on *grin*

That's been my plan for awhile, but I just haven't bought the clear bases yet. Not sure which crews I want to give the clear treatment to, though. Maybe my mercs, as they can fit with anyone...

For Zoraida and her usual swampfiends, and for my gremlins, I have gone with a bayou theme. Other Neverborn get to have a separate theme or themes, once I figure out what that is going to be.

Good luck in this endeavor, Mako.

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Ya, most of mine are going to be on cobblestone bases from every line I can get a hold of.

Having the same 5 bases from Wyrd on every Resser model would be lame, and expensive. Luckily, cobblestone works with most Resser models, sans possibly Yan Lo and crew. But you can still make a case for it.

Such as: Izamu ran into town to grab some in 'n out.

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I've been planning to do this as well. So far I've worked out my guild:

Theme: wild west

Justice crew: graveyard

Perdita: swamp

Sonnia: ghost town

Lucas: standard desert

Hoffman: rusting scrap

The things that I'm not so sure about are McMourning and lucius.

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my models are based not by faction but where i see them in my mind so neverborn are split over swamp (zoraida feralgeist lilith) orphanage ( pandora and her croonies mostly) and city streets for the honey pot crew. Collodi and his marionettes and wicked dolls are based on balsawood floors as they preform for the crowds.

resssers come on a city or graveyard base depending on if i see them more as a seamus or nicodem type minion with the exception of all mcmourning related minis, they are on morgue bases. Yan lo and rest of the book4 ressers are on skullbases from secret weapon as he wanders the paths of bone etc in the afterlife they became more of a spectral legion kind of a thing.

the orphanage bases were originally intended for mollys box but it seemed more fitting to have the crooligans running about in the streets and the rogue necromancy as a morgue resident. hence the orphanage became a pandora hand me down.

my outcasts are on city bases when it comes to levi and viks but hamelin and his crew will be based on sewer inserts as soon as i can get around to painting rats over and over again... ^^

your system is going to be more complex then mine as i simply go by what i feel is right. Then again im not a stickler for conformity so im not bothered by mismatched bases as i play a random asmortment of ressers or izamu on his skullfilled afterlife base with levis city streets and canine remains on graveyard bases

The things that I'm not so sure about are McMourning and lucius.

Mcmourning in a butchers shop or any wooden floor with sawdust blood and a sawed of limb, hes a doctor but all he ever prescribes his patients are amputations so he can stitch together his avatar ;)

lucious as a riverboat gambling kind of thing? or just riding in the gouvernors personal train carrige (think wild wild west, yes its horrible)

Edited by dmeep
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Well, I spent some time today starting to work all this out, and immediately realised I'm somewhat limited as to which models I can figure out until the rest of the masters are in beta. I can't guess all the hiring rules that will be in for things like the Tormented and Lost keywords, or how all seven masters would be based for the best look. I can do some, as I doubt the ronin and viks will need anything more than to be badlands with a bit of water on the ronin in case misaki takes them as an outcast master. The december minions likewise will be industrial and snow/ice, and probably won't be takeable out of faction so they should be good.

In fact, thinking about it as I type, most of the stuff I got at gencon I can work out fairly sensibly, all the really odd combinations won't matter until the second wave beta! Although the belles will want to be suitable for all the resser masters and Leveticus, so that could be interesting...

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Mako, I have read some of your other post and have become a big fan of your work. You are very talented. Thought I might have an idea to toss out for you. I do not know if it will help or not. Years ago me and my friends use to play on different board types and I was anal about my bases matching the boards that we were playing on. So I ended up making a lot of bases for the different types of boards. Then I was making them interchangeable. I tried magnets at first and worked some what well. What I found to work the best for me was notching the bottom of the slot on the slota base. Basically I would put a T type pin in the mini. Then on all the bases I would have enough space the the T part of the pin could slide through. Then on the bottom of the base I would notch it so the pi would clear and had a slight ramp up to the center of the slot from the opposite directions. The top of the T would only go down about half to 3/4 of the depth of the slot. This way the base was not sitting on the wire.

This way when i wanted to play on the board I would just grab what bases I wanted. Insert my minis into the base and do a 1/4 turn and they were locked into the base. It is just and idea and hopefully it might help with some ideas. If you want more information on how I did the bases just let me know. Have a great day and keep up the awsome work :).

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That is a seriously clever idea, and much cheaper and in some ways simpler than using hundreds of magnets!

I'm not going to go for changeable bases I think, mostly due to the lazy thing of not having to have a stock of each type of base and fit the right ones to models before a game. It also gives me the freedom to go nuts with my basing within the themes (oh, my ice golem base will be fun...).

But for anyone who's not a fairly deranged painter, it's definitely worth a try!

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Interesting idea, but not sure its feasable.

Mind you when has that ever stopped anyone...

Currently the following models would need to fit 2 factions





Guild Guard


Zombie Chuhuauaua

Death Marshall (also outcast)




Nothing beast

Void wretch

Ten Thunder/arcanist

Mei feng


Rail worker


Metal Gamin

Rail Golem







Neverborn/ten thunder

JAcob Lynch




Gremlin /10 thunder




Whiskey Golem

Moon Shinobi




BAd Juju









War Pig

Hog Whisperer

For Zoraida



Papa loco

For Marcus

Canine remains



Dawn Serpent

I've probably missed something.

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