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M2E Mei Feng and Ice Golem

Matney X

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In an attempt to get the most bang for my buck, I'm looking at how I can use the models I own for the most variability. Currently, I have the old Rasputina and Mei Feng boxes, so I've been looking at how to mix and match.

Unfortunately (in regards to number of options, not in regards to how well it would play), Raspy can't take ANYTHING from Mei's crew, but Mei can use EVERYTHING from Raspy's.

The most obvious choice would be the Ice Golem, as Mei Feng doesn't have an Enforcer, and her mechanics don't require much other than Constructs.

So, in your opinion, why should / shouldn't I run an Ice Golem with my Rail Crew?

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Rail workers are still dual faction aren't they? Not the best fit for Rasputina, but worth noting.

One nice thing the Ice Golem can do for Mei is to toss gamin, which can make for a better railwalking path.

It's also just an overall very solid enforcer, and dangerous to end your activation near. If you have a high card in your hand, Smash will kill a lot of models in a single shot - particularly models that sacrifice wounds for armour. I think a Mei Feng + Ice constructs crew could be pretty fun to play.

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I would run an ice golem with mei because the ice golem is armor 2 construct that has a large melee reach and can dishout slow to the opponent. He doesn't have the best speed going for him but he has to be dealt with. I quite like Ice golem and he's finding his way to more and more of my arcanists builds I especially like running the bash brothers, where you take ice and rail golem and tell the opponent good luck.

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One of the things I've seen against Raspy crews in my area is that the golem is scary enough that most people stay far away from him, so much so that he can have a harder time making his points back against more mobile crews.

Adding rail workers would give you the ability to pin stuff down (via "Pin" trigger) so that the golem can get in there and clean house. Think of them as another source of paralyze, or at least the part of paralyze that the golem cares about.

Gamin *and* rail workers are both actually good targets to hit with Decembers touch since Gamin will pop up to armor 4 and Rail Workers will be armor 3, with the df trigger to ignore 2 more.

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And something fun that happend in our game with the Ice Golem: he smashed a Rotten Belle, flipping the Red Joker for a whopping 21 Dg!!!

Almost worth incouding the model just for that :)

I want to try Ice Golem with Mei Feng as well. Think he is a nice solid model. He most certainly will make my Ramos list for throwing electrical creations and spiders around :D

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One of the things I've seen against Raspy crews in my area is that the golem is scary enough that most people stay far away from him, so much so that he can have a harder time making his points back against more mobile crews.

He doesn't have to kill things to get his points back. If the enemy is staying away from him, that's board control.......use him to funnel the enemy where you want them to go......like when a good boxer or UFC fighter cuts off the ring pushing the opponent into a less defensible position. A fast crew will often be able to stay away from Raspy's spells as well as the Golem..........being able to push enemies into Raspy's reach is worth the points too.

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