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Congrats Wyrd


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Just wanted to say congratulations on the apparent successful launch of M2E. Based on random comments on various social media the GenCon release is a huge success.

I'm still very sad that we've lost some strong vocal supporters, but it looks like Malifaux is on the rise in a big way........I know I'm picking up new players at my LGS every week so.......*grin*

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True story: the M2E Story Encounters tournaments we ran had double the players participating as compared to the M1.5E Masters tournament and a fraction of the rules questions. And this was many folks' first time playing M2E in some cases.

This tournament organizer is very happy right now. :)

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I'm with Deus. Doing demos of M2E at Gencon was a blast, I must have done at least 14 demos and most of them were people who had never played 1.5. They got the core mechanics figured out in fifteen minutes at most, and had a more advanced concept of the game within half an hour. Lots of fun, and it was awesome to see all the people wanting to learn the game.

Congrats Wyrd, you've done a great job with the game. *grin*

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I said it in the open beta forums, and I'll happily repeat it here: M2E is a huge step forward for Malifaux, and it's given the game a completely new lease on life in our gaming group. It went from a game we played infrequently to a game that is being played on at least one of our tables every week when we get together.

It got me so excited that I did something I couldn't bring myself to do in the previous 4 years of owning Malifaux models: I painted an entire crew. And I can't wait to buy the new plastics to paint up.

PP had a ton of success with their Mk. 2 initiative, and I believe that M2E will end up being more successful for Wyrd than that even was. Congrats to everyone who worked on the product, and to you guys for having the courage to do a full on edition change.

I see a very bright future for M2E. :)

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As sad as I was that last minute circumstances prevented me from going to Gen Con, I am so stoked to see the pictures and hear how much Malifaux has grown. I am also stoked that this edition "limbo" is almost over...

Edited by rikowal
coffee hasn't kicked in yet, can't do grammar this early.
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I'm with Deus. Doing demos of M2E at Gencon was a blast, I must have done at least 14 demos and most of them were people who had never played 1.5. They got the core mechanics figured out in fifteen minutes at most, and had a more advanced concept of the game within half an hour. Lots of fun, and it was awesome to see all the people wanting to learn the game.

Congrats Wyrd, you've done a great job with the game. *grin*

Could that have had more to do with your growing experience with running demos, as opposed to the system itself?

So many people get so very excited about trying to teach absolutely everything about a game that it overwhelms the players more than the rules themselves do.

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Could that have had more to do with your growing experience with running demos, as opposed to the system itself?

So many people get so very excited about trying to teach absolutely everything about a game that it overwhelms the players more than the rules themselves do.

I can see the logic in your question. I think it's a bit of both, probably: the game is easier to grasp than it used to be, but we've been so overwhelmed with M2E ourselves that it's gotten easy to demo.

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Agreed with Deus, it is a little of column A, little of column B. But, at the same time, I have run demos of 1.5 before, and with the same crews, and people ended the game confused and not really walking away with an understanding of the rules. As opposed to when I was running demos last week, where people not only understood the rules quickly but also managed to grasp what more complex characters, like Tara, were able to do once I explained it.

Probably the best example of it was two people who I taught on Friday stopping by Saturday to get in a pickup game. I told them to ask me any questions, let them borrow the rulebook if they needed and so on. They only asked me two questions, and I saw them reference the rules barely three times. And, like I said, they had no idea how to play the day before. Never seen that before.

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