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New rulebook and boxed sets up for preorder at the War Store!

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Those boxes aren't confirmed for GenCon.

I'm expecting it will be those, plus or minus two.

It's possible that the boxes set for November release won't be ready in time for August. It's also possible that some December/January releases (too far away for Warstore to know about) will be at GenCon.

We'll know pretty soon I think

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So is that it for GenCon apart from nightmare and miss?

I wouldn't be surprised if that's it. Five crew boxes, +Nightmare Tara's is a lot. Last year there was one crew box (with two available only through online order due to production problems), and some smaller boxes (4 individual models, and 3 minion boxes, IIRC).

Edit: More accurately - what Nathan said.

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Seeing the Death Marshalls and Ice Gamin solicited as separate items made me very happy. I hope this means that the models in last years' boxes will get released individually. No matter what, I'm super stoked. Has anyone heard anything further about two player box sets, i.e. contents, release date, etc. ?

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From my discussions with them, The War Store merely presents info they've been given by publishers and/or distributors to promote upcoming releases.

That doesn't mean that those dates can't change (issues with production, shuffling of priorities, delays with shipping, etc) or that there aren't more things lined up, just that's what they've got to work with for now. It may also be incomplete info, or similar to how things ended up with models last year, attached to "Boxes X, Y and Z remain to be seen, will update when we know more".

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The year the Avatars released I seem to remember that not all of the Septembers releases were at Gencon and at least one Avatar that was there was slated for the February after that Gencon.

At the time, the only Avatar that was at Gencon that I actually had a master for was Sonnia, and she was the first one out the gate in September. I'm sure owning the crew that didn't get an avi until February, unless you bought it at Gencon, was an easy decision of, I guess I'll buy it now. There's no way I'm waiting over half a year for it.

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