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ME2 and me. Getting the full story before 2nd.

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I've been playing Warhammer 40k since 2000 so know my way around an edition change.

And 2nd edition is brilliant to me as I hear its a cleaner rule set so will suit me as I am finally starting malifaux. With a new edition it means I won't be too far behind the gaming group I stumbled upon and should be able to pretty much learn ME2 as the rest of the group so I won't be too far behind.

But of course that's only from a rules point of view.

Ive picked up Misaki and her crew as well as a few bits and pieces (10T archers and Taelor) with a few more to come Yamiziko (I have no idea if this is even close to her name but you know who I mean) and apparently 10T bros are pretty cool too.

Im excited by the models and can't wait to paint them over the next few months.

But what I really need help with is the fluff. I hear it is fantastic and I'm salivating at learning all about these interesting characters and finding out what the town of malifaux is all about.

But I need a reading list? I don't know if I should buy 1.5 just for fluff or if that will be rehashed elsewhere. And I think I also need the expansion set that introduced the 10T's as they are my faction of choice.

Where do I start? I'm told malifaux is character driven but I'm not sure how best to discover their stories. With ME2 about to hit I'd hate to find books out of print and the fluff lost to me.

Sorry if this post makes me sound simple. I'm an Australian.

...and my Internet is slow today so everything I type on my iPad is delayed so typos are bound to be present. :P

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Look in the Wyrd Chronicles, available for free download on malifaux.com. Additionally you'll want to read stories from the 1.0 rule book, Rising Powers, and Twisting Fates. Those you'll have to borrow from your friends most likely however. The stories in book 4 Storm of Shadows are good, but mainly about the 10T masters, and have very little tie in with the rest of the masters, so I still recommend it, but it didn't really advance to overarching story much.

I haven't heard if Wyrd is planning on republishing the fluff in any future books.

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I'd happily pay for an ebook fluff chronicles or even a real book like the olden days.

Very helpful so far for a question that has no doubt been asked a thousand times before.

shame I need 1.0, I thought 1.5 had all the same fluff, just updated rules. I think everyone go into the game in my group after 1.5 so 1.0 will be hard to find.

I'll check out the Wyrd Chronicles too.

Thanks :)

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I'm pretty sure the 1.5 rulebook has all the same fluff as the 1.0 one, just organized slightly differently. Not 100%, but I think so. You can probably get all of the 1.0-.5 rule books for relatively cheap around the internets if your friends don't have them to borrow.

---------- Post added at 08:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 AM ----------

Idle glances show you can get the old 1.0 book used for about $7.

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I'm pretty sure the 1.5 rulebook has all the same fluff as the 1.0 one, just organized slightly differently. Not 100%, but I think so. You can probably get all of the 1.0-.5 rule books for relatively cheap around the internets if your friends don't have them to borrow.

---------- Post added at 08:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 AM ----------

Idle glances show you can get the old 1.0 book used for about $7.

Perfect. If 1.5 is similar to 1.0 I'll happily say close enough is good enough and pick up a copy or borrow one (but I do have a collectors mentality, Wyrd is gonna love me).

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Just to confirm that 1.5 fluff is identical to 1.0 with the exception of one or two retconned sentences (which I couldn't point you to, but somebody else might be able to)

Wyrd have given the indication that they don't intend to reprint the M1E fluff anywhere, but that might change.

The M2E book is expected to have new fluff that advances the storyline.

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Would be great if they released the previous fluff as a collection, say in a pdf download version that you pay something for, so you shouldn't have to buy old rules as well or borrow from friends when Wyrd makes no money.

Eric (or was it Justin?) has said there will probably not be a collected fluff. IIRC it was on a podcast when they were all talking about the M2E rules change and the reasoning behind it was to keep at least a small reason to collect the old books intact and also because they are all hellah busy right now.

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Just to confirm that 1.5 fluff is identical to 1.0 with the exception of one or two retconned sentences.
one or two? One or two???

The overall story is almost exactly the same (because it had to be), but apart from that hardly a single sentence escaped untouched. Poured my life into that rewrite, man, my life. Mutter, mutter.


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one or two? One or two???

The overall story is almost exactly the same (because it had to be), but apart from that hardly a single sentence escaped untouched. Poured my life into that rewrite, man, my life. Mutter, mutter.


Can't say I noticed, they were both in some incomprehensible Glaswegian dialect. I would need some kind of Rosetta stone to translate them. Unfortunately my version of Trainspotting with the subtitles has went walkies. :P

Note: I can say this, it's not racist, my dad's from Govan.

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Just to confirm that 1.5 fluff is identical to 1.0 with the exception of one or two retconned sentences (which I couldn't point you to, but somebody else might be able to)

Damn I was getting good at that, but for some reason they slip my mind as I sit here now .... LOL

Anyone one key change was the Victoria spoiler (Ie 1.5 gave away which vik is the doppleganger, whereas before 1.5 release that was actually a fairly well debated topic in the community)

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