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Malifaux V2 Art popuarity


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I think the mask on Sonnia looks great. Then comes Seamus.. No no no. I love the original Seamus, the copycat killer and I prefer the original Sybelle, of course no one can take away the old ones but the new ones just aren't doing it for me. The rotten belles were okay actually. McMourning I don't yet have, but I think I will be buying the old one. As for Mortimer, the new one looks great!

I think I will have one of those blended lists someone mentioned here *grin*

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I don't suppose we could keep this art direction for monsters and keep with the original artists for human characters?

The new inhuman creatures seem appropriately dark to me, appropriate for things that are meant to be horrifying. It's just that the Masters in particular don't seem to cover their personalities at all, and I can no longer tell what each one would be like on the table.

Taking Lady Justice and Seamus as an example, the original sculpts were fantastic. LJ was *huge*, imposing, and authoritative in her posture. I've heard complaints about her breasts, but the female people who made them spoke more of intimidation than anything else. She doesn't have her sword out because she doesn't need to yet, and she is absolutely ready to wade in relentlessly and beat you into the dirt. Seamus, while his sculpt isn't great from an "accuracy" point of view, is wonderful in his mishmash of tropes. His small physical size dwarfed by his clothes indicates his foppishness and willingness to rely on props, yet that smug expression speaks of confidence that he's absolutely going to get his fiendish way.

Meanwhile, the contrast between the two as the "poster children" of Malifaux is perfect. Lady J is large, humourless, relentless and practical. Seamus is small, dynamic, sometimes terrifyingly unpredictable and a fop. The two make a beautiful contrast for a demo game as soon as you put the models on the table.

In the new art, Lady J is no longer relentless and imposing; her sword is out, so she's probably fighting, but she's crouched in an utterly impractical pose with no mobility or killing power. Seriously, pick up a broom handle or something and try standing like that. Seamus I actually quite like on his own, but he seems to have lost the madcap humour in the reduction of caricature. They no longer look like they belong opposite one another on the table.

...sorry for all the typing, but it's been niggling for a while and this is the only time that the problem seems to have struck me clearly.

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That said I am a big fan of new Joss, Taelor, Ice golem, Myranda, Executioner, Mc Mourning, Ronin and Rusty Alyce:D

As for the Love/Hate of the new Art style Vs Old style: The main change I've been noticing is that the new style feels less like a caricature and a bit more grim and realistic. Kinda like the tone/style difference between the Tim Burton's Batman compared to the Nolan's movies...

The models you picked, to me, are the over the top caricatures, like Joel Schumacher's (not Tim Burton's) Batman, whereas their original counterparts seemed more Nolan-verse Batman.

Personally, I'd rather they went Batman the Animated Series style for the gritty meets zany look to them, while maintaining consistency across the board.

I also love the fact that with the new stalkers there is 6 variations that can be put on the table.

That part's nice. Same goes for 8 Steam(punk) Abominations, more Canine Remains (/ Guildhounds if you're using them as both), Mechanical Spiders, etc.

I am most looking forward to seeing "blended" crews where people combine metal and plastic models based on their personal preferences. It is clear from the posts that is where a lot of people are heading.

I'm sure a lot of us who have been playing awhile will be running mixed crews, at least for awhile. It'll be the fastest way to field our old masters with some of the new models (Cojo, Barbaros, Steamtrunk, etc.). For the crews that are new to us because the old versions were the off-putting ones (Rasputina, I'm looking at you), maybe an odd support model or models will still be the old versions.

Plenty of newer players will probably opt for the new boxes, as the new stat cards will already be included, thus saving them that extra cost of the Arsenal pack, if nothing else. As for the crews that will be brand new (Tara, Brewmaster, Ulix, etc.), there won't be too much of a chance for mixing, aside from some support models.

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I also love the fact that with the new stalkers there is 6 variations that can be put on the table.

I have seen the plastic stalker (which to me looks the same as a metal witchling), but were others revealed? Could you give a link?

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I have seen the plastic stalker (which to me looks the same as a metal witchling), but were others revealed? Could you give a link?

This may be a reference to the fact that there will be three new models, bared on the art, plus the metals, is six. I do agree that the new ones look am awful lot like the old ones.

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This may be a reference to the fact that there will be three new models, bared on the art, plus the metals, is six. I do agree that the new ones look am awful lot like the old ones.

The original stalkers were fairly dynamic to begin with. Well, as dynamic as a robed and hooded figure can be. The new ones may just be new poses, but they're still good. I just hope they look decent next to each other on the table, instead of being grossly disproportionate (like Miss Terious being so tiny next to everyone).

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I think the old stalkerswere great and had really good and dynamic poses. With the new plastics, what I've assembled, they are very tiny.. So if that continues mixed groups will look actually quite ugly. Hope that's not the case.

I think for most of them that feeling of tinyness comes from them being more realistic proportions rather than the more cartoony heroic style of the old ones. So they are the same height (other than giants like the old Lady J model) but look skinny and soft because they don't have exaggerated muscles and overly large heads anymore. That's just a style shift, but you're right it makes it look weird together.

Stalkers, though, are little jawas of robes and hoods, which I hope will look equally cool in the new style sculpt as the old.

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I've found the art ridiculously hit or miss whenever I share them with my friends.

I find it really strange, because I really liked the artwork in book 4, so I'm not sure what changed with about half of the artwork/direction for M2E.

Edited by Ender101
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Halcyon, you are correct, how come I didnt think of it that way :D

But this seems like a big change of image, will it be so that when the new models arrive the old ones are sold off and they wont be made anymore?

Yes, once the new models are in place for all the existing characters the old sculpts will be discontinued. Wyrd is, as far as I know, getting out the metal business.

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I have seen the plastic stalker (which to me looks the same as a metal witchling), but were others revealed? Could you give a link?

The new plastic stalker you saw was probably the promo model released with a miniatures magazine. It has not been revealed whether or not it is a going to be one of the standard sculpts.

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  • 2 months later...

There's some of the art/minis I do like, the ice golem actually looks like a golem now, and not an anorexic troll, new bells, death marshalls, gremlins still look goofy as they should. and there's some I like the older art beter, like the Viks, Seamus, McMourning (mostly those glasses) so I'm sort of on the fence

---------- Post added at 11:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 PM ----------

Also, just caught this, but what is with Miranda's leg?

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