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Another player, more pictures


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Hi there

I'm pretty new to the game, but I love it so far!

I got a bunch of Gremlins (in construction), a Rail Crew box, Yamaziko, 2 japanese style figurine as proxies for the moment, a Ten Thunders box (unopened yet), Ten Thunders Archers (in construction) and a Rail Golem (half-painted). I'm having a lot of fun and inspiration from this forum, so it's time to give back a little bit.


Thanks, keep posting pictures here, it helps others and enjoy the game!

Sorry for my english ;)






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Thanks all :)

Evilbleachman >

1. Your shades are already amazing, there's a bit too much contrast in mines I think. But my "technique" is pretty simple :

1) priming in White

2) base color (orange Mei Feng) => Yellow Ochre

base color (Yellow Kang) => Naples Yellow Hue

3) Some highlights with a mix of Naples Yellow Hue and Primary Yellow

4) Generous layer of Casandora Yellow shade all over

5) thin layer of Seraphim Sepia mainly in the shadow area

6) you might want to darken the deeper shadow with Agrax Earthshade/Nuln Oil [edited]

7 delicate drybrushing with your highlight mix very slowy as necessary


2. My proxy miniature are from McVey Studio as MisterShine quickly recognised them. One of them is probably out of production as I received the second-to-last one from the production serie.

3. One day I will be awesome and I'll change to another hobby.. but that day is far from now :P

4. Orange for the Win!

Now, I've almost completed my Rail Golem, I still need to work on the base and probably rectify some minor details. But there it is.


have a nice day!


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The yellow wash is pretty sweet stuff. Its how I do fire for my models. Always been tempted to give the golden artist colour paints a try. They're about the only other choice for fluid acrylics locally, and I've been really liking that style of paint for brighter colours.

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Seems like you used drybryshing a lot on these. And I'm not saying that as a criticism - I think it's the most underrated technique that can give some really excellent effects. Your works are good examples as the clothes on these look absolutely fantastic.

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Thanks for the comments

I've finished my archers and will base them when I'll be back home.


Now I started the torakage... and I'm pretty disapointed with the first one, too flashy, too shiny (it might be better if I could put a matt varnish on it) and the color scheme dont fit as expected... anyway I've started another one a bit differently, expecting to do better.


And to pass my "frustration" I had fun with Wong, I love that miniature.


have a nice day

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