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Zac gets a bit excited


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New photo means double posting is Legit, right?


Wastrel1 by zachos2, on Flickr

Finished the first of my wastrels. This guy got more green on him than anyone else in this crew is likely to get, as he looked quite irish from the sculpt, so I decided to go the whole way and give him a green suit and hat, with ginger hair. I love how the models have so much character that I sometimes get inspired enough to do something different with them. The green wasn't too far off the beaten track of course. With Red being the accent colour of my guild models green shades and washes have found their way into a lot of my browns and greys, what with it being complementary to red and all. I think I'll probably base all three wastrels together once they're done, so for now this guy will be waiting while I get back to painting...

C&C welcome, as always


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Thanks again Viruk. The highlighting doesn't show greatly in these photos, but I was wary of going too green: I didn't want him to look like a leprechaun, just the kind of person that enjoys a guinness and a fight...

But I have a bit of a problem. I painted my favourite Wastrel model first, and now I'm struggling to get the motivation to finish the other two. A word to the wise: always have a reward ready for when you've finished the models you struggle with. I normally do this by rewarding myself with the squad leader/HQ/master. I have failed to do this this time around. So here are some little bits that I've been doing while trying to get my head in the right frame of mind:


The Irish Wastrel has now been based. I decided to do all three bases before doing the other wastrels. Couldn't cope with having him sitting there on his cork.


In the current edition, a pathfinder eats dead people, so corpse counters are needed. And here are some of mine: I'll need to make some more of course, but a few at a time will do me. I'll need a bunch more when I finally pick up McMourning.

And now the special leather thing you may remember from page 1:


My Custom Carry Case:


It's coated in black leather and has weathered brass corners. The inside is lined with red baize (the stuff that covers poker tables), and contains everything I need to play a game of Malifaux.


It has a false bottom with the models stored in foam underneath the tray...


A second box inside has my fate deck and my laminated model cards. The latter will fit a lot better with the standard size used in M2E.


Other things included in the case: A wooden range ruler; A chinograph pencil for making notes on the laminated cards; a normal pencil and notebook for further notes; two test tubes of jelly bean/soulstones; two cheat cards for M1.5 (laminated again) and a wanted poster, with a rare image of a dangerous criminal.


And the tray flips over to become a display board.


Like so ^

C&C welcome, I'm planning on building some more of these, all slightly different so your thoughts on what else might be needed would be rather useful.

All the best.


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@Edonil: I didn't really cost count with the case. It was very much a "This needs to be done, for awesome, so it shall be done". As I said, I'm gonna be building a couple more, so maybe I'll do a tutorial with them.

@Guardian: Thanks. It's part one of a long road to making the most awesome Malifaux playing experience possible.

@Anfalas: The board is great fun, but no-where near finished. We've played a few games that have showed us what else we need to do with it, and we're also planning on adding little areas of interest in each of the squares.

@Vin: Thanks for the compliment.

Got a chance last week to sit down and finish painting the other two Wastrels. Here they are:


Wastrels by zachos2, on Flickr

Not as keen on these two models. Probbaly the weakest of the set IMO. Definitely prefer the Irish looking one. Still miles better than any other company has produced though.

C&C welcome.


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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, been a bit of a long time since an update: I've just started a new job. I did take an opportunity to build my Lady J crew's bases:


image by zachos2, on Flickr

The idea is that eventually I'll own the entire guild faction, with bases that work together, but that are themed to the individual models. As guild are pretty much the Wild West aspect of Malifaux, they're getting Wild West bases, and Justice and crew are obviously making their way through a graveyard, ready to put the risen dead back into the graves from which they came.

The three death marshalls didn't really have enough room for extra scenery on their bases, what with the big old coffins they lug around. The judge and the scales both get tombstones to thread through, while Lady J is perching on a small outcrop, as while I considered something more tomblike, I felt she really needed a bit of extra height.

C&C welcome

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seems i jumped into this thread a bit late, but love everything youve shown us here... your favorite wastrel, i see that model and it screams to me "paint me up like clockwork orange and i'll perform a bit of ultra violence on the board for you" the other 2 wastrels dont fit the movie as well though.

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WWell guys, been doing lots of painting this weekend, so my crew can be ready for my LGS window display to advertise our M2E event next weekend:


image by zachos2, on Flickr

Really happy with how it turned out, tried some NMM, which I'm quite happy with. Going to have to finish them at some point, cause I had planned to try some OSL as well, but decided to get them to tabletop quality first, so I can use them in demos next weekend.

Oh yeah, cause I'm now a henchman. :D

C&C welcome, although I appreciate the photo isn't great as it's through the window.

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  • 1 month later...

Well it's been a while chaps but I'm now painting stuff up for an arc anise crew to take to a local tournament. So please welcome to the Christmas crew, the happy little elf, December Acolyte:


Christmas Acolyte by zachos2, on Flickr

Expect a lot more in the coming days: I have a lot of models to paint and very little time to do it in.

All the best


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys. It's been a bit of a while, and I've been really busy. Completed another crew, which I'll get some photos of soon, but the big stuff is I've been making a new demo board that is easier to lug about:


Board WIP by zachos2, on Flickr

Next step is to papier mache everything, then texture, magnetic paint, colour and details, before finally water effects and adding some hinges and big magnets to hold it together in storage.

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