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What M2E changes do you want to see in this faction?


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Fitid: While I do agree with you that guild guards are useless, Death Marshals excel at shooting. A 4 S.S. model plays a ram to attack and your damage profile becomes 4/5/7 thats impressive.

Blog: I love your quote, but the issue I'm having is this. Yes changes need to be made but you go and change everything it a crap shoot on what was fixed, whats now broken, and new rules people hate just as much.

The changes I'd like to see with this fraction are changes I'd like to see with every fraction. I'd like there to be more encouragement or requirement to play your own box people. It just seems like theres little to no unity in so meny box sets. Ive never seen a McMorning crew run a nurse. With my crew being Justice its even funnier, I often run her and no other death marshals and see no difference, I mean theres no synergy anyway.


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Blog: On closer inspection, that's pretty much a description of the two first turns of every game I ever played with Nico and Mort. And yeah, it's onesided but works. And yeah, atm you need either Mort or Rafkin to do something with Nico 1st and 2nd turn (well, maybe take a Belle and/or Toshiro and move forward to Decay/Rigour stuff on 1st turn... :P Have to test.). But yeah, he would need something to dig up MZs because they work with him on so many levels.

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Blog: On closer inspection, that's pretty much a description of the two first turns of every game I ever played with Nico and Mort. And yeah, it's onesided but works. And yeah, atm you need either Mort or Rafkin to do something with Nico 1st and 2nd turn (well, maybe take a Belle and/or Toshiro and move forward to Decay/Rigour stuff on 1st turn... :P Have to test.). But yeah, he would need something to dig up MZs because they work with him on so many levels.

Yea man, he just needs something ya know? If he can do something in rounds 1 and 2 that didn't include mortimer or rafkin, or something, he would be so much cooler. Just some thought. Wyrd has a HUGE opportunity right now. I hope the beta fixes alot.

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What I want from 2E...I want Wyrd to issue a new policy where if you spend over 300$ at Gencon they let you crash at their place when you can't pay rent.

I also would like to see slight modifications to some box sets. I feel that Nicodem deserves some mindless zombies in a starter box. Even if it's a silly number like 2 or so mething.

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... I just realised my biggest problem with the incoming rules: if there comes an option to buy upgrades to various non-peon models, hopefully there won't be any need for WYSIWYG (ie. upgrades can be seen on the models). I have seen magnets in use miniature games (namely warjacks and - beasts in Warmahordes) but this game is not one in which I want to see them.

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... I just realised my biggest problem with the incoming rules: if there comes an option to buy upgrades to various non-peon models, hopefully there won't be any need for WYSIWYG (ie. upgrades can be seen on the models). I have seen magnets in use miniature games (namely warjacks and - beasts in Warmahordes) but this game is not one in which I want to see them.

This was covered on a podcast: no need to wysiwyg upgrades at all.

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I have a feeling that the changes to game play will require a change to all masters. Just because they work well now doesn't mean they would transfer to the new rules set well. I'm still very optimistic overall and can't wait for the end of this month for the beta!

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I want to see dual faction not homogenizing the entire game.

We'll see.

Specifically to us, I just want Too Far Gone being removed from Autopsies. That's about all I want different.

Comping,although wit other changes (see above).

And it's good that we have these forums and stuff for not all of us follow podcasts.

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  • 3 weeks later...
What about, instead of a bone pile, we get a giant tap dancing skeleton named Mr Bojangles who turns models into mindless (dancing) zombies?

But in all seriousness, I'd love to see Seamus and Molly get some love and Kirai have a wider selection of models to choose from.

Kutos to you good sir.

The faction does have its needs, I'm a recently turned fan of the Ressur's myself. Starting out with a huge list for Nico and noticing that Seamus needs something to be a bit more viable. He's not hindered, per-say, just lacking that punch that the other Masters have. The only viable Seamus crew I could see is one that includes an all WP-based offensive team. Namely Yin, The Hanged, Molly of course, and even Jack Daw. Then it just boils down to correct placement and synergy.

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I'm curious what you guys think of Yan Lo in the next addition?

Do you think the crew is going to get changed at all, or was it sort of designed with the new edition in mind?

Having used the crew for a while now the only model that feels off somehow is Toshiro. In my games at least, he tends to just stand around alot.

I suppose if I was forced to nitpick, Yin not giving Anathema for the game is a bit off considering the high crow needed that competes with other models needs for the same card, Ashigaru IMO need hard to wound 1 as hard but brittle is useless without getting a negative flip on defence and that's really about it.

So, do you guys think there will be many changes, or are there any yyou would like to see in next addition for Yan specifically?

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I'm curious what you guys think of Yan Lo in the next addition?

Do you think the crew is going to get changed at all, or was it sort of designed with the new edition in mind?

Having used the crew for a while now the only model that feels off somehow is Toshiro. In my games at least, he tends to just stand around alot.

I suppose if I was forced to nitpick, Yin not giving Anathema for the game is a bit off considering the high crow needed that competes with other models needs for the same card, Ashigaru IMO need hard to wound 1 as hard but brittle is useless without getting a negative flip on defence and that's really about it.

So, do you guys think there will be many changes, or are there any yyou would like to see in next addition for Yan specifically?

I'm sure there will be changes, yes.

What changes?

No idea.

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