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Line of Site Laser Aid

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After seeing quite a few players in the North Virgina group of Malifaux players using these, I thought they would be a nice tool to have. Something that could be used to check LoS between models without leaving any room for arguing between players.

So, I set out to try and find where I could purchase such a thing online and only came across one seller. They were being sold for at least $40, were out of stock, and had no intention of getting more soon.

This left me with one other option, find out how to make them. So I now present to you my finished prototype for a cheap, portable LoS laser.


More in use pictures will be posted later tonight when I get the time to do so.

Now that I've made this, I've gotten some requests from other people that would also like one. I am currently looking into ways of making these cheaper, while not diminishing quality and decided to gauge interest in them to see if anyone else would be interested in something like this. The way it looks in the picture may not be representative of the look of the final product (no sales will be made until final look is done). I'd also like to mention that during my research in to making these, I've discovered that I could also make them in an assortment of other colors (blue and green thus far).

If anyone is interested in these, please send me a message letting me know.

***UPDATE (5/5/2013)***

OK so update time. I've ordered all the parts. I'm being told that I should have the cases by the 17th of May and the Lasers by the 17th of June. I'm planning on prepping all of the cases in advance so that when the lasers get in I can make them quickly and get them sent out. When they are ready I'm going to update here and put them up on an etsy.com account for people to purchase them. As for price, each of these will cost about $10 (+S&H), since there was enough desire to warrant buying the parts in bulk.



Edited by CrouchingMoose
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Does the beam grow with distance? What's it's max width? Color me interested...

I haven't measured it to find out exactly how long the beam can get. But here's some photos of it in use.


This first image shows the beam completely crossing my hobby/gaming table at home which is about 5'6" on each side. I know the line can get much bigger, but I figured that this would be a good demonstration of it working for most peoples uses.


This 2nd photo shows me using it to draw line of sight between a couple of models and terrain on my giant Pink Foam board.

The light also runs on 2 AAA batteries. If you've got any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

I'd also like to say that since I've already seen a good amount of interest in these, that I have ordered the laser modules and just need to find a good casing to put them in which should be done this weekend (Sunday most likely). Once that is done, I can show what the final product will look like and be able to give provide an exact cost for these.

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Oooh, I may have to get me one of these :)

What colors can you do besides red?

I can do green and blue lasers, but that does drive the price up significantly (difference of about $20 for green, little less for blue). Why this is, I don't know other than apparently they are harder to make and people selling them are pricing them that way.

Edited by CrouchingMoose
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Not blow up any cool product ideas but the old cat toy laser mouse could a good start though I do like the idea of a different color like green for my Ressers. Awesome tool for sure thanks for sharing. Koodos!!

The problem with the old cat laser toys is that they will only project a dot, which is kind of hard to draw line of sight with, while with the line lasers that I'm using, they will project a solid line that can be lined up much more easily.

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OK so update time, and I'll put this on the OP as well, but I've ordered all the parts. I'm being told that I should have the cases by the 17th of May and the Lasers by the 17th of June. I'm planning on prepping all of the cases in advance so that when the lasers get in I can make them quickly and get them sent out. When they are ready I'm going to update here and put them up on an etsy.com account for people to purchase them. As for price, each of these will cost about $10 (+S&H), since there was enough desire to warrant buying the parts in bulk.

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I've only ordered red lasers at this time, but I can place an order for greens and 1 blue (all the manufacturer has at this time) Prices on those are $30 (+S&H). I also need to know if your getting one soon so that I can get the laser ordered.

I'd pay for one Green along with one Red. Would that be okay? :)

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