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Is Malifaux in decline?

Math Mathonwy

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Our club is struggling to keep it going. Most players stopped as the complexity and wide range of individual rules was overwhelming, and most redirected their attention to WarmaHorde or Infinity, I'm lucky if I get a game there unfortunately, and usually my only option is now home with a mate. Really sad and kinda forces me to keep my 40k army if I want to play some game of some sort :(

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I know we don't play the game right :) but it just seems to be getting stronger and stronger in the UK. Events that a year ago might have had 12 players now have 24 or 30 showing up for a day of gaming, and more importantly its not the same players - new folk seem to be turning up all the time.

In the two local clubs i go to I would say it is up there for #1 spot as the most played game.

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It seems that this is a game that is driven by individuals.

If you don't have somebody pulling the weight, the community falls apart.

In our community, we have a constant number of 8 members. And we strive almost exclusively thanks to our henchman who organizes events and leagues. What is interesting though, that there isn't many new ppl getting interested in playing. We should work on that.

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Good to hear that the game is still going strong (though naturally this is a very biased sample, but the UK tournament scene thriving for example gives some more objective data). :)

It's just a shame that the minis side of things has kinda given way to the game side so much, but I suppose that is the way of things (I bought Wyrd minis before there even was a game simply because I really liked the style).

Do note that the ICv2 stats are highly biased and not at all representative. Not saying that they are wrong, mind you (that is pretty much what I would guess the order of the game being in the US), just that they really don't prove stuff either way.

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I know we don't play the game right :) but it just seems to be getting stronger and stronger in the UK. Events that a year ago might have had 12 players now have 24 or 30 showing up for a day of gaming, and more importantly its not the same players - new folk seem to be turning up all the time.

In the two local clubs i go to I would say it is up there for #1 spot as the most played game.

Yep the UK scene does seem to be growing if anything :)

The Derby group is now becoming established and along with Leicester and Sheffield its been a good year for this area of the UK. And with a new Henchman starting in Nottingham hopefully we will continue to see that growth into the next year.

....Um must start to put some more thought in that inter club challenge with Joel in Leicester

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I know in my area it is on the rise again. We struggled to get 6 players at an event as recently as October. But now, 6 is the minimum, and I'm pulling more and more for each event. Still small by some standards to be sure, but growing. And the core group I have is very enthusiastic about it. I have several players who don't play other systems, and don't really have an interest in shifting, so I imagine my core will stay strong for some time, which only helps to draw attention.

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