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Hey before i start i just want to make clear that i don't intend to hurt anybody with this thread.

I am a member of this forum since summer 2011 and i always thought of the faction forums as a place for healthy discussion, and new ideas but that changed in the last few months. Nowdays every second thread seems to be something like "need some help with X", "starting Y, need help".

There are hundreds of hundreds of those threads already. Why don't you just use the search function. Or ask about it in the new players forum. There even is a Malifaux tactica wiki out there which should have more than enough information to answer your questions.

Again i don't want to scare of new players but please people, the information is already there and it is not hard to find.

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I suppose in fairness to the newbies there are always bits that could be added, new experiences we get while playing and new models being added.

If I asked what is good with Mcmourning when I started playing I would have got a different answer to what I would have this week.

Maybe we should have 1 thread for each of these and just ask that people constantly add to it rather than create new ones.

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Or we could just accept that there will always be new forum users that are not accustomed to this particular forum culture. We can make all the tacticas we want, there will always be a few people just registering, popping their question and hope for the best.

It's easier to "groom" regular forum goers, but the new ones aren't regular yet, so I don't think there'll ever be a 100% solution to the "problem".

EDIT: Alternatively, we could close every new thread with "RTFM, noob"!

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The ‘XY Tactica’ mentioned already exist in the PullMyFinger wiki, so it might be appropriate to sticky a link to that in each faction forum. But the wiki tends toward making the best of every model [maybe except for the Malifaux Child, which has a less-than-glowing entry] so it is more useful for applying the miniatures you already own than assessing which models complement each other, especially as a new player. Getting a direct response to a direct question also allows tailoring such as ‘I prefer such-and-such a playstyle, can you help?’ which is hard to glean from the forums in general unless you can search through hundreds of threads.

Also, this is not such a busy forum that having an extra ‘I am new, what do you recommend?’ thread every few weeks is causing a problem in the traffic.

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One issue with the 'information is already there' idea is that some of the threads are older and some of the information may be obsolete, errata-ed, etc. While I agree it does get a little muddled with the same questions asked over and over.

I think a better solution is to either better support PullMyFinger with accurate and up-to-date tactica, or in each forums have a single FAQ master sticky that has links to the PullMyFinger pages, and more importantly, the 'best-of' threads for a particular master.

Issue with this is that no matter what someone has to keep it up-to-date.

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I don't know, maybe it is just me, but I enjoy replying to questions. I have always felt that the standard "go check the wiki" feels like brushing the person off. If I were new (and we all were at one time, as much as some like to think not) I find that helpful, but not really answering my question. It seems like a lack of community to just tell someone to go to another site and check that when it just as easy to post up your ideas and thoughts on the topic. You would learn more from asking 10 people about their experience versus reading 1 person's experience. But then again, that is just me.

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Hey before i start i just want to make clear that i don't intend to hurt anybody with this thread.

I am a member of this forum since summer 2011 and i always thought of the faction forums as a place for healthy discussion, and new ideas but that changed in the last few months. Nowdays every second thread seems to be something like "need some help with X", "starting Y, need help".

There are hundreds of hundreds of those threads already. Why don't you just use the search function. Or ask about it in the new players forum. There even is a Malifaux tactica wiki out there which should have more than enough information to answer your questions.

Again i don't want to scare of new players but please people, the information is already there and it is not hard to find.

That's the same reason I'd rather necro a thread than have to start a new thread on the same topic, even after using both the search function and using google to perform the same search. Either way, the new post pops up on the New Forum Posts bar, but with a necro, at least it's all going to the same place, instead of being posted in a whole other area that seemed more appropriate.

I like answering questions. I also like being able to have my questions answered from time to time. When the process of correctly posting the question is more of a headache than the question being asked, there's a problem. However, generally speaking, the Pullmyfinger Wiki seems to have more than enough advice to cover the I'm new to the game ​kinds of questions Orboros ​seems to be referring to.

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Hey! I worked hard on that entry! ;)

Seriously though, if you can think of a better use for the Malifaux Child in a crew, any crew, then by all means, go ahead and edit the entry. :)

Killing Children to Summon Demons

The Malifaux child is an inexpensive sacrifice option for bringing out Killjoy. The Child's low mobility might make it difficult to get close to your opponent's crew, however this can be negated if you can get him to a position where your opponent will probably want to be (e.g. an objective). Summoning Killjoy out of a child has numerous advantages. For instance, the blood of children makes him luckier, so he'll be more able to flip those high cards on his attack duels or resist damage from enemy models. A monster soaked in the blood of children is a happier one too, and will be less likely to fall off the table accidentally or chip its paint job.


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